SDLC Enterprise Guide (Six Sigma DMAIC & DFSS IDDOV)

(Failure is NOT an option – Stay Focused, Adapt to Change & Push Hard)

This living document serves as a means to guide Technology Delivery Managers / Project Managers through the administrative side of the SDLC, project repository, artifacts (mockups/charts/diagrams), content language translations, meeting invitations, attendees, remote bridge lines, agenda, meeting notes, deliverables, conclusions, action items and deadlines as a forced structured discipline.

<Project Name> (<Group Name>)

Author: Eddie Drye

Table of Contents

Phase 1 –Define / Needs Assessment / Requirements

Project Scope: Define / Measure / Analyze, Develop Schedule

DOCUMENT: Master Project Milestone Schedule

Phase 2 – System Analysis / Refine Requirements

Project Evaluation: Define / Measure / Analyze, Develop Plan

Daily Morning Huddle (Quick Roll Call & Individual Work Task Review)

Daily Work Session Meetings (Presentation Layer Discussions)

Weekly Progress Meetings (Convey Progress – All Hands on Deck)

DOCUMENT: Content Localization Form

DOCUMENT: Business Requirements Document (BRD)

Phase 3 – Design

Analyze / Development (JAD Project Kickoff)

DOCUMENT: Component Interface Sheet (Front End)

DOCUMENT: Object Interface Sheet (Back End)

JAD High Level Design (HLPP/HLD) Meeting

Create Use Cases / Determine Time Estimates

Document: Artifact & Development Schedule

Document: Next Release / Enhancements – Development Schedule

DOCUMENT: Software Evaluation Scorecard

DOCUMENT: Hardware Evaluation Scorecard

DOCUMENT: Execution Plan - HLD Mockups & LLD Proof of Concepts

DOCUMENT: High Level Project Plan (HLPP/HLD)

JAD Low Level Design (LLD) Meeting

Create Acceptance Tests / Re-Affirm Time Estimates

DOCUMENT: Low Level Design (LLD)

JAD Pre-Development Design Meeting

Design Deliverables / Marching Orders

Technical Overview

Phase 4 – Develop / Construction / Build

Improve / Development (Code)

Development Procedures Overview

Progress Notes: Front End Development

Progress Notes: Back End Development

Progress Notes: Reports Development

DOCUMENT: Test Plan (Test & Production)

Milestones Meeting (Progress Report)

Milestones Scripted Walkthrough MeetingS

Milestones Pre-Test Overview

Phase 5 – Testing & Quality Assurance

Improve / Verification (Pre-Deployment to Test)

Test Plan: Unit Tests / System Tests (To be utilized for Deployment to Test & Production)

Testing Results & Signoff Meeting

Post Staging (UAT) Testing

Phase 6 – Deploy / Implementation Phase

Improve & Control / Verification (Pre-Deployment to Production)

Test Plan: Unit Tests / System Tests (To be utilized for Deployment to Test & Production)

Production Testing Results & Signoff

Post Production (PROD) Testing

Phase 7 – Support

Bridge Line Information (Example Vendor:

Put your conference information below for easy reference.

Participant Information / Moderator Information
Company Name: <Company>
Bridge Line Number:<Bridge Line Number>
International: IntlBridge Line Number>
Participant Code: <Participant Code># / Company Name: <Company>
Moderator: <Project Managers Name>
Host Code: <Host Code>#
Using This Template

This template is intended for use as a foundation for requirements development in support of all Technology Projects. In agreement with using this template you agree to indemnify and hold Avoli harmless from it’s use. It is designed as a recommended guide that can be modified as necessary. The requested information and format captured within this document does not supersede good judgment nor does it necessarily dictate execution. Each change initiative must determine which sections are applicable based on the type of change.

To provide consistency for consumers of this document across the enterprise, do not delete any of the recommended sections. Instead, enter ‘Not Applicable’ or ‘N/A’ along with a short description of the reason for the decision within any of the Sections (where allowed) that do not apply or will not be used for your project.

1)Utilize this template to manage a SINGLE project (Why? Move through TOLL GATES quicker)

2)Search & Replace token tags with their appropriate values ( Ex: <Goals> )

3)Schedule dates will be built as you go as you Search & Replace each phase/step dates

4)If you do individuals wearing multiple hats their names should go into the roles they are performing

5)Phased DOCUMENTS are colored in GRAY

6)Each DOCUMENT should include < Project Name >in the event the document is distributed separately from the SDLC Guide.

7)Meeting Discussions, Conclusions, Action Items should be short, to the point and clear

8)DAILY and WEEKLY meeting pages are to be utilized from Phase 3 on

9)The Master Schedule is designed to meet most schedule needs. (Utilize other scheduling tools if needed)

10)Ensure artifacts such as MOCKUPS, CHARTS, DIAGRAMS, SCHEDULES may have HYPERLINKS directly to your repository folder

11)PRESENTATIONS should be external to this document and should tell the story

(Assume your user knows nothing about your application)

1)You acknowledge this document is distributed under Creative Commons
2)You will not hold Avoli, Inc. the owner nor its owners, investors, authors, associates responsible for any content or outcome from the use of this document.
3)You agree to keep Avoli logo in the header left justified, you agree to keep Avoli text, author name and version in the footer
Instructional Text

1)BLUE, ITALIC Text has been marked as hidden text. To toggle instructional text do the following:

Word 2003 – Select the Reveal Formatting option from the Format dropdown menu

Word 2007 – Click on the show/hide symbol ¶on the ribbon/toolbar or (Ctrl + *)

2)Hidden text will not show in a printed document. To print hidden instructional text:

Word 2003: On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the print tab. Within Include with Document, select hidden text option.

Word 2007: The Options command that was on the Tools menu was moved to be under the Office Button at the bottom. Click on Word Options, click Select Display, select print hidden text under printing options.

Project Management Tips

1)EFFECTIVENESS: Make the most of unscheduled time / Be results oriented / Use your strengths

2)YOUR VALUE: Keep a positive attitude / Present ideas clearly / Help your boss look good

3)SCHEDULING: Eliminate time wasters / Use available technology / Build in Flexibility

4)NEXT RELEASES: Utilize the Next Release / Enhancements – Development Schedule to keep track of next version tasks

5)WORK AREA: Keep a clean work desk (Put away confidential documents)

6)MEMOS: Keep it brief / To the point / Use correct form & Etiquette / Be accurate

7)ELIMINATE WORDS: Hope, Wish, Should, Maybe

8)INTERRUPTIONS: Keep a time limit / Walk through method / Sign on door / Schedule Regularly

9)REWARDS: Give verbal praise / Public recognition / Certifications / Time off

10)PROBLEM PEOPLE: Level set expectations / Course Redirection when needed / Reprimand when needed / Terminate if necessary

11)Any associate time worked around Dinner should prompt you to have Dinner delivered (Especially if associates have families) – Don’t be a cheap ass about it and pay them for additional hours work.

Deliverable Tips

1)Utilize developers who come to the table with a repository of generic code that they own and are willing to contribute

2)Utilize seasoned developers that have proven to operate effectively on their own with minimal direction

3)Replace associates early on that do not show a propensity to grasp the project quickly

4)Document changes and move dates accordingly (where possible)

5)Quickly adjust to change

6)Have morning / daily touch base meetings (See: Daily Morning Huddle / Daily Work Session sections)

Phase 1 –Define / Needs Assessment/ Requirements

Initial Date: <PH1 Date> – [ Room Location ] / Targeted Completion Date: <Due Date>
Type of meeting / Project Scope: Define / Measure / Analyze, Develop Schedule
Bridge Line / <Bridge Line Number International: IntlBridge Line Number> Participant Code: <Participant Code>
Required Attendees / <Project Owners Name> (Project Owner), Technology Delivery Managers Name> (Technology Delivery Manager)
<Project Managers Name> (Project Manager), <Business Analysts Name> (Business Analyst)
Agenda / <Technology Delivery Managers Name> (Technology Delivery Managers Name) is the moderator.
  1. Welcome / Introductions / Recognition / State Purpose
  2. ReviewGoals, Requirements, Translations, and Absorbed Tasks etc.

Review / Project Name / owners name / Desired Completion Date
<Project Name> (<Group Name>) / <Project Owners Name> / <Due Date>
Business Case: <Business Case> / Potential Roadblocks: <Complexity>
TASK GOALS / <Goals>
Absorbed Tasks / <Absorbed Tasks>
Groups Affected: <Groups Affected>
Products Affected: <Products Affected> / Programs Affected: <Programs Affected>
Countries Affected: <Countries Affected>
Systems/Applications Impacted (Integrated Release?)
Sys or App / Name / Impact / Cost / Owner
SYS / <Systems Impacted>
Requirements GUI (Interface) / DB (Database) / RPT (Reports)
MINUTES: Meeting NOTES / Subsequent Meeting Notes
Date / Discussions / Conclusions / Action Items (Take Aways)
Initial /
  1. Good morning/afternoon/roll call
  2. Definegoals/requirements, rules, timeline, systems, countries?
  3. Do we ACCEPT the project?
  1. Goals, timeline defined
  2. Requirements, rules defined
  3. Scope, content defined
  4. We ACCEPT the project
  • PM: Schedules Systems Analysismtg
  • PM: Creates Repository (Ex: Sharepoint) <Project Name> folder
  • TDM: Create Master Schedule

DOCUMENT: Master Project Milestone Schedule

The following are the scheduled project steps and durations gauged as denoted in days or months.

Milestone dates are in GREEN. Also HLD Mockups are essential and LLD POCs (Proof of Concepts tell the story for easier toll gate passage)

√ / SDLC Milestone Activity / Start / Finish
√ / Phase 1 – Project Initiation / Needs Assessment
√ / Create Master Project Milestone Schedule / <PH1 Date>
Phase 2 – System Analysis
Project Evaluation Meeting / <PH2 Date> / <PH2 Date>
Create Content Localization Form (optional) / N/A / N/A
BRD Creation & Signoff (Toll Gate) / <BRD Start> / <BRD Due>
Phase 3 – System Design (JAD)
HLD Meeting / <PH3 Date> / <HLD Start>
Hardware Capacity Planning (optional) / <HLD Start> / <HLD Start>
Software / Hardware Scorecards (optional) / <HLD Start> / <HLD Start>
Create Execution Plan HLD Mockups / <HLD Start>
Create Use Cases / Process Flow Diagrams
Create Data Flow Diagrams
HLPP/HLD Creation & Signoff (Toll Gate) / <HLD Due>
LLD Meeting / <LLD Start>
Create Execution Plan LLD POCs (optional)
Create Acceptance Tests /
Create Component Interface Sheets / N/A / N/A
Create Schema Diagram & Schema Tables
LLD Creation & Signoff (Toll Gate) / <LLD Due>
Pre-Development Design Meeting / <PH4 Date>
Phase 4 – Construction
Milestone Meetings (ongoing and conditional) / <PH4 Date> / <PH5 Date>
Demonstration Owner/Customer (Scripted Walkthroughs – Based on staged completion)
System Integration Testing (SIT Unit Tests) / <SIT Date> / <PH5 Date>
Phase 5 – Testing & QA
Pre-Deployment to Test Meeting / <PH5 Date> / <PH5 Date>
Review Test Plan: Unit Tests / System Tests / <PH5 Date> / <PH5 Date>
UAT Testing Signoff (Toll Gate) / <PH5 Date> / <TEST Due>
Phase 6 – Implementation
Pre-Deployment to Production Meeting / <PH6 Date> / <PH6 Date>
Review Test Plan: Unit Tests / System Tests / <PH6 Date> / <PH6 Date>
Prod Testing Signoff (Toll Gate) / <PH6 Date> / <PROD Due>
Customer Training / Documentation / <PROD Due> / <Due Date>
Phase 7 – Support
Ongoing Steady State Support / Enhancements / <Due Date> / Ongoing
Legend / Milestone / Duration / Partial / Complete / Tested / SOS

Phase 2 – System Analysis / Refine Requirements

Initial Date: <PH2 Date> – [ Room Location ] / Targeted Completion Date: <Due Date>
Type of meeting / Project Evaluation: Define / Measure / Analyze, Develop Plan
Bridge Line / <Bridge Line Number> International: IntlBridge Line Number> Participant Code: <Participant Code>
Required Attendees / <Project Owners Name> (Project Owner), <Technology Delivery Managers Name> (Technology Delivery Manager)
<Project Managers Name> (Project Manager), <Business Analysts Name> (Business Analyst)
Agenda / <Technology Delivery Managers Name> (Technology Delivery Managers Name) is the moderator.
  1. Welcome / Introductions / Recognition / Quick Status / State Purpose
  2. The purpose of this meeting is to create the BRD document from the Planning Phase results

Review / Project Name / owners name / Desired Completion Date
<Project Name> (<Group Name>) / <Project Owners Name> / <Due Date>
Business Case: <Business Case> / Potential Roadblocks: <Complexity>
TASK GOALS / <Goals>
Absorbed Tasks / <Absorbed Tasks>
Groups Affected: <Groups Affected>
Products Affected: <Products Affected> / Programs Affected: <Programs Affected>
Countries Affected: <Countries Affected>
Systems/Applications Impacted (Integrated Release?)
Sys or App / Name / Impact / Cost / Owner
SYS / <Systems Impacted>
Validate Requirements – GUI (Interface) / DB (Database) / RPT (Reports)
MINUTES: Meeting NOTES / Subsequent Meeting Notes
Date / Discussions / Conclusions / Action Items (Take Aways)
Initial /
  1. Good morning/afternoon/roll call
  2. Are we able to meet the needs?
  3. Do we still ACCEPT the project?
  1. System Analysis complete
  2. We still ACCEPT the work
  3. Develop our project schedules
  • PM: Schedules BRD Meeting w/ BA
  • TDM: Schedules DAILY/WEEKLY mtgs
  • PM: HOLD PATTERN until BRD Signoff

Daily Morning Huddle (Quick Roll Call & Individual Work Task Review)

Initial Date: Daily Ongoing (See Calendar) / Targeted Completion Date: <Due Date>
Type of meeting / Touch Base Meeting
Bridge Line / <Bridge Line Number> International: IntlBridge Line Number> Participant Code: <Participant Code>
Required Attendees / <Technology Delivery Managers Name> (Technology Delivery Manager)
<Project Managers Name> (Project Manager) , <Business Analysts Name> (Business Analyst)
<Front End Developers Name> (Front End Developer), <Back End Developers Name> (Back End Developer)
Optional Attendees / <Visual Designers Name> (Visual Designer), <Test Representatives Name> (Test Representative)
Agenda / <Technology Delivery Managers Name> (Technology Delivery Manager) is the moderator.
The purpose of this meeting is to individually discuss status and accept daily tasks
  1. Roll call
  2. Roundtable Discussions - Individually discuss your tasks completed & tasks being worked
a)If your behind discuss it
b)If you need assistance ask for it
c)If you have a problem discuss it
  1. Accept assigned tasks / Govern yourself accordingly

MINUTES: Meeting NOTES / Subsequent Meeting Notes (Agile Iteration Release Changes)
Date / Phase / Discussions / Conclusions / Action Items (Take Aways)
Initial / Systems Analysis /
  1. Analyze what is to be done
  2. Is everything feasible?
  1. Our understanding is…
  • PM: Takes notes

(Date) / BRD /
  1. Define BRD Requirements
  2. Capture everything
  1. BRD is ready for submittal
  • TDM: Aims to get BRD signoff

(Date) / JAD Initial Meeting /
  1. Discuss interfacing, technology
  2. Are there any roadblocks
  1. Overall design understood
  • PM: Takes notes

(Date) / HLPP/HLD /
  1. Everyone provides status
  2. Ask for assistance if it’s needed
  1. HLD on Schedule
  • TDM: Aims to get HLD signoff

(Date) / LLD /
  1. Everyone provides status
  2. Ask for assistance if it’s needed
  1. LLD on schedule
  • TDM: Aims to get LLD signoff

(Date) / Construction /
  1. Everyone provide status
  2. Ask for assistance if it’s needed
  1. Tasks ON/OFF schedule
  • PM: Takes notes

(Date) / UAT Testing /
  1. Who is working testing issues?
  2. Get TEST Signoff
  1. Modify, Unit Test (scripts), Test
  • TDM: Aims to get TEST signoff

(Date) / PROD Testing /
  1. Who is working testing issues?
  2. Get PROJECT Signoff
  1. Modify, Unit Test (scripts), Test
  • TDM: Aims to get PROD signoff

(Date) / Project Signoff /
  1. Get Project signoff
  2. Get Tech & Owner signoff
  1. Get owner signoff
  • TDM: Aims to get PROJECT signoff

Daily Work Session Meetings (Presentation Layer Discussions)

Initial Date: Daily Ongoing (See Calendar) / Targeted Completion Date: <Due Date>
Type of meeting / Drive out GUI Look and Feel
Bridge Line / <Bridge Line Number> International: IntlBridge Line Number> Participant Code: <Participant Code>
Required Attendees / <Project Owners Name> (Project Owner), <Project Managers Name> (Project Manager)
<Business Analysts Name> (Business Analyst), <Visual Designers Name> (Visual Designer)
Optional Attendees / <Front End Developers Name> (Front End Developer), <Back End Developers Name> (Back End Developer)
<Technology Delivery Managers Name> (Technology Delivery Manager)
Agenda / <Project Managers Name> (Project Manager) is the moderator with <Project Owners Name> (Project Owner) input.
The purpose of this daily meeting is to drive out the GUI (Graphical User Interface) look and feel.
  1. Work visual design aspects with the owner
  2. Work charts, reports with the owner
  3. Discuss Phase/Milestone objectives and progress

MINUTES: Meeting NOTES / Subsequent Meeting Notes (Agile Iteration Release Changes)
Date / Phase / Discussions / Conclusions / Action Items (Take Aways)
Initial / BRD /
  1. Requirements / Business Rules
  1. Finish the BRD
  • BA: Work on the BRD

(Date) / System Design /
  1. Evaluate BRD Processes / Reqs
  1. Leading up to HLPP/HLD
  • PM: Translate BRD to design

(Date) / HLPP/HLD /
  1. Basic layout / Navigation Mockups
  2. Overview of Processes / Flow
  3. Overview of Exports / Reports
  4. Screen by Screen Design Mockups
  1. Owner asked for…
  2. Agreement reached on…
  • PM: To take action to ensure certain items are taken care of that may be brought up.

(Date) / LLD /
  1. Basic layout / Navigation POCs
  2. Components / Gadgets
  3. Exports / Reports / Feature Security
  4. Screen by Screen Design POCs
  1. Owner asked for…
  2. Agreement reached on…
  • PM: To take action to ensure certain items are taken care of that may be brought up.