June 10, 2013

The County Commissioners’ meeting was called to order in their meeting room at 9:00am. All members were present.


Community Development Director Mike Lithgow and Bob Moran discussed a large lot segregation. B. Moran requested a variance on a survey. Alternative solutions were discussed.


Board Reviews and Reports –

M. Manus discussed visiting the Fair Grounds with Fair Manager Jim Mathis. They discussed the removal of dangerous trees.

K. Skoog discussed various constituents’ concerns.

The quad-county commissioners’ meeting of June 7th was discussed.


EXECUTIVE SESSION: Human Resources Coordinator Shelly Stafford requested an executive session to discuss collective bargaining pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(4)(a) for thirty minutes from 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Also present was Sheriff Alan Botzheim.


The Board recessed for lunch.


Public Works Update - Present were Public Works Director Sam Castro and Senior Design Construction Engineer George Luft. The following Road Department items were discussed: Welding is taking place on the Ione Bridge to repair cracks;

Vegetation control in District 2 is beginning today; striping is scheduled for August 1st ; painting stop bars county wide;

crack sealing on Sullivan Lake Road today; Leclerc Road N. and Kings Lake Road paving to begin June 24; chip sealing Deer Valley Road from City limits to Coyote Trail to begin July 2nd ; chip sealing and paving Sullivan Lake Road to begin July 9th ; hot mix paving Coyote Trail from July 15th through the 30th; 10,000 yards of sand needs to be mined and stockpiled at each of the District 1 and District 3 Road Shops; sand for District 2 will go out for bid.

Building & Grounds: Items discussed were: the HVAC Project is near completion; the implementation of a maintenance schedule for County buildings; Capital facilities; security items; 70% of our building grounds have been sprayed for weeds and fertilized; 90% of our buildings have been sprayed for insects; arrangement with Weeds for the storage of pesticides and herbicides; fiber project is complete at server room; recruitment of free labor to assist with building and grounds; and also discussed was the upcoming meeting with the Forest Service and logging industry on June 19, 2013, 9:00a.m. to be held at the Three Rivers Ranger Station, 255 W. 11th Avenue, Kettle Falls.


Prosecutor Tom Metzger reviewed a document presented by Bob Moran. Also present were M. Lithgow and Bob Moran.


T. Metzger discussed the State Building Code Council and building code changes, notably the increase of climatic zones. The State adopted the International Conservation Code in November of 2012 to replace the Energy Code. The State Building Code will be effective July 1, 2013.


Public Comment – No members of the public were present.


Motion was made by K. Skoog to continue the meeting to June 11, 2013. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.

June 11, 2013

The meeting was continued. All members were present.


ITS Director Chad Goodhue provided an update on the physical security project, as well as an update on a road name change. Also discussed was fiber connectivity and costs.


County Clerk Tammie Ownbey requested approval to purchase a laptop for her office. Also present was C. Goodhue. Motion was made by K. Skoog to approve the purchase of a laptop for T. Ownbey as requested. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss and passed unanimously.


S. Stafford discussed LEOFF I insurance details and concerns.


Consent Agenda - Motion was made by S. Kiss to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded by K. Skoog and passed unanimously. The Consent Agenda includes today’s Agenda, the minutes of the Board’s June 3, 2013 meeting and the following items:

Investment Earnings: $6,345.19

Counseling Services – Continue of current advertisement for Mental Health Counselor with immediate intent to hire for two positions, pending successful pre-employment requirements.

Counseling Services – Maintain readiness to advertise and hire, pending successful pre-employment requirements, additional Mental Health Counselors, upon receipt of intent to resign by staff within a sixty-day timeline.

Resolution initiating county road project designated as CRP Mo. 839: Realignment of LeClerc by adding variable lane width to improve turning and sight distance.

Resolution No. 2013-23, COMMISSIONERS’ RECORDING

Payroll Change Notices:

Public Works – Road Division

Thomas Johnson, Maintenance Technician, $19.54/hr. Effective 06-10-2013

Public Works – Solid Waste

Nathan Urdahl, Resignation regarding Solid Waste only, Effective 06-05-2013


Scott Doughty, Resignation, Effective 06-01-2013



6.04 P. Holter-Mehren, Juvenile Division, Superior Court-Juvenile Department Services

6.05 Y. Zhao, State of Washington Office of Financial Mgmt.-Preliminary 4/2013 population estimates

6.06 H. Loskill-POC Parks and Recreation Advisory Board letter of interest

6.07 K.Charlton, Rural Resources – Updated Bylaws


Correspondence Sent:

R. Spencer, Mayor of Town of Cusick-Pend Oreille County Fairgrounds


As of this date the Board approved for payment the following vouchers as listed and made available by the Auditor's Office:

Salary and Claim

Fund Fund Amount

Current Expense $ 46,509.27

Counseling Services $ 10,408.79

Fair $ 3,122.44

Park $ 45,001.96

Road $ 71,181.12

Veteran’s Assistance $ 505.00

Treasurer’s O&M $ 225.00

Extension Education $ 72.58

Solid Waste $ 10,381.69

Equipment R&R $ 49,328.32

Sheriff’s Trust $ 1,458.00

TOTAL: $ 238,194.17


Motion to adjourn was made by S. Kiss. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried.

ATTEST: s/ ______APPROVED: s/______Clerk of the Board Chair of the Board

Commissioners’ Minutes, June 10, 2013. Initial _____ Page 3 of 3