Advanced Placement Statistics--Mrs. Brashear




General Expectations:

Be prepared for class:

Bring your textbook to class every day. Please keep it covered and treat it with respect. Your book is NOT a notebook. Please do not stuff it with papers/handouts as this will break the binding and you will be charged a book repair fee or book replacement fee at the end of the year!

Bring your calculator to class every day.

Backpacks, purses, etc should be on the floor under your desk during the class period.

Come prepared with questions on the previous day’s work.

All school rules will be enforced—no hats, no cell phones, no food, etc.


Grades are figured by dividing your points earned by the points possible. Points will come from tests/quizzes, classroom activities, projects, homework, and graded assignments. Students are responsible for keeping track of their own grades. Homework may be checked for completion or in-class graded homework problems/homework quizzes may be given and checked for correctness.

All tests and sizable quizzes will be announced in advance. All in-class graded work (tests, quizzes, labs, hand-in problems) MUST be turned in at the bell or at the end of the teacher-specified time period. Any work completed after the bell will not be graded or counted. Passes to your next class will not be given.


It is my expectation that you are checking the website calendar to see what you have missed if you are absent. If a student is absent the day before a scheduled test/quiz, they are expected to take the test/quiz in class on the regularly scheduled day. If a student is absent the day of a scheduled tests/quiz, they are expected to take the test/quiz in class the next day they are in class. Do not come in and ask if you can take it later, unless there are unusual circumstances. Expect that it will be handed to you at the start of the class period. Field trips are not excuses for not being prepared for class, graded assignments, or tests!!! In the case of extended absences, the student should see the instructor upon their return to schedule any missed work. Zeros will be given for tests not made up in the appropriate time frame.


The College Board requires each student to bring a graphing calculator with statistics capabilities to the AP exam. Therefore, this course will extensively use graphics calculators during instruction to prepare students for its applications on the exam. It is strongly recommended that each student have such a calculator to use on homework, quizzes and tests. Recommended calculators for this class are those in the TI-83 or TI-84 family.

Additional Resources:

AP Information can be found at including the testing schedule, general test information, and released AP problems and scoring guidelines. Check it out!!!

There is not an online textbook for this book, however, the website that corresponds to your text has student material available.

I have read the above policies, and understand that failure to follow these procedures may have a negative impact on my grade.

Student/Parent Info:

Student name: ______Student signature: ______

Book number:______Period you have this class:______

Parent name: ______Parent signature: ______



AP Statistics Course Procedures 2016-17