Please follow links in titles for original posting and further details.


Research Seminar Series

Planning has started for the 2015-2016 Research Seminar Series. Please send any presenter requests or general suggestions to

Dear Colleague Letter: Communication About Automated Compliance Checking and Proposal Submission NSF 15-095

This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) is to communicate with the engineering research community about the new features that NSF has implemented in the FastLane system for automated compliance checking and about common reasons for lack of compliance. The goals are to ensure consistency in NSF's proposal submissions, to enhance the ease of submissions, to reduce the number of submitted proposals that will be returned without review, and to enable a greater number of meritorious ideas to advance.

Trifecta and Sparrow/MSU Center for Innovation & Research

• Keynote Speaker: Sara Czaja Ph.D., Professor Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences & Industrial Engineering at the University of Miami

• Research Collaboration Opportunities – Breakout Sessions

• Successful Grant Writing Strategy Workshop

• Networking with Sparrow Clinicians and MSU Researchers

MSU University Club | August 31, 2015 | 8:00am-3:00pm | RSVP Required

Write On-Site with Trifecta

Trifecta’s “Write On-Site” is a way to build in writing time and accountability. Bring your laptop or whatever writing materials you need and get started. This is an open invitation; we always have coffee and sometimes cookies!

Every Wednesday | 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. | CAS207

Spartan Marketplace Coming Fall 2015

Spartan Marketplace is an e-procurement solution that will provide the MSU community with a centralized, convenient, cost-effective way to buy items using Purchasing-negotiated contracts.

Save the Date: 2015 MSU-FBI Academic Alliance Conference

Monday, September 28, 2015 from 8:00am-5:00pm. The 2015 FBI-MSU Academic Alliance Conference is full-day program at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center. Free event but registration is required.

SPA (OSP|CGA) Federal Uniform Guidance

Stay up to date with grant regulation changes resulting from Uniform Guidance.

MSU Sponsored Projects’ Proposal Deadline Policy

College of Engineering’s Proposal Processing Timeline

Completed proposals must be provided to OSP at least three full business days prior to the sponsor's deadline to be considered on time. On-time proposals will take precedence over those considered late. Thank you for your continued cooperation and commitment to improving the process of proposal review, approval and timely submission.


1.  Department of Defense Explosive Ordnance Disposal Science and Technology N00014-15-R-SN13

2.  IARPA Mercury Program Broad Agency Announcement IARPA-BAA-15-08

3.  ROSES 2015: Mars Data Analysis Program NNH15ZDA001N-MDAP

4.  URA Visiting Scholars Program at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

5.  Direct Observation Survey for Safety Belt Use for fiscal year 2016

6.  Logical Qubits (LogiQ) Program IARPA-BAA-15-10

7.  Human Exploration Research Opportunities NASA Research Announcement NNJ15ZSA001N

8.  Partnerships for Innovation: Accelerating Innovation Research-Technology Translation (PFI: AIR-TT) NSF 15-570

9.  EHR Core Research (ECR) Fundamental Research in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education NSF 15-509

10.  Cyber-attack Automated Unconventional Sensor Environment (CAUSE) Program IARPA-BAA-15-06

11.  The Eppley Foundation for Research

12.  ROSES 2015: Earth Surface and Interior NNH15ZDA001N-ESI

13.  Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Program (I/UCRC) NSF 13-594

14.  Trifecta Pilot Funding Grant Award

15.  Smart and Connected Health (SCH) NSF 13-543

16.  Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change (P2C2) NSF 13-576

1)  Department of Defense Explosive Ordnance Disposal Science and Technology N00014-15-R-SN13

The Office of Naval Research (ONR) announces the following research opportunity: Department of Defense Explosive Ordnance Disposable Science and Technology. The purpose of this announcement is to (1) focus attention of the scientific & technology community on the areas of interest, (2) encourage dialogue amongst those interested in these areas with ONR, and (3) provide a planned timetable for the submission of white papers and proposals.

Deadline: white papers due August 24, 2015

2)  IARPA Mercury Program Broad Agency Announcement IARPA-BAA-15-08

The Mercury program seeks to develop methods for continuous, automated analysis of foreign SIGINT in order to anticipate and/or detect terrorist activity, military actions, political crises and disease outbreaks. Performers must address the following technical challenges in order to meet the objectives of Mercury:

1. Development of methods to automatically sample SIGINT data to detect group-level behavior changes in anticipation of, and response to, events of interest. 2. Development of SIGINT data extraction techniques that focus on volume, rather than depth, by identifying shallow features of SIGINT data (keywords, geotags, timestamps, etc.) that correlate with group behavior. 3. Development of multivariate time-series models robust to non-stationary, heteroscedastic, and heterogeneous data to reveal patterns that precede events. 4. Development of innovative uses of statistical methods to fuse combinations of time series for generating probabilistic warnings of events. 5. Development of capabilities that account for geographical variations in dialect, communication preferences, rate, technology adoption and political openness.

Deadline: August 25, 2015

3)  ROSES 2015: Mars Data Analysis Program NNH15ZDA001N-MDAP

This ROSES NRA (NNH15ZDA001N) solicits basic and applied research in support of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD). This NRA covers all aspects of basic and applied supporting research and technology in space and Earth sciences, including, but not limited to: theory, modeling, and analysis of SMD science data; aircraft, scientific balloon, sounding rocket, International Space Station, CubeSat and suborbital reusable launch vehicle investigations; development of experiment techniques suitable for future SMD space missions; development of concepts for future SMD space missions; development of advanced technologies relevant to SMD missions; development of techniques for and the laboratory analysis of both extraterrestrial samples returned by spacecraft, as well as terrestrial samples that support or otherwise help verify observations from SMD Earth system science missions; determination of atomic and composition parameters needed to analyze space data, as well as returned samples from the Earth or space; Earth surface observations and field campaigns that support SMD science missions; development of integrated Earth system models; development of systems for applying Earth science research data to societal needs; and development of applied information systems applicable to SMD objectives and data.

Deadline: August 28, 2015

4)  URA Visiting Scholars Program at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

The URA Visiting Scholars Program at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory was established in 2007 as a five-year program to support visits by researchers from the Universities Research Association, Inc. (URA) institutions to work at Fermilab for periods of up to one year. URA renewed the program for an additional five years. Visits can range from attendance at Fermilab conferences and summer schools to year-long stays at the Lab.

Deadline: August 31, 2015

5)  Direct Observation Survey for Safety Belt Use for fiscal year 2016

The Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning (OHSP) is requesting proposals from interested universities and not-for-profit agencies to conduct and report on the Direct Observation Survey for Safety Belt Use for fiscal year 2016.

Deadline: September 01, 2015

6)  Logical Qubits (LogiQ) Program IARPA-BAA-15-10

The LogiQ program in IARPA’s Safe and Secure Operations (SSO) Office is seeking creative technical solutions to the challenge of encoding imperfect physical qubits into a logical qubit that protects against decoherence, gate errors, and deleterious environmental influences. Underpinning the program’s strategy to build a logical qubit is a push for higher fidelity in multi-qubit operations, the pursuit of dynamically controlled experiments in multi-qubit systems to remove entropy from the system during computation, and characterization and mitigation of environmental noise and correlated errors. Recognizing that success in building a logical qubit is critically dependent on maintaining the proper balance between basic science and engineering, LogiQ looks to bring together diverse technical skills among leading physicists, engineers, and computer scientists.

Deadline: September 01, 2015

7)  Human Exploration Research Opportunities NASA Research Announcement NNJ15ZSA001N

This National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Research Announcement (NRA), entitled Human Exploration Research Opportunities (HERO)-2015, solicits research in support of NASA's Human Research Program. The HRP contains six Elements: Space Radiation, Human Health and Countermeasures, Exploration Medical Capability, Behavioral Health and Performance, Space Human Factors and Habitability, and International Space Station Medical Project.

Deadline: September 03, 2015

8)  Partnerships for Innovation: Accelerating Innovation Research-Technology Translation (PFI: AIR-TT) NSF 15-570

The NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) program within the Division of Industrial Innovation and Partnerships (IIP) is an umbrella for two complementary subprograms, Accelerating Innovation Research (AIR) and Building Innovation Capacity (BIC). Overall, the PFI program offers opportunities to connect new knowledge to societal benefit through translational research efforts and/or partnerships that encourage, enhance and accelerate innovation and entrepreneurship. The subject of this solicitation is PFI: AIR-Technology Translation (PFI: AIR-TT). The PFI: AIR-TT solicitation serves as an early opportunity to move previously NSF-funded research results with promising commercial potential along the path toward commercialization. Projects are supported to demonstrate proof-of-concept, prototype, or scale-up while engaging faculty and students in entrepreneurial/innovative thinking.

Deadline: letter of intent due September 08, 2015

9)  EHR Core Research (ECR) Fundamental Research in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education NSF 15-509

The EHR Core Research (ECR) program of fundamental research in STEM education provides funding in critical research areas that are essential, broad and enduring. EHR seeks proposals that will help synthesize, build and/or expand research foundations in the following focal areas: STEM learning, STEM learning environments, STEM workforce development, and broadening participation in STEM.

Deadline: September 10, 2015

10)  Cyber-attack Automated Unconventional Sensor Environment (CAUSE) Program IARPA-BAA-15-06

The CAUSE Program seeks to fund research on multi-disciplinary methods that provide accurate and timely forecasts of cyber-attacks. Throughout the CAUSE Program, IARPA expects performers to identify and extract novel leading signals from both internal and external sensors (both conventional and unconventional) and generate warnings for cyber-attacks against participating organization(s).

Deadline: September 14, 2015

11)  The Eppley Foundation for Research

The Eppley Foundation for Research was incorporated in 1947 for the purpose of “increasing knowledge in pure or applied science…in chemistry, physics and biology through study, research and publication.” Today the Foundation funds projects in medicine, life sciences and the physical sciences. Particular areas of interest include innovative medical investigations and applications, endangered animals and ecosystems, and climate change.

Deadline: September 15, 2015

12)  ROSES 2015: Earth Surface and Interior NNH15ZDA001N-ESI

This ROSES NRA (NNH15ZDA001N) solicits basic and applied research in support of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD). This NRA covers all aspects of basic and applied supporting research and technology in space and Earth sciences, including, but not limited to: theory, modeling, and analysis of SMD science data; aircraft, scientific balloon, sounding rocket, International Space Station, CubeSat and suborbital reusable launch vehicle investigations; development of experiment techniques suitable for future SMD space missions; development of concepts for future SMD space missions; development of advanced technologies relevant to SMD missions; development of techniques for and the laboratory analysis of both extraterrestrial samples returned by spacecraft, as well as terrestrial samples that support or otherwise help verify observations from SMD Earth system science missions; determination of atomic and composition parameters needed to analyze space data, as well as returned samples from the Earth or space; Earth surface observations and field campaigns that support SMD science missions; development of integrated Earth system models; development of systems for applying Earth science research data to societal needs; and development of applied information systems applicable to SMD objectives and data.

Deadline: September 16, 2015

13)  Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Program (I/UCRC) NSF 13-594

The Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRC) program develops long-term partnerships among industry, academe, and government. The centers are catalyzed by a small investment from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and are primarily supported by industry center members, with NSF taking a supporting role in the development and evolution of the center. Each center is established to conduct research that is of interest to both the industry members and the center faculty. An I/UCRC contributes to the nation's research infrastructure base and enhances the intellectual capacity of the engineering and science workforce through the integration of research and education. As appropriate, an I/UCRC uses international collaborations to advance these goals within the global context.

Deadline: September 25, 2015

14)  Trifecta Pilot Funding Grant Award

Trifecta seeks to stimulate new or emerging interdisciplinary research collaborations between faculty in the colleges of Communication Arts & Sciences, Engineering, and Nursing at MSU. Pilot funding will be used to help create innovative, interdisciplinary research projects that will lead to increased applications and successes in external funding, presentations and publications, and visibility for the Trifecta initiative at MSU.

Deadline: September 30, 2015

15)  Smart and Connected Health (SCH) NSF 13-543

The purpose of this program is to develop next generation health care solutions and encourage existing and new research communities to focus on breakthrough ideas in a variety of areas of value to health, such as sensor technology, networking, information and machine learning technology, decision support systems, modeling of behavioral and cognitive processes, as well as system and process modeling. Effective solutions must satisfy a multitude of constraints arising from clinical/medical needs, social interactions, cognitive limitations, barriers to behavioral change, heterogeneity of data, semantic mismatch and limitations of current cyberphysical systems. Such solutions demand multidisciplinary teams ready to address technical, behavioral and clinical issues ranging from fundamental science to clinical practice.

Deadline: October 13, 2015

16)  Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change (P2C2) NSF 13-576

The goal of research funded under the interdisciplinary P2C2 solicitation is to utilize key geological, chemical, atmospheric (gas in ice cores), and biological records of climate system variability to provide insights into the mechanisms and rate of change that characterized Earth's past climate variability, the sensitivity of Earth's climate system to changes in forcing, and the response of key components of the Earth system to these changes.