NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund

2012 Next Generation RKBA Scholars Seminar

o  8:00 a.m.: Welcome by Alice Marie Beard.

o  8:15 a.m.: Don Kates: “Criminology”

o  9:00 a.m.: Professor Joyce Malcolm:"Common Law Tradition of Self-Defense, the Divergence Between the American and British Approach in the 20th Century, and the Repercussions for Public Safety”

o  10:00 a.m.: Professor Randy Barnett: "Originalist interpretive methodology-- in particular, the distinction between constitutional interpretation and constitutional construction"

o  10:45 a.m.: Professor Robert Cottrol:"Revitalization of the Militia”

o  11:30 a.m.: Joshua Blackman: “The Second Amendment’s Social Costs”

o  NOON: Professor Nick Johnson,Professor Michael O'Shea, David Kopel, George Mocsary:Lunch-time book presentation of the new 2nd Amendment law school textbook: Firearms Law and the Second Amendment: Regulation, Rights, and Policy (Aspen Publishers).

o  1 p.m.: Don Kates:“Falsity of Notion that 2nd Amendment Was a Compromise”

o  1:45 p.m.: Dave Hardy: “Relationship Between the 2nd Amendment and the Right to Arms Provisions in Various State Constitutions”

o  2:15 p.m.: Dr. Stephen Halbrook: "The Right to Carry and How It Fits with the Right to Keep and Bear"

o  3:00 p.m.: Professor Nicholas Johnson: “Firearms and the Black Community: An Assessment of the Modern Orthodoxy”

o  3:45 p.m.: Ilya Shapiro &Josh Blackman: “Justice Thomas' Concurrence in McDonald: WhatIt -- andTherefore the Privileges or Immunities Clause -- Means forFuture RKBA-related Litigation”

o  4:30 p.m.: Dave Hardy: “Congressional Implementation Under Section 5 of the 14th Amendment”

End at 5:00 p.m.

o  7:00 p.m.: The Circle of Second Amendment Friendship Dinner, with welcome by Alice Marie Beard

o  8:00 p.m.: Introduction of guest speaker by Daniel Polsby, Dean of George Mason University School of Law.

o  Guest Speaker: The Honorable Laurence H. Silberman, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, author of Parker v. D.C., upheld in Heller v. D.C. (2008):
“Heller: Past, Present, & Future”

Special presentation by Sandra Froman, NRA Board Member, former President of the National Rifle Association, and Harvard Law graduate.

Carter-Knight Freedom Award: Don Kates received the 2011 Carter-Knight Freedom Award from the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund, presented by Sandra Froman.