BudgetHearing of the Valhalla Board of Fire Commissioners for October 18, 2016.

The Budget Hearing of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Valhalla Fire District for 2016 was declared open by Chairman Deegan at 7:37pm.

Pledge to the Flag and a moment of silence was held for fallen firefighters and themilitary.

In attendance were: Chairman Deegan, Comrs. McCarthy, Ciancio, Bonanno, Sciliano and Secretary-Treasurer Ciancio.

Chairman Deegan read the public notice which was published in the Journal News, posted on the Town and Fire District website and posted in the Town Clerk’s office.

Chairman Deegan read the proposed 2017 budget with a 0.68% increase over 2016:

Communications / $ 8,500.00
Administration / $ 36,450.00
Equipment Operations / $ 50,500.00
Fire Department Operations / $ 22,250.00
Insurance / $ 118,300.00
Service Award Program / $ 63,000.00
Personnel & Contractual Services / $ 144,150.00
Training Operations / $ 24,250.00
Vehicle & Apparatus Operations / $ 64,500.00
Fire House Operations / $ 99,670.00
TOTAL / $ 631,570.00
Capital Reserve Account / $ 110,000.00
Building Reserve Account / $ 18,000.00
Repair Reserve Account / $ 9,610.09
TOTAL / $ 769,18.09

With no public comment, it was moved on a motion made by Comrs. McCarthy/Ciancio to close the public hearing at 7:45pm. MC.

The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners for October 18, 2016

The regular monthly meeting and budget meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners for October 18, 2016 was convened by Chairman Deegan at 7:45pm.

In attendance were: Chairman Deegan, Comrs. McCarthy, Ciancio, Bonanno, Sciliano and Secretary-Treasurer Ciancio.

It was moved on a motion made by Comrs. Bonanno/McCarthy to accept the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Fire Commissioners for September 14, 2016. MC.

Correspondence: 1) A letter from Purchase FD thanking the Department for their assistance at the SUNY Purchase structure fire 9/4; 2) A letter from Independent Fire Co. accepting the application for membership for Antonio Rosa.

It was moved on a motion made by Comrs. Ciancio/Scialiano to accept as read the Treasurer’s Report, the bills submitted for payment be approved, and transfers executed. Comr. Ciancio abstained from voting on checks #4631 and 4663 as this is his daughter. MC.


4631 / Kristen Ciancio / 1,034.13
4632 / AAA Emergency Supply / 1,522.50
4633 / Berger Hardware / 63.88
4634 / Cablevision / 225.79
4635 / Cardmember Services / 254.97
4636 / Charles Stotz, Inc. / 375.00
4637 / Columbia Doctors / 1,542.00
4638 / Comptroller / 543.49
4639 / Con Edision / 41.47
4640 / Fernanda DeCampos / 200.00
4641 / DeLage Landen Financial / 196.00
4642 / ESS, Inc. / 416.00
4643 / Global Tracking Communications / 199.92
4644 / Hummel & Butler CPAs / 635.00
4645 / Dean Huszar / 144.00
4646 / Jeffrey Studer Lawn Irrigation / 110.00
4647 / Minerva Cleaners / 1,183.50
4648 / Mt. Pleasant Highway Department / 405.68
4649 / Mt. Pleasant Water Districts / 120.45
4650 / Nextel Communications / 231.71
4651 / NFPA / 693.05
4652 / NYS DOT / 100.00
4653 / Progressive Computing / 1,040.00
4654 / Ruscon / 2,543.56
4655 / The Journal News / 102.00
4656 / Verizon / 36.78
4657 / Waterway / 795.00
4658 / Cablevision / 225.79
4659 / Comptroller / 546.11
4660 / Con Edison / 39.63
4661 / Verizon / 36.78
4662 / Cablevision / 225.79
4663 / Kristen Ciancio / 1,034.14


Balance Forward$ 22,365.92

EFT (taxes paid)$ 1,400.25

Closing Balance$ 20,965.67


Regular Checking (SNB)$ 20,965.67

Regular Checking (OCB&T)$ 10,781.05

Fire District Money Market (SNB)$ 41,647.21

Fire District Money Market (OCB&T)$ 174,451.51

Capital Reserve Checking (SNB)$ 1,047.19

Capital Reserve Checking (OCB&T)$ 1,383.04

Capital Reserve Money Market (SNB)$1,684,740.55

Capital Reserve Money Market (OCB&T)$ 210,594.88

Building Reserve Money Market (OCB&T)$ 202,086.54

Repair Reserve Money Market$ 31,827.50



Service Award Program-DBP$ 882,627.59

Service Award Program-DCP$ 467,088.39



TO:General Fund Checking Acct #8388546$16,000.00

FROM:General Fund Money Market Acct #8388562

TO:Capital Reserve Checking Acct #8388614$40,000.00

FROM:Capital Reserve Money Market Acct #8388575

TO:General Fund Money Market Acct #8388562$39,869.00

FROM:Capital Reserve Money Market Acct #8388575

It was moved on a motion made by Comrs. Bonanno/Sciliano to accept the Chief’s Report as read. MC. Activity report for September 2016: 24 alarms for 291 hours; 6 drills for 257 hours; 2 meetings for 92 hours; 10 misc. for 99.5 hours; 1 standby for 12 hours. Total hours: 751.5.

In the absence of both Chiefs, Secretary-Treasurer Ciancio read the Chief’s report as of 10/12/16:10/8 an Engine and U33 attended the firework at Westlake HS for Homecoming; all fire extinguishers were serviced by AAA; 10/11 both Company visited school for Fire Prevention Week; 10/11 Open Houses were held at both Companies, but poorly attended; knox boxes have been added to all entrances to the EF dorm – the building is now occupied.

Comr. McCarthy suggested the Officer chain of command should be followed on Monthly Commissioner meeting nights if Chiefs are unable to attend, the next highest ranking officer available should attend in his place;suggested that due to poor Open House attendance, it should be held at one location as well as notify the schools prior and send flyers home with the students; he attended the Fall Conference in Saratoga – there was a forum on re-using 10-year and older gear and that the District is permitted to do full background checks on new members.

Comr. Ciancio reported he received specs for 2017 Chief’s car; universal knox box keys have been placed on all stand pipes; will meet with Truck Committee 10/19 on Seagrave specs.

Comr. Bonanno reported he ordered additional badges; distributed financial worksheets to the Board to assist in the development of projected expenses; attended a forum at the Fall Workshop on LOSAP distribution – money cannot be rolled into a retirement fund, but may be payable in 2-5 payments to lessen the tax burden.

Comr. Sciliano reported progress.

Chairman Deegan reported progress.

It was moved on a motion made by Comrs. Ciancio/Bonanno to authorize the purchase of 3 tickets to the Westchester County Association of Fire Districts Installation Dinner 11/5 at a cost of $175.00 each. MC.

It was moved on a motion made by Comrs. Buonassisi/Deegan to accept the application for membership for Antonio Rosa. MC.

It was moved on a motion made by Comrs. McCarthy/Ciancio to appoint Michael Kohany, Jr., Thomas Kohany, Michael G. Fox and Richard Thomas as election inspectors for the District election to be held on Tuesday December 13th from 6pm – 9pm paying $50.00 each. MC.

It was moved on a motion made by Comrs. Deegan/Buonassisi to adopt and transmit to the Town the 2017 budget of $769,180.09. MC.

Communications / $ 8,500.00
Administration / $ 36,450.00
Equipment Operations / $ 50,500.00
Fire Department Operations / $ 22,250.00
Insurance / $ 118,300.00
Service Award Program / $ 63,000.00
Personnel & Contractual Services / $ 144,150.00
Training Operations / $ 24,250.00
Vehicle & Apparatus Operations / $ 64,500.00
Fire House Operations / $ 99,670.00
TOTAL / $ 631,570.00
Capital Reserve Account / $ 110,000.00
Building Reserve Account / $ 18,000.00
Repair Reserve Account / $ 9,610.09
TOTAL / $ 769,18.09

With no other business to come before the Board of Fire Commissioners, it was moved on a motion made by Comrs. Ciancio/Bonanno to adjourn the meeting at 8:42pm. MC.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristen Ciancio

District Secretary-Treasurer