

Ministerial Priorities

2015/16 Annual Plan Guidelines

Statement of Performance Expectations

Regional Service Plan Guidelines

Regional Capital Plans

National Health Entities

Māori Health Plans

Monitoring Framework

Review of the Accountability Plans

Operational Policy Framework

Service Coverage Schedule

Purchase Unit Data Dictionary


The Funding Package

Planning Package National Workshop

Queries and submission of drafts


The 2015/16 DHB Planning Package has been approved by the Minister of Health.

The components of the 2015/16 DHB Planning Package, as advised in the consultation draft are; structural, organisational and process planning guidance, and updates to the CFA schedules. These include:

  • Planning Guidelines comprising the Annual Plantoolkit,Regional Service Plan toolkit, Planning Priorities document and the Regional Capital Plan Guidance
  • Public Health Unit Annual Plan Guidelines
  • Māori Health Plan Guidance
  • Updates to the CFA schedules including:
  • Operational Policy Framework document
  • Service Coverage Schedule.

Ministerial Priorities

The Minister has agreed the planning priorities.There is an increased focus on clinical leadership, the inclusion of Social Sector Trials as a cross-agency initiative that DHBs should continue to work with other organisations on, and an expectation for DHBs to integrateservices into the community in 2015/16. These changes have been reflected in the 2015/16 DHB Planning Guidelines.

As there are some areas that are still being developed there will need to be further guidancefollowing the release of the planning package. Further updates will include:

  • detailed definitions for 2015/16 health targets,which will be provided once final decisions on the targets are confirmed
  • detailed guidance on the Integrated Performance and Incentive Framework (IPIF), which will be provided once the IPIF measures for 2015/16 are confirmed
  • possible further advice on including actions to address drivers of morbidity, particularly obesity. DHBs may be required to provide more details in their plans on this area, once the Ministry ‘stocktake’ of activities that work to reduce obesity has been completed
  • integratingservices into the community, whichis currently included as a placeholder planning priority.Officials are working on more detailed guidance to be providedshortly
  • Social Sector Trials, whichis also included as a placeholder planning priority. Guidance detailing specific actions to be taken in this area is currently being developed
  • health of older people guidance and measures, which is currently under consideration and may be consolidated to focus on the most important actions for 2015/16
  • detailed guidance on the national entity initiatives. The prioritisation process is being worked though and it is expected that approved requirements will be available in the new year. In the meantime an indicative list of the likely national entity priorities is included in this planning package

2015/16 Annual Plan Guidelines

Planning guidelines provide a template on structure and some content requirements for the Annual Plans and the Regional Service Plans in order to meet legislative requirements.

The structure of previous guidance is retained as is the modular approach of guidance for DHBs’ Annual Plans

Although previously indicated in the consultation working draft, released in October, that DHBs will not need to produce Statements of Intent (SOIs) for tabling in 2015/16, this has been rescinded.

The Minister has advised that planning to update and refresh the New Zealand Health Strategy is to begin and is intended to provide DHBs and the wider sector with a clear strategic direction and road map for delivery of health services to New Zealanders into the future. He expects DHBs to take an active part in the consultation for the refresh of the Strategy. In conjunction with this activity the Minister expects a renewed focus on strategic direction to be evident in DHB annual plans for 2015/16. Therefore, all DHBs must refresh their SOIs in 2015/16 and build these in to their annual plans.

Financial and Production Plan templates are being sent to the DHB CFOs directly with copies included on the NSF library website.

The general content requirement for Annual Plans is governed by Section 8 of NZPHD (planning) Regulations 2011. However, DHBs also need to consider how to give effect to the overarching goal of Better, Sooner, More Convenient health services across all priority areas, with regional collaboration, integrated care and value for money as the key approaches.

Statement of Performance Expectations

The2015/16 Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE), together with annual forecast Financial Statements, must be prepared and tabled.

Crown entity subsidiaries (DHBs Shared Support Agencies) are not required to tablethe SPE, unless the Minister of Finance requires that subsidiary to continue to provide the SPE, such as health Alliance. The default is that parent DHBs are to report on the activity of their respective shared support agency in their own SPE.

Regional Service Plan Guidelines

The 2015/16 Regional Service Plan (RSP) Guidelines have been updated to bring them into line with the structure and presentation of the Annual Plan Guidelines. In addition, amendments to the consultation draft include:

  • a link to Workforce Intelligence and Planning Framework to assist DHBs in developing their workforce plans
  • additional requirement under the Cancer Network section to progress priorities that support implementation of the Cancer Health Information Strategy
  • clarification of Health Equity requirements
  • removal of National Health Committee from the National Entities section

This update reinforces thecollaborative approach to the development of RSP guidance,and this mechanism will assist DHBs to document their regional collaboration efforts and align service and capacity planning. Plans are expected to have a specific focus on reducing service vulnerability, reducing costs and improving the quality of care to patients.

In 2015/16, the visibility of contributions by DHBs to achieve regional service priorities will be further strengthened by expanding on the Line of Sight framework provided for the 2014/15 plans. RSPs should provide information about how implementation will be governed, costed, funded and managed, including how DHBs will manage performance.The 2015/16 RSPs are also expected to include an increased focus on health equity.

Some regional (including sub-regional) work programmes may require specific governance and leadership approaches with tailored membership to appropriately represent the key stakeholders and to ensure the best outcome is achieved (e.g., involvement and alignment with primary care, NGOs, patient representative groups). DHBs may also wish to include other examples of regional collaboration, for example, cross-appointed board members and clinicians and regular engagement between DHB boards in the region.

DHBs are expected to assist their colleagues in finding and implementing solutions to financial or clinical issues that arise.

Existing planning priorities will continue and are:

  • Elective Services
  • Cardiac Services
  • Mental Health and Addictions
  • Stroke Services
  • Health of Older People
  • Major Trauma
  • Information Technology
  • Workforce

Regional Capital Plans

The NHB continues to collect the regional capital plans (RCPs) separate to the regional service plans. The long-term objective is for DHB regional capital plans to be informed by local and regional service planning, DHB facility assessments and asset management.

Draft RCPs should be submitted to the Manager Capital and Operating by 30 March 2015.

National Health Entities

It is again intended to include the national health entities (Health Benefits Ltd (see below) Health Quality and Safety Commission, Pharmac, Health Promotion Agency, National Health Committee, Health Workforce New Zealand and National Health IT Board) priority initiatives in the planning package.

Financial costs and benefits are being finalised for the three entities that the Ministry expects detailed financial information for (HBL, National Health IT Board and Health Quality and Safety Commission) and the Ministry will discuss the health entity priority initiatives directly with DHB CFOs early in the New Year. Once Ministerial approval is achieved detail will be forwarded to DHBs. In the meantime an indicative list of national entity priority initiatives is included as part on the Planning Package.

It is expected that HBL will be wound down once the appropriate transitional plans have been agreed to move the implementation of the DHB Shared Services programme to a DHB owned vehicle. The handover is expected to occur by the end of June 2015.

2015/16 Annual Plan Guidance for Public Health Units

The 2015/16 Annual Plan Guidance for Public Health Units (PHUs) has been developed with sector representatives. It includes guidance overview, an issues update, planning and reporting templates, and other supporting information. The key messages in the 2015/16 Annual Plan Guidance are as follows:

  • PHUs are expected to plan with their DHBs and ensure their individual PHU Annual Plan is endorsed by their DHB(s).
  • Core public health services delivered by PHUs are to be aligned with the strategic priorities of the Government (especially on Better Public Health Services Results targets), the Ministry of Health (Ministry) and their District Health Boards (DHBs), and ensure all regulatory requirements are fulfilled.
  • PHU core public health services are to be aligned with the new Nationwide Service Framework Library Tiers 1/2/3 Public Health Service Specifications when they are finalised (and published on
  • PHUs are encouraged to collaborate with the public health/health sector and intersectorally, and engage in regional planning processes led by their DHBs. They are also encouraged to integrate their service delivery, as appropriate, to deliver efficient and effective services.
  • All templates in the 2015/16 Annual Plan Guidance are aligned with the core functions model that was proposed by the Public Health Clinical Network in September 2011 and accepted for use by the Ministry.
  • PHUs are encouraged to use the core functions model in their PHU Annual Plan for 2015/16 as a transition year, with a view to fully implementing this approach from the 2016/17 year onwards.

Two exemplars (one for Physical Environments and one for Alcohol) are provided with the 2015/16 Annual Plan Guidance; both of which are aligned with the core functions model and the Tier 2 Public Health Service Specifications. A set of evaluation criteria for reviewing PHU Annual Plans is also provided. It has been developed for Ministry staff to review the 2015/16 PHU Annual Plans.

The Ministry is keen to continue to support PHUs in their annual planning through one-on-one workshops following the four regional workshops held in December 2014. Please contact Peter Burt () or your Ministry Portfolio Manager for any queries about the guidance package.

Māori Health Plans

Guidance for the development of Māori Health Plans (MHP) 2015/16 can be found in the OPF (Appendix Three). The MHP continues to be a separate standalone plan and DHBs are required to jointly develop their MHP with their respective PHO(s).

The MHP drafts for 2015/16 are to be submitted at the same time as the DHB Annual Plan drafts. DHBs are expected to have completed all sign out processes prior to this date. This includes obtaining sign off by boards of governance on all draft plans as appropriate. The process for review/assessment and any resolution required is aligned with that of the RSP/Annual Plan review process.

Monitoring Framework

Detailed guidance, including technical definitions is being compiledfor Health Targets and performance measures as part of the DHB Monitoring Framework. The document is available as part of the Planning package with the following caveats:

  • Health Targets are to be confirmed
  • The development of the Integrated Performance Incentive Framework (IPIF) is nearing completion and as it is intended to be part of the monitoringframework IPIF measures will be part of the definitional document. . However further work is required and DHBs will receive further updates.

Review of the Accountability Plans

The reviewof the 2015/16AP (with SOI/SPEcomponents) and RSP documents willbe a combined process. The expectation is that first drafts will be provided to the Ministry by 13March 2015 and final submissions will be to the Minister by June 2015. Feedback will be provided and resolutions will be facilitated by the Regional Relationship Managers

During the review phase the Ministry will form an opinion on the financial and non-financial aspects of each AP/SOI/SPE and RSP; as the basis for:

  • feedback to the DHB,
  • reporting to the Treasury, and
  • advice to the Ministers of Health and Finance.

The timeframe for the review process is part of the Planning Package.

Operational Policy Framework

The Operational Policy Framework document (OPF) has been reviewedfor 2015/16 by the NHB. A summary of the amendments and changes is included as part of the document.

Service Coverage Schedule

The 2015/16 Services Coverage Scheduleis still in draft and will be finalised once the updates have been completed.

Purchase Unit Data Dictionary

The Purchase Unit Data Dictionary (PUDD) has been reviewed by the DHB Sector and feedback has formed the basis for the 2015/16 document (Version 20).


The milestones and due-by dates for submission of all DHB Planning Package documentation is available on the Planning Package page of the NSFL website

The Funding Package

The DHB funding package is to be issued separately to the Planning Packageand includes appropriation funding plus the forecast inter-district flow payments. Each DHB will be sent an individual letter with a supporting spreadsheet that shows the calculations and results for all DHBs.

Planning Package National Workshop

A national workshop was held in Wellingtonon 4-5 December 2014over one and a half days:

  • Day One involved DHB technical aspects of DHB and regional accountability documents, and consideration of relevant updates and the resolution of areas requiring clarification.
  • Day Two facilitated regional consultation,and focussed on ongoing cross-sector collaboration

Key issues raised at the workshop are under consideration by the Ministry and feedback will be provided direct to the participants. Copies of the presentations can be accessed from the link on the Planning Package page of the NSFL website

Queries and submissionof drafts

Queries concerning any of the documents of the DHB Planning Package should be directed to the appropriate contact: below:

  • Draft Annual Plans
  • Draft Regional services Plans
  • Draft Maori Health Plans
Queries on Annual Plans and RSPs / Your Regional Relationship Manager
Queries on Maori Health Plans / Raukura Maxwell
Public Health Unit Planning and Reporting Package (All communication) / Peter Burt

Draft Regional Capital Plan and queries / Cathy Webber

Queries on
  • Operational Policy Framework
  • Service Coverage Schedule
  • Purchase Unit Data Dictionary
Queries on DHB Reporting / Liz Stirling


12 December 2014