Spanish Language and Culture
Grammar Program: Teresa Ruano PhD
(May 21– June 15, 2018)
Course objectives
Enable students to use the Spanish languageproperly in both written and spoken communication.
The methodology includes hands-on and practical classes where students learn and practice the different communicative skills.
In addition to the study of grammatical structures, the vocabulary is broadened and daily situations of life in Spain, specifically Madrid, are introduced.
Classes are taught entirely in Spanish.
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
Share past and present experiences easily, with few linguistic errors and with an extensive vocabulary.
Plan the near future and future.
Present and defend ideas.
Be familiar with idioms and set-phrases.
Read and summarize brief texts and news articles.
Giveadvice, express wishes and feelings.
Write notes and formal letters.
Draft a document in descriptive and narrative style.
Video and audio materials will be used to introduce and practice the grammatical points being taught.
Every participant will prepare a 3 to 4-minute Power Point presentation on a topic of interest. This presentation will account for 30% of the final course grade.
Grammar Content *
FIRST WEEK (May 21 to May 25):
Tuesday 22
Introduction ofparticipants.“ice-breaker”
Review of irregular present tenses: “verbs used while at home, finding and renting an apartment.
“Going to the market and eating out”: Food related vocabulary: i.e. fruits, vegetables, meat and seafood.
Like, Look / Seem (gustar y parecer), opinions about the city of Madrid (boroughs, cleanliness, means of transport)
Wednesday 23
Verb “to be” (Ser y Estar): A puzzle of Spain (places and characteristics)
Personal pronouns (direct and indirect object) Spanish customs, gift giving
Habitual actions: to be + gerund
Thursday, 24
Past tenses and their use. Past perfect (what have we done/not done yet in the city
SECOND WEEK (May 28 to June 1):
Monday 28
Historic past: Biographies of historical figures.Curious historical facts.
Contrast between Past continuous / Simple past: Travelling and memories.Describing Friends, family members and teachers.
News and tales: “Once upon a time…”
Wednesday 30
Prepositions (with special emphasis on for (para/por)Life projects (I study to…, I heard it because…)
Making future plans. Travelling around Spain. Simple future and future perfect tenses.
Thursday 31
Imperative: giving orders, commands, instructions and recipes.
THIRD WEEK (June 4 to June 8)
Monday 4
Obligation: “have to / need to / must”
Tuesday 5
Present Subjunctive: tenses and uses
Expressing wishes and desires, asserting one’s rights: Advertising and the press in Spain. Vocabulary related to the environment and a better world.
Wednesday 6
Suggestions and advice for those who want to know more about the home-town where participants come from.
Thursday 7
Thoughts and ideas regarding current global issues. Agreeing and disagreeing. Assessing a current event or a situation.
FOURTH WEEK (June 11 to June 15)
Monday 11
Feelings and emotions. Reacting to situation.
Tuesday 12
Conditional sentences with different degrees of probability: Real and imaginary situations.
Wednesday 13
Reported speech and its uses
*The program is subject to adjustments or modifications which may take place in response to organizational or academic needs.
Assesment criteria
Written assignments:………………………………...30%
Final exam: …………………………………..………40%
Class participation and oral tasks: ……………………30%
Tutorials: Byappointment.
Usos de la Gramática española. Intermedio, Editorial Edelsa. Madrid, 2011.
Diccionario General de la Lengua Española. VOX
La conjugación verbal, Cáceres, M.T., Madrid, Edit. Anaya, 2002
Current news articles from daily press will be discussed in class (El País, El ABC, El Mundo)