Wesley and Stacey Campbell: "WHAT'S COMING IN 2007?--WHAT'S COMING IS BIG!"
"Why do the nations rage, and the peoples plot in vain?...The One who sits in Heaven laughs...." Psalm 2:1, 4

Psalm 2 is an apt text for the year 2007. In this Psalm, we see that the earth is raging, but Heaven is laughing. Therefore, our perspective for the year 2007 must come from hearing the laughter of Heaven, and not the rage of the nations.

If the Church can hear the laughter of the One who sits in the Heavens, she will not shrink back from the great harvest ahead of her in the midst of judgment; rather, she will rush in with miracles and mercy to even the hardest fields of America and the rest of the world.
What's coming is BIG! The Lord has spoken to me that "there's a second Timothy movement coming!" As I heard those words in my spirit, simultaneously I "saw" breakouts on university and college campuses, media flashes, and articles in newspapers of a virtual revolution of reconstruction breaking out among North America's youth.

A Second Timothy Movement

"This new breed of Timothys will 'cross over' into prophetic promises...."

I understood that the second Timothy movement was a play on words, because as I heard the words, instantly Timothy Leary, one of the men behind the deconstruction of the moral fiber of America, came to mind. God was telling me that what Timothy Leary did in breaking down Biblical morality in the social fabric of America was going to be challenged by a new breed of "Timothys"; not a Timothy Leary movement, but a Timothy "Hearing" movement--a generation of youth who will hear the will of God and do it.
What I saw was explosive, and my spirit jumped inside. I could see the Spirit of God brooding over the moral void of North American culture, and I understood that underneath the surface, as yet imperceptible to the masses, God has been instilling in a generation a desire for reformation. He is creating a new breed that wants to see radical changes in the world, changes like the end of abortion, the end of poverty, and the end of AIDS.

This new breed of Timothys will "cross over" into prophetic promises given to their spiritual fathers and mothers, teaming up with them to confront these immoral giants and bring them down. I see a movement of a million kids for a million kids, a Joel 2:15 army who will change society--for the better--instead of society changing them.
So get ready! The souls of millions of children at risk are about to be brought out of the kingdom of darkness and into the Kingdom of light. Because of the significant increase in global prayer during the past decade, the spiritual climate of the world has changed. There has been a shift in one generation--away from materialism and towards righteousness and compassion. A reformation revival is already percolating under the surface and will be brought to the fore in 2007.
Greatest Revival Still Ahead

"What was once far off has become a reality in our generation."
We believe that the greatest revival of mankind is still yet ahead of us. In the book of Revelation, John foresaw a global revival of colossal proportions coming from every nation, tribe, people, and language: "Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth--to every nation, tribe, language and people" (Revelation 14:6).
Significantly, all people groups were represented. Only recently has the certainty of reaching every group on earth come within reach. For the first time in history, we are coming to the place where a functioning Church, with a Bible in their own language, will have representation from every nation, tribe, people, and language. What was once far off has become a reality in our generation. Coinciding with this final success of the missionary movement is the rapid increase of the Church.
Today, Christianity is the fastest growing religion in the world. Religious demographers tell us that of all conversions since the time of Jesus, an amazing one-third of them have come into the Kingdom in the last ten to fifteen years. Jesus affirmed that the time of the end coincides with the gospel going to every people group: "And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come" (Matthew 24:14).
John's vision in Revelation 7, holds a unique key to this end-time harvest. When he saw "the great multitude that no one could count from every nation, tribe, people, and language" (verse 9), he was asked two questions by the angel, "Who are they, and where did they come from?" (verse 13). Not wanting to give the wrong answer, John said, "Sir...you know." Then John was told, "These are they who have come out of the great tribulation" (verse 14). If this vision and the great harvest are yet to be fulfilled, the angel might as well ask the same question of us today-- "Who are they, and where will they come from?"
Where Will They Come From?
A simple comparison of populations will show us where the masses of humanity live. Those who will make up the "great multitude" do not live in the wealthy West.
For example, the United States and Canada, with a population of only 325 million, is only 1/20th (five percent) of the population of the earth. When these numbers are compared to the staggering populations of the earth--East Asia and the Asia Pacific Region (including China and Indonesia) with 1.8 billion, South Asia (including India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh) with 1.4 billion, or the sub-continent of Africa with 680 million, we cannot help but be confronted with the obvious--the masses don't live here!

When God's Spirit is poured out on all flesh, there will be a whole lot more flesh to receive Him in China, India, and Africa, than in what is coined as the "Developed Nations."
Who Are They?

"We will see masses of young people begin to expend time, energy, and money to help the half-dead on the side of the road."
The answer to who are they is simple--they are the poor! 75 percent of the world is poor. And, since half of the world's population are women, and close to half (40 percent) are children under the age of fifteen, it's obvious that the overwhelming demographics of the planet are poor women and children at risk.
Thus, the reformation revival we are predicting will be driven by the West becoming burdened to reach out to the rest. The reformation and reconstruction we are talking about is nothing less than the application of the first and second commandment--"Love God and love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:30-31 paraphrased).

In the second Timothy movement, we will see thousands of well-to-do North Americans who will begin to seek God in an experiential way (see 1 Corinthians 14:1), thus opening the door to miracles and the supernatural. As they hear the will of God, they will reach out like the Good Samaritan to those who are in their way. We will see masses of young people begin to expend time, energy, and money to help the half-dead on the side of the road (see Luke 10:30).

God is sovereignly blowing this mercy wind, and its effects go far beyond the Church. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Bono, and Branson are only the beginning. We will see more and more people (religious and nonreligious) begin reaching out to the half-dead children at risk and their poor mothers (if they have them).
In 2007 and beyond, the reconstruction movement will begin to attack the following:
It has been said that one of the least safe places in the world for a child to live is in his mother's womb. "It is estimated that 1 in 4 pregnancies worldwide ends in abortion, and 40 million abortions may occur annually. Some countries may have as many abortions as live births."
Grinding Poverty
500 million people are hungry and another 500 million are so poor that they don't consume enough food to render them productive. It is estimated that over 33,000 children under five years old die every day due to preventable diseases--pneumonia, diarrhea, measles, malaria, and malnutrition. One child dies every three seconds. Putting it in perspective, it's like a Boeing 747 jumbo jet full of five hundred children crashing to their deaths every twenty-two minutes, of every hour, of every day.
Street Children
150 million children live on the street. Action International says that by 2020, there could be as many as 800 million! The UN says that the street children situation is one of the worst crises facing the nations of the world.
Child Labor and Slavery
250 million children are forced to work worldwide, some as slaves and some to support families.
Sexual Exploitation
World Vision estimates that between 10 to 14 million children are victims of the sex trade, and another one million children enter the prostitution racket every year.

Of the one million prostitutes in Thailand, eighty percent are under eighteen years of age.
AIDS and Plagues
Of the 22 million people who have died of AIDS, 4.5 million of them have been children. If trends continue in South Africa, fifty-percent of the teenage girls who are fifteen years old now, will be dead of AIDS in ten years.
Wars: Death, Disablement, and Displacement
In the decade since the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, more than 2 million children have been killed and more than 6 million injured or disabled in armed conflicts. 15 million children have been displaced within their countries or made refugees. Presently, 300,000 children are fighting someone else's war.
Religious Persecution
200 million Christians suffer torture, imprisonment, and persecution for no other crime than that they call Jesus, "Lord."
Reaping a Harvest of the Poor--Saving Children at Risk
What's coming in 2007 and beyond? The nations will rage, but Heaven will laugh. And those who hear His laughter will, like Peter watching Jesus instead of the storm, rise above the rage of nations to do supernatural miracles of mercy and social justice for the multitudes of the earth that need it--women and children at risk. So be careful what you listen to.
This is the coming movement--miracles and mercy for "...the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame" (Luke 14:21 paraphrased). The thirst for the supernatural will be fulfilled. The idyllic quest for peace and love will come into focus through beholding His face, no matter what goes on around us.

The peacemakers and merciful will bring in the Kingdom of God!

Wesley and Stacey Campbell