Equity for Philadelphia's Children Through School Library Programming p.2
[L]ibraries in schools with a high population of poor students had significantly fewer staff and new volumes, often utilized a fixed schedule, and were closed more days than libraries in schools with relatively few poor students.
Pribesh, S. & Gavigan, K. Linworth/Alise 2009 Youth Services Paper: Equal Opportunity? Poverty and Characteristics of School Library Media Centers. Library Media Connection, March-April 2009, 21.
Why is a school librarian needed; what does this professional add to the success of a student's academic achievement?
School librarians are:
COACH--Equip all students and staff members to find good information and synthesize ideas
PILOT/NAVIGATOR/SAGE--Lead beyond technology and information (tools to collect/scoop/smush, a.k.a. cut-and-paste) to meaning and literacy (inquiry, comprehension, synthesis and learning)
WEAVER/STORYTELLER/MAGICIAN--Build the information literacy skills of students and staff, including use of print resources
TRADITIONAL LIBRARIAN/READING EXPERT-- Show the connection between research, questioning, strategic reading, literacy, and original thought
INVENTOR/POLITICIAN--Advocate to policy- and decision-makers for well-funded school library programs with certified librarians, adequate staffing and adequate current resources
McKenzie, J. (3/2010). From Now On the educational technology journal, 19(4) Retrieved 4/18/2010 http://fno.org/mar2010/still.html> [Adapted with permission of the author]
Why should school libraries be funded when there is no money in school budgets for them?
A well-equipped school library program through the grades is essential for students' education, assuring success in college, particularly in quality of resources selected by students and methods used in presenting research assignments. Well-funded school libraries level the playing field for low-income students who access higher education. In addition, Access Pennsylvania, available in many SDP school libraries when they are open, provides 19.5 million titles and 75 million items to any child or adult through interlibrary loan (ILL), an excellent return on investment.
From where can the money come to support school libraries?
When school libraries are acknowledged as important to students' academic achievement, the priority will be met. Perceived importance leads to funding.
Why should a librarian be hired instead of another classroom teacher?
The certified librarian is a cross-disciplinary resource who can integrate the skills students learn in science, English, history, auto-repair shop or restaurant practice. A certified librarian is able to match a student's passion for ideals and ideas with the resource that leads to inspiration. Maximized services of school librarians are proven to lead to higher student test scores.
Why should school library services be mandated instead of left to the principal's discretion?
Research says that good schools have good libraries. In lean economic times, principals look to library programs to balance the school budget by cutting services and/or closing libraries. Well-funded library programs put the poor on an equal playing field with the well off; they maintain a free and democratic society; and when attractive materials are provided, students are assured that they are valued.