Mrs. Brecht

Room 117

  1. Course Description

Music Theory offers students an opportunity to examine various elements of music.

The following is a list of topics that will be covered in Music Theory:

+ Time Signatures+ Minor Scales

+ Key Signatures+ Music Appreciation

+ Note Names+ Music History

+ Note Values+ Intervals

+ Major Scales + Building Triads

+ Other elements will be added as time permits


The following assessments will contribute to the percentage grade a student will earn in this course: Class Participation, Performance Participation, Rehearsal Participation, Writing Assignments/Homework, Playing Exams, and Written Exams will combine to make 80% of your grade. Finals and in some cases midterms will be worth 20% of the overall grade, collectively.

Below is a brief description of each assessment:

  • Class, Performance and Rehearsal Participation – Music Education and Instrumental Performance are the main goals of this course. Success is dependent on participation. Lack of participation will result in a drop in grade. Students are expected to participate in each class, rehearsal, and performance. Failure to attend the Holiday and/or the Spring Concert or Graduation will be equivalent to a drop in letter grade for each occurrence.
  • Writing Assignments/Homework – Occasional in-class writing assignments and take-home homework assignments will be given. Students are expected to complete assignments on time for credit. Late assignments will be credited as outlined below. All written assignments must start with the proper heading. The proper heading on assignments will be:

NAME (First Last)




TITLE (centered)

Begin assignment here…….

The scores on these assessments will combine to create your overall percent for this course. The overall percentage will be recorded as your grade in the course.

Exams – Notice of upcoming exams, both playing and written will be given at least four (4) days prior to exam. Unless told otherwise by the instructor, exams must be completed in one (1) class period. The only allowable questions during exams are for clarification on directions.

  • Midterms and Finals – Midterms and finals will be given in all full year courses. Finals will be given in all semester classes.

Full Year – midterms = 10%

Finals = 10%

Semester – finals = 20%

  • Late assignments, homework, projects, etc - All assignments must be turned in. If students have not been absent and turn in late work the following point distribution scale will apply:

ASSIGNMENT TYPE / on time / late 1 day / late >1 day
small ticket items
(assignments you will go over in class the next day and provide answers) / full credit / no credit / N/A
big ticket items
(assignments that you need to check for formative assessment purposes) / full credit / ½ credit / no credit
projects, essays, labs, etc / full credit / 1 day late -10% off earned grade
2 days late -20% off earned grade
3 days late -30% off earned grade
>3 days late NO credit (“I” grade at
teacher discretion)
  • All tests and quizzes will contain the Academic Integrity statement. Student must sign the statement for the test or quiz to be considered authentic and gradable.
  • Students must sign their names in legible cursive (not printed).
  • All student answers on tests and collected work should restate the question within the answer, not just write in complete sentence

Example: What color dress was Sara wearing?

Wrong answer:red

Wrong answer: It was red.

Wrong answer: She was wearing a red dress.

Correct answer:Sara was wearing a red dress.

III.Music and School Instruments

Students will be provided with all music necessary for this course. To comply with copyright laws, all music must be returned to the music department after use. School Instruments will be provided for student use on a first-come, first-served basis. It will be the student’s responsibility to maintain assigned instruments. Instruments must be returned at the end of each year. Excessive damage and repair costs will be the responsibility of the student.

  1. Attendance/Make-Ups

Attendance is essential to education. For a higher chance of success in education, a student must make attendance a priority. We build on what we learn each day in all music classes. Every concept ties into previous lessons.

Any work missed on a day of an absence must be made up in the same amount of time that the student has missed. For example, if a student misses two (2) days of school, then the student has two (2) days to make up all work. Occasional absences should not alter class participation grades dramatically, however, if absenteeism is excessive, your participation grade will suffer.

Students missing a performance(excused absences only) will be given an assignment to compensate for the performance grade. Assignments for missed performances will consist of a 5-10 page written research paper in MLA format on the subject of Mrs. Brecht’s choice.

Since notice of exams will be given at least four (4) days in advance, when a student is absent the day before an exam and is present for the day of the exam, the student is still responsible for taking the exam.

When a student is absent on the day of the exam, the student is responsible for taking the exam on the day that he/she returns. The make-up of the exam will take place during mentoring period unless other arrangements have been made in advance with Mrs. Brecht. The make-up will not take place during class unless given permission by the instructor.

  1. Incompletes

An incomplete will be issued for any grade that has not been completed or turned in. The incomplete will turn in to a zero “0” at the end of two weeks, “10 school days,” after the grading period that the grade was due passes.

  1. Late to School/Tardy to Class

If a student arrives late to school and misses class, the student is responsible for obtaining all work missed and turning in all work that may be due.

Disruptions will not be tolerated. Excessive tardiness to class will not be tolerated.

  1. Early Dismissals

If a student has a scheduled early dismissal (i.e. sports dismissals, doctor’s appointment), the student is responsible for turning in all assignments, obtaining assignments, and taking exams or making necessary arrangements before the dismissal occurs. Failure to follow this procedure will result in a zero for all assignments, participation points, and exams involved.

  1. Planners/Agendas

Planners/Agendas have been provided for every high school student. Students are expected to carry planners/agendas with them at all times during school hours. Students will be assigned a teacher detention if they do not have their planner/agenda for music classes.

  1. Restroom Privilege

Unless special circumstances apply, a student must ask permission to leave the classroom for the purpose of using the restroom/water fountain. Any student leaving the room must sign out by printing his/her full name legibly on the sign–out sheet along with the sign-out time, plus have the teacher sign your planner/agenda. All students must have the instructor’s permission to leave the room before signing out. Only one student at a time will be permitted to leave the room. No student should be in the hall without a pass. All students must complete the sign-in time when returning from the restroom/water fountain. Excessive time out of class will not be tolerated. Failure to follow this procedure will result in the loss of this privilege and/or teacher detention.

  1. Cell Phones/iPods/MP3 Players

The use of a cell phone or MP3 Player in the classroom is strictly prohibited. If a student is found using his/her cell phone or iPod, regardless of circumstances, the device will be confiscated and turned into the office at the end of the school day. Failure to comply with this procedure will result in disciplinary action from the office and/or teacher detention.

  1. Extra Assistance

If a student has questions on assignments/homework, exam preparation, or music, the student should see the instructor to make arrangements for extra help or lessons. Extra Assistance will be offered after school or during mentoring period if the instructor is available.

  1. Requirements

Each student will be required to be prepared every time he/she enters the classroom. (Remember, the football stadium is considered the classroom also.) Being prepared means having a pencil, your instrument, your music, and drill books/sheets ready at all times and turning assignments in on time.

It is not difficult to get an excellent grade in any music class as long as you are prepared and you try.

  1. Classroom Rules
  2. NO GUM
  3. No food or drink of any kind. (Water is allowed for after-school practices.)
  4. You break it; you bought it. Hint: If it is not yours, do not touch it.
  5. Do not touch instruments or music that is not yours. Refer to Rule 3.
  6. The band room is a special place for each of us. Take care of it.
  7. You must participate and try. A good attitude helps.
  8. Inappropriate language will not be tolerated.
  9. Respect
  10. Mrs. Brecht
  11. Substitutes/Student Teachers
  12. Your Peers
  13. Yourself
  14. All school rules will be enforced in the band room.
  1. Disciplinary Actions

Failure to comply with rules can result in and and/or all of the following disciplinary actions:

  1. Warning (provisional to school rules)
  2. teacher detention
  3. call parent/guardian
  4. parent/guardian conference
  5. disciplinary referral
  6. office detention
  7. suspension
  8. request for removal from the music elective

XV.School Web Page