2015/16 Earth Science Course Syllabus

Mrs. Shannon Fosgett

Room 720 951-696-1408 x 5720

Welcome to Earth Science!

·  We have a fantastic year of inquiry, learning, growth and transformation ahead as we explore this dynamic, fascinating planet we call home.

·  Students and parents, please read, sign, and date this syllabus. This is your first graded assignment.

·  Please contact me any time questions or concerns arise. We are a team.

·  Back to School Night is 8/31/15. I look forward to seeing you there.

Course Information

Earth Science is a 10th-12th grade physical science course that fulfills MVHS graduation requirements and meets the UC/CSU “G” elective entrance requirement. It is designed to allow students to examine the Earth’s dynamic systems and processes as well as exploring Earth’s relationship to the solar system and beyond. Earth Science content incorporates the Earth and Space Science Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core Literacy Standards for Science. It includes the study of geology, oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy.

Course Syllabus

Unit / Chapter / Semester 1 Content / Unit / Chapter / Semester 2 Content
1 / 1 / Introduction to Earth Science / 4 / 14 / The Ocean Floor
1 / 2 / Minerals / 4 / 15 / Ocean Water and Ocean Life
1 / 3 / Rocks & Rock Cycle / 4 / 16 / The Dynamic Ocean
1 / 4 / Earth’s Resources
5 / 17 / Atmosphere: Structure & Temperature
2 / 8 / Earthquakes & Earth’s Interior / 5 / 18 / Moisture, Clouds & Precipitation
2 / 9 / Plate Tectonics / 5 / 19 / Air Pressure & Wind
2 / 10 / Volcanoes & Igneous Activity / 5 / 20 / Weather Patterns & Severe Storms
2 / 11 / Mountain Building / 5 / 21 / Climate
3 / 12 / Geologic Time / 6 / 22 / Origin of Modern Astronomy
3 / 13A / California’s Resources & Natural / 6 / 23 / Touring Our Solar System
Hazards / 6 / 24 / Studying the Sun
6 / 25 / Beyond Our Solar System

Assessment & Grades: You will have multiple ways to demonstrate what you are learning. These include

classwork, homework, labs and projects, which make up 50% of your grade. Tests and quizzes are an additional 40% of your grade. Your semester final is worth 10%.

Grading Scale: A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = Less than 60%

Late Work: Is accepted, but will earn a maximum of half credit (50%) and must be turned in by the six week progress report or no credit will be given. Be sure to check Aeries.net regularly for missing assignments. Getting behind on assignments will have a negative effect on overall performance and progress.

Materials: The text for this course is Earth Science by Prentice Hall. Being successful depends on staying organized and having what you need to work and study. You are required to maintain a notebook for each chapter/unit of study. Bring this notebook with you to every class. Specific contents will be determined for each chapter/unit.

*Supplies you must always have with you: Your notebook, pencils, pens, highlighter, and loose leaf paper.

Attendance and Make-Up Work

Being here is the first step in being successful. Missing class doesn’t just mean missed “work” but missed experiences, which are an important part of learning. Always check the Haiku (see below) page to see the assignments and activities you miss if you’re absent. You need to turn in missing work by the next class period. See me for clarification after checking online.

Class Expectations MVHS Motto: Do it the RITE way (RESPECT, INTEGRITY, TEAMWORK, EXCELLENCE)

1.  Stay Curious: Have a GROWTH Mindset

2.  P3! Preparation + Productivity = Progress

3.  Be Here Now: Present, alert, awake, focused, giving your best effort

4.  Be Your Best Self: Respect, kindness and courtesy go a long way in this world

5.  Look Up: Stay positive and minimize the drama and distractions around you (phones, food, friends)

*As the need arises, class discipline will follow the school wide discipline matrix and code of responsibility, specifically in regard to electronic devices, academic integrity and defiance.

Haiku Learning Management System

·  You and your parents will need to create and maintain a Haiku account for this class. You will be added to the class roster within the first week of school. Be sure you see Earth Science on your list of classes on your Haiku home page once you have set up your account. If not, let me know.

·  Check Haiku regularly to see our class calendar, assignments, lectures, announcements and info to keep you up to date on what’s happening in class.

·  How to set up your account:

1.  Go to: https://mvusd.haikulearning.com

2.  STUDENTS: Username: Your 9-digit Student ID# (on your ID card)

Password:MVUSDHaiku (The password is case sensitive)

You will be required to set up a password on your initial log in.

3.  PARENTS: Username: The primary parent email address with the @ replaced with a


Example: jsmith.gmail.com

Password: MVUSDPARENT ( This is case sensitive.)

You will be required to set up a password on your initial log in.

-----(DO NOT CUT)------

I have read this syllabus and reviewed the Earth Science class expectations.

Student (Print) ______Date ______Period ______

Student (Sign) ______

Parent (Print) ______Date ______

Parent (Sign) ______