Ken Wylie, Hamish Campbell, Neil Woodrow, Fergus Muir, Roberta MacNeill
Robin Currie
Members of public attending: J Davidson I&J CVS, Bowmore Harbour Committee, Bowmore Hall Committee.
WELCOME by K Wylie Chairperson
APOLOGIES: Islay MacEachern, John MacGillvary.
Adopted by Neil Woodrow
Seconded by Fergus Muir
Position of Secretary - Hamish Campbell will take over as secretary.
John Davidson was asked to approach I&JCVS regarding employment of a minute secretary.
Meetings will be monthly until council is adequately set up
Councillor Robin Currie informed meeting that due to extra funding granted on Friday the amount for proposed improvement is now £620,000
The funding is already allocated to different projects but ideas from the public would be welcome
This funding was applied for by Argyll & Bute Council and has to be spent on town centre, namely from the church to the harbour.
Projects are as follows.
Morrison Square - environmental improvements approx £73,000
Public Toilets Approx £50,000
Bowmore Hall Approx £39,000
Bowmore Harbour £170,000
Robin Currie told council a certain amount of the funding had to be spent by the end of March but J MacIntyre had spoken to I Walsh who is leading the project and there may be an extension. Robin to check Tuesday morning.
Included in these projects would also be picnic area, the actual Harbour being a suggestion.
Possible tidying of Inns beach.
Roundabout marked on road at bottom of Main Street as there have been so many incidents, better parking layout in Square – the former two being essential to better traffic management & pedestrian safety.
CCTV in Morrison Square area to help reduce vandalism in Square & public toilet area
Display Board for Hall to advertise plus soft play area within top lesser hall & disabled access
Any other ideas can be e mailed to Robin for consideration
Islay Energy trust has asked for a member of Islay Community Council to join them
Fergus Muir volunteered. Ken Wylie will contact P Maxwell of Energy Trust to advise
Transport forum also requested members, Hamish Campbell & Islay MacEachern to fill this role
Letter from MacTaggart Centre re the next stage of their funding, it was suggested we contact them regarding piece of ground behind Distillery Garage.
It was felt this could be tidied up & used for parking for pool thus taking more cars off street
I MacEachern & H Campbell attended Islay Energy Trust meeting with regard to the proposed Offshore Wind Farm
The proposal is still at consultation stage but the consensus of opinion of those on council, Councillor Currie & members of public in attendance who had knowledge of scheme was to support the scheme as the island could benefit as follows: a permanent fee from scheme, employment & housing
Concern over cutting Saturday flights without any consultation. This will also cause problems for ambulance flights. Also as they are subsidised by Royal Mail, what is to happen to Saturday Mail Run.
Council will write to airline with regard to this matter.
Ferry users committee will meet on Islay, it is hoped this will be a regular occurrence.
The naming of the ferry has caused much concern in the making up of a short list with no consultation on the island. Not very democratic, a letter of objection to be sent by the council
The refurbishment of Kennacraig will have to progress quite rapidly if it is to accommodate the new ferry
There is a report on a complete review of ferry routes
Councillor Currie to get a copy
Ambulance service looking for input for new service from 2013 when a new contract will be put in place
CMAL - new ferry was grant aided but is now administered & managed by CMAL – as I am a bit unclear of some of the points discussed we will ask Hamish to comment at next meeting
Lack of footpath coming into Bowmore from Kilarrow, there was a proposal to have a footpath from Kilarrow through Broomhill but this was dropped due to objections.
It was proposed that community council should write to Stewart Turner, Argyll & Bute Roads Dept Manse Brae, Lochgilphead again requesting something be done regarding a footpath and also send a copy to West Highland Housing Assoc
Toilets Portnahaven – request Argyll & Bute Council to re erect the notice in gent’s public toilet regarding disposal of chemical waste from motor homes. J MacIntyre present at meeting said he would attend to this
This is a problem on the island as there is no place for disposal. It would seem the obvious place would be the campsite at Port Mhor
Community council to write to Andrew MacEachern to see if there is a possibility of them providing suitable disposal
Street lighting Port Ellen – Robin Currie says this is a Hydro Board problem, which is in hand
Regarding submission of letter in Ileach by D Tott which was inaccurately printed, it was felt this should no be allowed to happen as it is a community newspaper which should represent the views of the people as submitted
Community Council to write to Richard Russell at Ileach to request a meeting for the Ileach editorial staff to explain why this should happen.
Bank account - it was agreed that the new office bearers should now be eligible to sign cheques
Next meeting Monday 1st February 7pm Islay Service Point
- E mail Robin with any suggestions for Bowmore Improvement Project
- Letter to P Maxwell , Islay energy Trust to advise Fergus Muir will represent Community Council
- Letter to MacTaggart Leisure Centre re parking at rear of Distillery garage
- Letter to local airline regarding removal of Saturday service
- Letter to CALMAC re undemocratic fashion of naming new vessel
- Letter to S Turner Argyll & Bute Roads Dept re footpath into village from Kilarrow
- Letter to A MacEachern about possibility of chemical waste disposal at Port Mhor for camper vans
- Letter to Richard Russell at Ileach requesting a meeting