World Trade Council of Wichita, Inc.

Center for International Business Advancement (CIBA)

Barton School of Business, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67260-0088

Tel: 316-978-3176 Fax: 316-978-3698

Announcing Thursday November 18 Reception, Dinner & Speakers Program

“Doing Business with France”

Place: Olive Tree Bistro

2949 N. Rock Road, Wichita, Kansas

Date: Thursday, November 18, 2004

Time: 6:00 pm Social & Hosted Reception

[Courtesy French Embassy & French Trade Commission]

7:00 pm Banquet & Wine

8:00 pm Program

Introductions: Dr. Dharma deSilva, Chair, World Trade Council of Wichita

Featured Speakers:

Mr. Mathieu Bonnet, Deputy Minister Counselor for Foreign Trade, French Embassy

“French-American Commercial Ties”

Mr. Ludovic Vallet, Vice President, Invest in France Agency North America

“Doing Business in France”

Mr. Gaétan Guibert, Attaché, French Trade Commission, French Embassy

“Doing Business with the French Aeronautic Industry”

Accompanying delegation: Mr. Cédric Taveau, CEO, SERQUA of France, Mr. Sebastian Taveau SERQUA of France and Mr. Eric Bujon, Embassy of France.

9:00 – 9:15 pm Q & A

9:20 pm Adjourn – Opportunity for Individual Consultations

RESERVATIONS: Fax 978-3698 or online - or email: [Reservations not cancelled 48 hours in advance will be billed]

R.S.V.P. Please make reservations with payment before November 15 to:

World Trade Council of Wichita, Inc.

CIBA, Barton School, CH 034, Wichita State University

1845 N. Fairmount, Wichita, KS 67260-0088

Make Reservation(s) for ______@ $20.00 Member ______@ $25.00 Non-Member [Walk-ins $30.00]

Member[s]: ______Tel: ______

NonMember[s]: ______


Please invite spouse/friends and business associates for WTC programs & kindly enroll new members

Upcoming WTC Events:

·  Dec. 16, 2004 Annual Member-Get-Together & Tasting Wines Around the World - Piccadilly

·  Jan. 27, 2005 Stephen Chipman, Grant Thornton, “Global Economic Trends & Trade Prospects”

·  Jan 27, 2005 Exporting Best Practices & Prospects Seminar co-sponsors Grant Thornton & Commerce Bank

Sponsored by World Trade Council of Wichita, affiliated with The Chamber & WSU/Center for International Business Advancement, in association with CIBA-USED/BIE Project & IBSA-WSU

WTC – A Non-Profit Organization Affiliated with WSU’s Center for International Business Advancement & The Chamber