#RCP 2013-10aAugust 16, 2013

Southwood Park Operations and Management Plan

University of Minnesota–City of North St. Paul

Scope of Work Agreement

#RCP 2013-10a

City Project Lead: Jessica Beise, Administrative Analyst/Assistant, City of North St. Paul, , 651.747.2585 (o)

City Project Associates: Additional City staff who will work with this project. List name, title, e-mail, and phone number

Nate Ehalt, Community Development Director, City of North St. Paul, , 651.747.2595 (o)

RCP Contact: Mike Greco, RCP Program Manager, , 612.625.7501 (o), 952.465.4133 (c)

U of MNFaculty: Ken Gilbertson, Associate Professor, Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (UMD), , 218.726.6258

Participating U of MN Course:EnEd 4315: Operations and Management (Fall 2013). Class meets Mon–Thur, 9:00–9:50 am in SpHC 9.

U of MN Student Contacts:List studentnames and U of MN e-mail addresses here. To encourage efficient communication between the city and student groups, please identify one key contact per student team.

Project Partners[MDG1]: Identify community partners (other than city personnel) who will participate in the project. List name, title, e-mail, and phone number

  • North St. Paul Greens group – Claudia, 651-777-3493
  • Parks & Recreation Commission – Lloyd Grachek, , 651.748.0054
  • Environmental AdvisoryAction Commission – Alan Robbins-Fenger, ,

Dave Nelson and Carrie Nelson (?)

Project Description:Provide a general description of the project and what students will do.

Southwood Park is a 29-acre nature reserve located in the southern portion of North St. Paul that features a large wetland, a restored oak savannah, and a limited walking trail system. Although the park has been the site of a number of restoration projects by volunteers, no long-term management or operations plan has been adopted for the facility.

Students in EnEd 4315 will work in conjunction with a management team from the City of North St. Paul and a technical advisory committee composed of City staff and other natural resource experts to gather technical data, solicit public input through public meetings, and develop recommendations that can inform a long-range operations and management plan for Southwood Park.

Project Goals/Objectives: List the intended goals, objectives, or outcomes of the project as they relate to the City’s interests. (Note: faculty may also ask students as part of the project to do additional work that does not explicitly meet—or goes beyond—the City’s stated objectives.)

The goal of the project is to provide data and recommendations that will inform a long-range operations and management plan for the Southwood Park Nature Reserve.

Final Deliverables/Work Products: identify specific deliverables/work product (this may include presentations, survey data, reports, or other deliverables from the course, and/or a formal final report based on student work but produced by RCP after the course ends)

  • Final written report
  • Presentation to an official city body (TBD with city staff)

Data Needs: Include all data or other information needed from the city for students to complete the class project. The project lead is responsible for ensuring all data listed here are available to students through the Netfiles site on the first day of class.

  • Existing “unofficial” management plan
  • GIS data layers available for the site
  • Other background reports, commission minutes, or other documentation related to Southwood Park

Timeline and Major Milestones or Tasks:Add or remove milestones or tasks from this list as needed; where possible, include specific date, time, and/or location

  • RCP and City staffclassroom visit:
  • Field trip:
  • Mid-project check-in:
  • In-class presentation:
  • Community presentation:
  • Course deliverables/work products:
  • Final RCP-producedreport (if requested by the City): no later than three months after the end of the semester

City of North St. Paul Responsibilities:

  • Convene all City staff necessary to facilitate project development and completion.
  • Engage external project partners and other stakeholders as needed to support project development and completion.
  • Provide in a timely fashion any data, reports, or other documents that are relevant to the project and scope of work.
  • Respond in a timely manner to project-related inquiries from faculty, students, and RCP staff.
  • Help to facilitate student field trips, as needed.
  • Have at least one City staff member present at both the mid-project check-inand final presentation on the U of MN campus (if applicable) to comment on student work.
  • Schedule and coordinate final presentation to community (if applicable).
  • Communicate to City of North St. Paul’s RCP Program Coordinator Nate Ehalt in a timely manner any issues or concerns regarding the project that cannot be directly resolved with the faculty contact.

Partner Organization Responsibilities:[MDG2]

  • The Parks and Recreation Commission’s Southwood Taskforce will be provide background data on what historically has been done in the preserve. Responsibility #1…

U of MN Faculty Responsibilities:

  • Supervise student coursework to ensurehigh-quality project deliverables/work products that meet the project goals/objectives.
  • Maintain regular communication with City staff and RCP staff as needed throughout the project to ensure collaborative working relationship.
  • If student teams will be in direct communication with City project lead, identify one primary student contact for the project from each team.
  • Facilitateat least oneclass field trip to North St. Paul early in the semester, as needed.
  • Communicate to RCP Program Manager Mike Greco in a timely manner any issues or concerns regarding the project that cannot be directly resolved with the project lead.

Resilient Communities Project Responsibilities:

  • Identify and engage University of Minnesota graduate and upper-level undergraduate courses and students to facilitate project deliverables and desired outcomes.
  • Maintain regular communication with City staff, faculty, and students as needed throughout the project to ensure collaborative working relationship, provide technical assistance, and troubleshoot as needed.
  • Work with students as needed to prepare final RCP-produced report to be released to City in electronic and paper format no more than three months after the end of the semester (if requested by City).
  • Ensure that faculty and students are aware of and abide by the data use and technology policies for use of City data and the RCP Netfiles and Moodle sites.
  • Plan and coordinate Kickoff Event (September 2012), Community Open Houses (October 2013 and February 2014), and End-of-Year Celebration (May 2013).
  • Coordinate all communications efforts related to this project with City Communications ManagerLaurie Koehnle.
  • Communicate to City of North St. Paul’s RCP Program Coordinator Nate Ehalt in a timely fashion any issues or concerns regarding the project.

Expense Reimbursement:

RCP will reimburse reasonable project-related expenses incurred by faculty or students, including travel to and from North St. Paul, printing, and supplies. Lodging, meals, computer hardware or software, and parking at the University of Minnesota are NOT eligible expenses. To request reimbursement, you must submit a U of MN Reimbursement Form signed by the course instructor to: Mike Greco, , 330 HHHSPA, Fax: 612-626-0273.

Approved by:


Nate Ehalt, RCP Program Coordinator, City of North St. Paul


XXXX, City Project Lead, City of North St. Paul


XXXX, Faculty Member or Student(s), University of Minnesota


Mike Greco, Program Manager, Resilient Communities Project

University of Minnesota Policy on “Copyright Ownership” (policy.umn.edu/Policies/Research/COPYRIGHT.html) states that students own the copyright in works created in or as part of a University course. However, the University may require students—as a condition of enrolling in a course—to permit reproduction or other use of the work. For all work product and deliverables created under this scope of work, students enrolled in the course who work on an RCP-supported project will be required to grant, in writing, aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) license.This allows others to reproduce, build upon, modify, and distribute the work for noncommercial uses, as long as they credit the copyright holder.

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[MDG1]For those partners who will be directly involved in the project, please identify a contact person and provide contact information.

[MDG2]For those partners who will be directly involved in projects, please indicate how they will be involved (e.g., will participate in project focus groups, provide data for the project, etc.)