Sacramento ASTD Board Meeting
November 19, 2013, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
This meeting will be conducted in person
> > Los Rios Community College District Offices
> 1410 Ethan Way, Sacramento, CA
NOTE: Director Reports need to be submitted in advance so we can share them as a handout to allow more time for getting to know the 2014 Board.
Attendees: Tina Shaw, Bruce Winner, Tom Moore, Dennis Wade, Larry Hiner, Lawrence Hiner IV, Janet Isom, Alex Read, Laura Perez, Scott Nipper, Lizz Proctor, Sherry Walck, Joseph Clements-Lopez, Alona Jennings
Absent: Tyler Wade, Art Cruz, Judy Isaman, Stedman Ruiz, Lisa Olsen, Michele Mariscal
Speaker/Person / Topic / Time
Tina Shaw
Tina / 1.  Welcome, Call to order / Opening Remarks
2.  Introductions
3.  Approve October minutes
4.  Support staff report –9/29/2013 – 11/2/2013: ?? Spreadsheet details available on request
5.  Fundamentals Update
6.  Director Reports handout
7.  Directors and Associates Time
8.  Wrap up and adjourn / 5 min
45 min
5 min
5 min
5 min
5 min
15 min
5 min
Called to order at 6:10 p.m. Tina asked everyone to do a brief introduction.
Tina distributed Tom’s 2014 Operation Plan to everyone, which asked new Board members to offer their input/goals to Tom by Friday, 11/29.
Bruce spoke about December event, specifically about the request for presenters. Board member & guest compensated for Dec. event in lieu of holiday party. My one request was for a 2014 title of Chapter Advisor for Innovation and Planning. We will have Member Survey results available after this Friday, 11/22.
Did introductions for all Board members, new and existing.
Went over action items from October minutes. Approved October minutes.
Dr. Larry: to post to Leaders LI Group re: best practices for volunteer management and re: CPLP interest topic on LI Group (National link to CPLP).
Support Staff Report (VA) for October: 45.5 hours for 5 week month.
Judy Isaman
Finance / State of the Coffer
Process request for receipts and matching debit card charges to budget.
NOTES: Absent.
Emailed monthly cash reconciliation and budget master for Board review.
Of special notice regarding income:
Combining income from membership (new and renewals), we are ~$1K shy of hitting goal.
Meeting income is appearing less than half of goal. However, in review of special events, conference and Training Fundamentals, you'll notice that these range from 1.5 to 3 times over goal.
Tom Moore and Bruce Winner
Programs / Program Review
October program.Sold out crowd of 75 for Mindfulness. This was a topic Tom and Bruce targeted around positive psychology and cognitive brain science. Made about $1500. Evaluations available and very positive.
November:Lisa Montanaro, Organization for Trainers. Sold out as of Thursday, 11/14 for the event to be held on Monday, 11/18 at UCD’s Sacramento Galleria. Should be profitable. Estimate is net of $750 to $1000. This was Tom’s event and seems to have “struck a chord”. Guess we can all be more organized.
Also in November: Bruce was able to “crowd-source” a survey that was sent to all on the chapter mailing list. (Thanks to all board members who contributed ideas, additions, and modifications to the survey.) The final results will be available the first week in December, but some preliminary results are available now.
December:Announcements have gone out for the Throwdown and Holiday spectacular for Dec 17thevening event at Rancho Cordova City Hall. Tom and Bruce asked all board members to talk up the event, attend the event, and encourage anyone they know to apply for the throwdown event “petcha kutcha”.
Also in December:Tom and Bruce will be conducting an orientation and planning session with the three new program directors (Scott, Laura, Alex) on Friday, Dec 13th. An orientation binder for new program directors will be provided and archived for future use.
We are also hosting a conference call for Program Directors at ASTD Chapters Nationally on Friday Dec 20, (9-10:30 PST), if anyone is interested. This is a spin-off of an ALC conversation and effort to get program directors nationally to share programs, tips, and advice. Conversation ongoing on ASTD Chapter Leaders Group. Info and agenda will be posted to LinkedIn the week of Nov 18th.
Special Events / Vacancy
NOTES: Associate AJ
Dennis Wade
Membership / Membership activities report
I created a Membership Drive email with special offer to be sent viaemail by Janet to all National Members in the greater Sacramento area (as identified from the database file from National 9/2013). Currently scheduled to be sent Wed., 11/20/13.
Dr. Larry and Janet will be posting a LinkedIn Group Discussion with a succinct paragraph, complete with convincing hook enticing reader to click on a hyperlink to our web page for greater detail of offer terms and member benefits received for signing up before 12/31.
Janet posted a sales pitch to local members re: National Membership Benefits (and how to apply) in the November Newsletter, which will be repeated in December Newsletter. Will add click-through link to our National Benefits web page in December.
Janet created a new website page with the special offer for National and LinkedIn group members, which has Chapter Member Benefits clearly and succinctly spelled out. Still needs input on a Top 10 Compelling Reasons to Join ASTD Sacramento format.
Janet re-vamped the current National Benefits web pagewith details about the new and improved Benefits of a National "Power Membership," clearly demonstrating to local members why also joining National is in their best interest.
Dr. Larry Hiner
Communications / Communication activities report
The newsletter has been well received by our members. Gives us added visibility and an additional channel for member communication. The open rates have been impressive at:
NOVEMBER (sent 11/6) –30% (92) of 306 with 5% (17) known clicks, as not all email clients allow us to track back the open or click through links.
OCTOBER (sent 10/7) –40% (101) of 255 with 17% (67) known clicks, as not all email clients allow us to track back the open or click through links.
Lawrence Hiner IV and Art Cruz
Marketing / Marketing activities report
November: Sacramento Business Journal paid their invoice for October meeting sponsorship.
I am exploring options for program sponsors and advertisers in 2014.
Tyler Wade
Special Projects
NOTES: Absent.
ASTD Board / Open discussion/wrap up and close
Bruce suggested buying the book titled: 99 Ideas for Growing Your Association Membership from ASAE.
Dr. Larry suggested we cross-link through other organizations’ website and blogs for additional exposure.
Getting word out about ASTD Sac. Largely thru programs. Communication occurring on continuous basis besides programs. Emphasize the quality and professionalism of events, which have accelerated and expanded to suit members’ interests. Fill in the rest of the communication channel via Newsletter content and advertising and social media. Offer member benefit beyond announcements and programs. Utilize social media channels, like LindkedIn and Facebook. Perhaps use Twitter more actively? Offer more communications between events and monthly meetings.
Mentor Program – Sub group to LinkedIn Group. More Q&A. Goal: Go-to place for reference. Need volunteers to help out.
Tina polled Board members in attendance regarding holding a separate holiday dinner or incorporating it into the December event on 12/17. The majority felt it would be better to combine the Board dinner with the monthly meeting. Thus, each 2013 and 2014 Board member is welcome to attend and bring a guest for free by contacting Janet to register.
Board meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

2013 ASTD Sacramento Board Meetings (schedule subject to change)

October 29, 6:00-7:30 pm, Virtual

November 19, 6:00-7:30 pm, Los Rios CCD