Present: Councillor Mr. Robin Radford MBE (Chairman)

Councillors: - Mr. Gerry Blackburn, Mrs. Cheryl Browne, Mrs. Margaret Manton, Mr. John Maryan, Mrs. Patricia Mitchell and Mr. Philip Woods.

Five residents of Kensworth were present


1.1  Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. Chris Menear and retrospectively from Ward Councillors Mrs. Ruth Gammons and Richard Stay who were delayed at a meeting in Chicksands. These apologies were accepted by the Parish Council.

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS (Personal and/or Prejudicial) (Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2001).

2.1 No Members had any declaration of interests, either personal and/or prejudicial, in any of the items under consideration at this meeting of the Parish Council other than Cllrs. Mrs. Browne and Mrs. Mitchell for items 10.7 and 10.8 below.


3.1 In the absence of the two Ward Councillors no report was given.


4.1 A copy of the March 2011 Police Report showing a total of nine offences, which had been circulated previously, was discussed.


5.1 It was PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 10th March 2011 were a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Cllr. John Maryan arrived at the meeting

Matters Arising (For Information Only)

5.2 Item 7.1 Internal Audit. It was reported that the internal audit of the Parish Council accounts for the financial year 2010/2011 was to take place next Tuesday by Mr. Ray Foster.

5.3 Item 12.1 Memorial for Cllr. ‘Steve’ Moreton. Members were advised that several suggestions had already been received for a memorial.

5.4 Item 15.1 Highway Matters. It was reported that a request had been made for the renewal of ‘white markings’ on the sleeping policemen.

A resident arrived at the meeting


6.1 It was reported that the annual contact for grass cutting on the recreation ground and the annual contract for grasscutting and grounds maintenance (under the service level agreement with central Bedfordshire council) were due for renewal. In accordance with Standing Orders letters seeking quotations had been sent to providers of these services, including the present providers. Responses had been received from three of the five contacted and quotations received. Following a full discussion it was: -

Resolved: - i) that, the contract for grass cutting on the recreation ground for 2011/2012 year be awarded to Mr. J. Gurney;

ii) that, a letter be sent to the unsuccessful submissions thanking them for their interest.

iii) that, the contract for grass cutting and grounds maintenance in the village (excluding the recreation ground) under the SLA for 2011/2012 year be awarded to Mr. J. M. Godfrey with the rider that that a probationary period for the first three cuts be applied and a new price worked out due to the reduction in area to be cut by the contractor;

iv) that, a letter be sent to the unsuccessful submissions thanking them for their interest.

A resident arrived at the meeting


7.1 It was reported that the short term let of the agricultural land in Clayhall Road was due for renewal. In accordance with Standing Orders letters seeking quotations for this one year short term let had been sent to four possible interested parties, including the present tenant. Responses had been received from one of those contacted and one quotation received. Following a full discussion it was: -

Resolved: - that the short term one year let of the agricultural land for the 2011/2012 season be awarded to Mr. P. Sinfield at an increased cost on the previous year with the same conditions of tenure applying.

Cllr. Mrs. Cheryl Browne arrived at the meeting


8.1 Cllr. Mrs. Manton reported on the meeting of the committee held yesterday. At the meeting requests had been made to park vehicles on the recreation ground, have a small tent and other stalls on the recreation ground and acknowledge the thanks of the Parish Council to Town and country for their contribution in funding the programme and advertising boards. Following a discussion Members agreed in full to all these requests.


9.1 Cllr. Radford reported that that he had been approached by residents over a section of Poplar Road where there were overgrown trees/bushes and a considerable amount of rubbish had built up. Following a discussion it was agreed that a site meeting between the chair and Mr. Pitt (CBC) be held to determine how best to resolve this problem.

9.2 It was reported that several suggestions had been received for a Memorial, including a cup/shield to be awarded to residents, something linking road safety at the school, the naming of a road/street/close, Xmas decorations, garden of remembrance at the Methodist Church, retainer for snow clearance or fund for teaching the elderly computer skills.

9.3 Cllr. Radford gave a report on the recent fire on the Industrial estate in which a number of vehicles had been damaged. This underlined the importance of the excessive height of the wooden pallets for which an Enforcement Notice had been served by CBC.

9.4 It was reported that complaints were still being received over young people, including an underage girl and a man living in one of the garages behind Russell Close. It was agreed that an approach to the Housing department at CBC be made to clarify matters.

9.5 It was reported that the forthcoming ROSPA report on the children’s play area was due. Members agreed that once again the inspection should be restricted to the play area alone and that a letter be sent to them advising of this requirement.

9.6 Cllr. Radford reported that this was to be the last meeting of the Parish Council attended by Cllr. Maryan as he was not standing for re-election in May. On behalf of Members of the Parish Council Cllr. Radford recorded their thanks to Cllr. Maryan for his contribution to the Parish Council and residents since his first meeting as a Parish councillor on 14th July 2005.



10.1 Cllr. Blackburn had nothing to report.


10.2 Cllr. Mrs. Manton reported that an Allotment Working party was to meet on 24th April when a collection of rubbish would be made. A request for a controlled bonfire in the corner of the allotment subject to suitable weather conditions was agreed by Members.

10.3 Two requests for the use of an allotment by residents had been received by the Parish Council and details of the applicants had been passed on for attention.


10.4 Cllr. Mrs. Mitchell reported on all outstanding issues.

School Governing Body

10.5 Cllr. Woods had nothing to report.

Village Hall

10.6 Cllr. Mrs. Browne reported on forthcoming events including ‘The Ladies Indulgence Evening’ and the AGM which was to be held on 3rd May 2011.

Cllrs. Mrs. Cheryl Browne and Mrs. Mitchell withdrew during the deliberation of the next two agenda items.

10.7 It was reported that quotes received for the redecoration of the interior of the hall was greater than previously reported with an increased contribution from the third party. Following a full discussion it was: -

Resolved: - that, the new contribution as reported be met by the Parish Council as third party mentioned in the application.

10.8 It was reported that the model lease received from BRCC had been discussed fully with a solicitor who advised that a lease did not reflect the present situation whereas the parties have created a licence and any new tenancy whether it is called a lease or not will be a licence. Following a full discussion it was: -

Resolved: - that, a small sub-committee comprising of Members and representatives of the VHMC meet to consider this matter.


11.1 List of correspondence received between 9th March 2011 and 12th April 2011.

·  Central Bedfordshire Council – Notice of Planning Applications

Copies of notice of planning application and plans for 194 Common Road, Kensworth.

·  Central Bedfordshire Council – Notice of Refusal of Planning Application

Notice of refusal of planning application (CB/11/00100/FULL) 100 Common Road (should be 102 in the PC’s opinion), Kensworth.

·  SLCC – Resolving Workplace Disputes – Government Consultation

Letter seeking the views of individual members on the consultation document ‘Resolving

Workplace Disputes’. The closing date is 20th April 2011.

·  Andrew Selous MP – Letter to Orange

Letter enclosing copy of the response from Orange on mast emissions in Kensworth.

·  D. J. Granger – Quotation for Provision of Grasscutting Services 2011/2012

Quotation for grasscutting services on the recreation ground and grounds maintenance during


·  Glasdon Products

Leaflet showing details of the products available from the company.

·  F. J. Stebbings – Tenancy Agreement

Signed copy of the tenancy agreement for a parish council allotment.

·  Central Bedfordshire Council – Notice of Alteration

Notification of alterations to electoral register at 14th March 2011.

·  Teacherboards – 2011 Product Catalogue

Latest copy of the catalogue showing details of the products available from the company.

·  Andrew Selous MP – Letter to Orange

Letter enclosing a copy of an additional response from Orange on mast emissions in Kensworth.

·  BT - Invoice

Invoice for the supply of the telephone line to Kensworth village Hall. .

·  Central Bedfordshire Council – Notice of Election

Copies of the Notice of Election for the forthcoming Combined Referendum and Local Elections

5th May 2011.

·  J. M. Godfrey Landscapes Ltd. – Quotation for Provision of Grasscutting Services 2011/2012

Quotation for grasscutting services on the recreation ground and grounds maintenance during


·  Keech Hospice Care – Tea For Three

Details of the launch of its ‘Tea at Three’ campaign which is being held again this year.

·  Cllr. Philip Woods – Candidates nomination Forms

Copy of the completed nomination forms for the election of a Parish Councillor.

·  BT Bill – Credit Note

Credit note for the late payment charge which had been withdrawn by BT.

·  BT Business Online Billing

Letter confirming that online billing has been set up for the BT services to Kensworth Village


·  Neighbourhood Equipment

Letter giving details of the products available from the company.

·  CPC – Catalogue Update Spring/Summer 2011

Latest copy of the catalogue showing details of the products available from the company.

·  Cerda Planning – Consultancy Services

Letter offering consultancy services on planning matters available from the company.

·  Central Bedfordshire Council – Possible Breach of Planning Control

Letter advising that no breach of planning control had taken place at 100-106 Common Road,


·  Central Bedfordshire Council – Possible Breach of Planning Control

Letter advising that no breach of planning control had taken place at 7 The Chilterns, Kensworth.

·  Central Bedfordshire Council – Statement of Persons Nominated

Notice giving details of persons nominated for the forthcoming parish council elections 0n 5th May 2011.

·  Barclays Bank – Statement(s)

Statements dated 1st April 2011.

·  Central Bedfordshire Council – Notice of Planning Applications

Copies of notice of planning application and plans for Land to the rear of The Gate House,

Common Road, Kensworth.

·  The Wildlife Trusts – Visit Bluebells This Spring

Poster advertising some of the best bluebell woods in the area.

·  Central Bedfordshire Council – Notice of Appeal

Notice of exercise of right of appeal for planning application (CB/10/02361/FULL) 100 Common Road, Kensworth.

·  Central Bedfordshire Council – Vehicle Activated Signs

Notice advising that the warranty on the sign will expire in February 2012.

·  BDO Stoy Hayward LLP – Local Council Briefing Winter 2011

Letter, enclosing, for information, a copy of the Local Council briefing for the forthcoming audit of

the Parish Council accounts for the financial year 2010//2011.

·  Bedfordshire Police – Luton Airport Anti Terrorism Strategy

Request to give a presentation on the work of the Community Engagement Team in the area.

·  Andrew Selous MP – Planning Enforcement Issues

Letter enclosing a response from Sue Cawthra Central Bedfordshire Council on enforcement

issues in Kensworth.

·  Chilterns Conservation Board – Buildings Design Guide

Copy of the ‘Chilterns Building Design Guide’ and ‘The Making of the Chilterns Landscape’

published by the Chilterns Conservation Board.

·  ROSPA Playsafety Ltd – Annual Inspection

Postcard advising that the annual inspection would take place this year in May.

·  Central Bedfordshire Council – Central Bedfordshire Prioritised Works Programme 2011/12

Details of the 2011/12 highway programme for maintenance schemes and local improvement


·  BT - Invoice

Invoice for the supply of internet services.

·  Filmergraphics - Invoice

Copy of trust deeds etc.

·  Cawleys. - Invoice

Invoice for the removal of dry waste.

12. HIGHWAY MATTERS (Local Government Act 1972)

12.1 A list of thirteen items outstanding (Provision of ‘double yellow lines’ Isle of Wight Lane, revaluation of the traffic calming scheme, heavy lorry signs Church End, replacement of ‘keep left’ signs, clearance of overgrown ditch by Industrial Estate, renewal of white lines at junctions, clearance of overgrown ditch Lynch Hill, various potholes, the depression in the road outside the Industrial Estate, the request to tarmac the grassed area in Russell Close, the flickering light in Russell Close, the provision of an additional lamp in Maple Way and the general dimness of the street lights following the recent changes to the globes) which had been circulated previously was discussed.

13. PLANNING Notice of Planning Applications (Town and Country Planning Act 1990)

13.1 CB/11/01009/FULL Construction of loft conversion with rear & side facing dormers & new pitched roof to single storey side elevation

194 Common Road, Kensworth

The Parish Council reached the conclusion that a site visit had not occurred as this property overlooks the bedroom of a property which has opaque windows whereas this development has clear windows and there appears to be a lack of consistency by the planning department.