PROJECTS BEGINNING BETWEEN 04/01/2009– 12/31/2009


DEADLINE: 2/09/2009 5 PM CST

¨NPN Community Fund Overview¨


The Community Fund subsidizes activities that expand upon an NPN Performance Residency or Creation Fund by deepening relationships between NPN Partners, Artists, and communities. The Community Fund allows NPN Partners to take risks, implement new programs, forge new relationships, and/or diversify their connections.

Community Fund projects can occur before, during, and after NPN Residencies or Creation Fund activities. Subsidies can be applied for planning, follow-up, documentation, or evaluation of NPN Residencies or Creation Funds. Funds may be used to pay local artists or community organizations involved in NPN Residencies or Creation Funds. Guidelines are flexible by design, allowing Partners and artists to exercise their creativity in structuring projects.

Award Amount

Applicants can apply for up to $5,000. The award amount is determined by the strength of the proposal, the amount requested, and the feasibility of the project to occur without full support. NPN distributes Community Fund subsidies through two cycles each Fiscal Year (summer and winter).

Decision Making

NPN facilitates a panel, of NPN Partners and NPN Board Members, which selects the highest-ranked projects. The number of projects awarded varies based on the number of proposals received and the quality of the proposals.

The panel rates proposals on the following criteria:

·  Clarity: The context, goals and objectives are plainly laid out, along with a clear plan on how the project will accomplish the objectives.

·  Appropriateness: A NPN Residency or Creation Fund is at the heart of the Community Fund project, but the application clearly exhibits how the project reaches beyond the standard NPN Residency/Creation Fund activities.

·  Impact: The impact of the project on the NPN Partner and its community is transparent and compelling. Need is clearly articulated.


·  Projects must begin between April 1, 2009 and December 31, 2009.

·  NPN Partners may only receive one Community Fund award per Fiscal Year. An NPN Partner that received an award in the Summer FY09 cycle, which took place in July 2008, may not apply to the Winter FY09 cycle.

·  Applications are written and submitted by the NPN Partner (NOT the artist)

·  Applications and project descriptions must be emailed to by February 9, 2009 5 pm CST.

¨NPN Community Fund Process¨

Winter Community Fund Cycle Calendar

January 19, 2009 / Optional Orientation/tech assistance teleconference for applicants
February 9, 2009 5pm CST / DEADLINE for applications received at the NPN Office
March 13, 2009 / Decisions made/ participants notified
April 1, 2009 / Earliest date for disbursement of funds
April 1, 2009 / Earliest begin date for projects
December 31, 2009 / Latest begin date for projects

How to Submit Your Application

Community Fund applications may be emailed to Alec De Leon, Program Assistant, at by February 9, 2009 5pm CST.

Announcement and Distribution of Awards

NPN will announce awards via email by March 13, 2009. Awardees receive Letters of Agreement (LOA) via email and are expected to complete, sign, and return them by mail to the National Office. NPN will disburse 90% of the subsidy within 30 days of receipt of the signed LOAs. The remaining 10% will be paid upon receipt of the Community Fund Final Report.

Project Changes

If the intent of the Community Fund project or the Artist in Residence changes from the initial application, NPN must be notified as soon as possible.

Community Fund Reporting Requirements

Within 30 days of completion of a Community Fund project, the NPN Partner must submit a Community Fund Final Report and supplemental materials (fliers, programs, etc.) crediting NPN. Community Fund Final Report Forms are available for download at

¨Community Fund Tips¨

Project Content- see “limitations” section

·  For large-scale projects, it is recommended that focus is given to one aspect of the project. For example, for festivals or celebrations, focus should be given to one aspect of the event that directly relates to the NPN Performance Residency. The Community Fund project should not be absorbed by the larger event.

·  Remember that NPN Subsidizes one and two week Performance Residencies. The panel may deem an application “inappropriate” if an applicant applies for Community Fund subsidies to expand a NPN Performance Residency to a second week as opposed to doing a two-week NPN Performance Residency.

·  Read the NPN Performance Residency guidelines. As part of the NPN Performance Residency the artist is expected to engage with the NPN Partner’s community. NPN expects that community activities take place as part of the basic NPN Performance Residency therefore Community Fund projects need to clearly exhibit how they are going beyond what would normally take place in a NPN Performance Residency.

·  The NPN Community Fund may not be used to leverage the 58% NPN Partner match for an NPN Performance Residency Agreement.

·  Projects need to exhibit how the subsidy will be used to support the NPN Partner and/or community.

·  Remember that the goal of the Community Fund project is to support the NPN Partner and the NPN Partner’s community. Therefore projects that are expanding upon a NPN Creation Fund should not apply for additional money for the artist to create work unless a) the community and/or NPN Partner will directly benefit and b) the funds being used are different from the support garnered from the NPN Creation Fund.

·  Because all Creation Fund projects end in a NPN Residency it is permissible for a NPN Partner to apply for two Community Fund projects with the same artist (one for the Creation process and one for the NPN Performance Residency) as long as the projects are happening in separate fiscal years.

Past Project Examples

ASIAN ARTS INITIATIVE- support local artists, engage local artists with national artists

·  Summary: NPN Community Fund support enabled Asian Arts to offer creative residencies and mini-commissions for local artists to develop and perform their work with NPN Artist Regie Cabico. This project built upon an NPN Residency (and Creation Fund) with Washington, DC-based artist Regie Cabico.

·  Project Objectives: a) Created an opportunity for local artists to deepen performance skills and experience, b) Created a connection with the audience by sharing new performance work by Asian American artists, c) Encouraged local artists to develop quality work that can eventually tour around the country.

·  Activities: a) Extended workshops with Cabico and local artists, b) Residencies with local artists in which they received 10 weeks of rehearsal space, c) Artists presented their work in two evenings, d) weekly check-ins with AAI staff, e) Video documentation of process for use by AAI, local artists and NPN

SANDGLASS THEATER- documentation and evaluation, engaging local community in extended dialogue

·  Summary: In Spring 2007 Sandglass Theater presented their second Voices of Community Series and brought 3 national, culturally diverse companies to their primarily white community to explore issues of cultural identity, diversity and race. Two of the guest companies were presented through NPN Residencies (Mugabee and Coatlique). The Community Fund enabled Sandglass to assess the impact of the series through interviews and workshops with community members that attended the series. A documentary was created as a community self-reflection tool.

·  Project Objectives: a) Expanded Sandglass' relationship in their community by engaging the community in a dialogue on the role of theater in addressing social issues, b) Assessed the impact of the series/NPN Residencies by interviewing community members who participated, c) Created a finished document that raised community awareness of its own social issues and the role theater can play in addressing those issues.

·  Activities: a) 20 filmed, individual and group interviews with members of the community who participated in the series and NPN residencies. b) Workshops with the local youth theater teachers who participated in the series to further examine how they might use theater in raising social issues with youth. C) Presentation of learnings to the community through a film/documentary event.

PAT GRANEY COMPANY- planning, audience development

·  Summary: Artist Scott Turner Schofield visited the Seattle area one month prior to his artist residency to conduct programs/discussions about his work in the queer/trans community and the performance community in Seattle at large. The project involved planning sessions with Seattle Young People's Project (SYPP), the LGBT Community Center, Bent Writing Institute, Gay City University, U of W Women's Studies, Evergreen State College and community individuals. The project involved the hiring of a young person from the queer community as a Residency Coordinator and liaison.

·  Project Objectives: a) Outreach for Artist Residency, b) Planning with Queer organizations in Seattle, c) Hiring Project Coordinator and Community Liaison

·  Project Activities: a) artist came into the community a month early to build youth LGBT audiences through community outreach to a multitude of organizations b) A young person from the community was hired as Project Coordinator

MORE EXAMPLES- click on link

·  Winter FY08 Community Fund Awards

·  Summer FY09 Community Fund Awards

·  Contact Stanlyn Breve, Program Specialist, at

Application Instructions

COMMUNITY FUND PROJECT SUMMARY- Refer to p.1 of application

·  NPN Partner: Name of NPN Partner submitting application

·  Project Type: Community Fund that expands a NPN Performance Residency OR Community Fund that expands a NPN Creation Fund. Project Type will determine what section of the application you will be instructed to complete.

·  Project Discipline: Select discipline that best describes project or artist: Dance, Multi-Disc, Music, Theater, Performance Art, Spoken Word .

·  Project Title: Use plain language, such as “Expansion of (Artist name) Residency.”

·  Project Dates: Begin with the first date you will incur expenses and end with the last date you will incur expenses. This is crucial information for NPN to track the progress of your project. (mm/dd/yy)

·  Request Amount: Amount of subsidy you are requesting. Cannot be more than $5,000.

·  Total Community Fund Project Expenses: Should match p. 5, Section III, 4, A “Total Project Expenses”. Should only reflect Community Fund Project costs.

·  Project Summary: Explain the project in brief, using one or two sentences.

·  Project Objectives: Give three one-sentence objectives to explain the Community Fund Project goals. Examples: “We will expand impact of hip hop theatre by outreaching to underserved rural communities”; “we will develop new relationships with organizations in the disability rights community”; “Professional Development with local artists through workshops, mentorship, and performance opportunities”; “We will develop our ability to present dance”.; “We will increase education and access to experimental dance in our community”; “Artist will deepen impact of creative process by creating work that will be created and performed in equal collaboration with local community”’ ; etc.


Projects may fit one of two categories: Expansion of a NPN Performance Residency or Expansion of a NPN Creation Fund.

·  Projects Expanding on a NPN Performance Residency: need only complete Section I (p. 2) and Section III (p. 4)

·  Projects Expanding on a NPN Creation Fund: need only complete Section II (p.3) and Section III (p.4)

SECTION I: EXPANSION OF A NPN PERFORMANCE RESIDENCY (if applicable) - Refer to p. 2 of application


·  Artist Company: Enter the name of the artist being contracted under the NPN Performance Residency Agreement.

·  Number of Company Members: Give the number of artists contracted under the NPN Residency Agreement.

·  Artist Website: List artist website for panelist’s reference.

·  NPN Performance Residency Subsidy: Per the NPN Performance Residency Agreement. If not confirmed, list approximate amount. Identify if subsidy amount is actual from a NPN Performance Residency Agreement or estimated.

·  NPN Residency Dates: Give the dates of the related NPN Performance Residency (per the NPN Residency Agreement). (mm/dd/yy)

·  Project Summary: Explain the NPN Performance Residency and the Residency Activities (per the NPN Residency Agreement) in brief.


·  List Residency Activities (per the NPN Performance Residency Agreement.)


·  These expenses should only reflect costs incurred during the NPN Performance Residency. These expenses are different from expenses listed in the Community Fund budget. If expenses are not known, please approximate.

·  Artist Fees: List all fees paid to artists. The first row is fees per the NPN Performance Residency Agreement. The second row should be additional fees paid to artist not covered in the NPN Performance Residency Agreement.

·  Other Presenting/Residency Costs: Should reflect additional presenting costs incurred by NPN Partner such as overhead, staff time, marketing, technical costs etc.

SECTION II: EXPANSION OF NPN CREATION FUND (if applicable) - Refer to p. 3 of application


·  Artist Company: Enter the name of the artist company.

·  NPN Creation Fund Award: Per the NPN Creation Fund Letter of Agreement. If not confirmed, list request amount.

·  Number of Company Members: Give the number of artists being paid fees to create NPN Creation Fund work.

·  Artist Website: List artist website for panelist’s reference.

·  Project Title: Give the title of the NPN Creation Fund

·  Creation Fund Dates: Give the dates of the related Creation Fund Project (per the Creation Fund Application/LOA). (mm/dd/yy)

·  Project Summary: Explain the Creation Fund Project in brief.


·  List dates, activities, and participants


·  These expenses should only reflect costs incurred during the Creation Fund Project period in which the artist created the new work. These expenses are different from expenses listed in the Community Fund budget. If expenses are not known, please approximate.

·  Expenses incurred by NPN Partner: if applicable

Ø  A) Artist Fees: List expenses incurred by the NPN Partner through the development of work such as fees paid to artists for developmental residencies, work-in-progress showing, etc.

Ø  B) Other Creation Fund Expenses: Should reflect additional expenses incurred by NPN Partner through development as work such as staff time for grant-writing, marketing costs for staged readings, donation of rehearsal space, etc.