/ - SAP - BAS Technical description
POLS - Documentation

POLS - Documentation

SAP - BAS Technical description

Versjon: 1.0

Dato: 10.01.07

Date: 30.11.06 Version: 0.9 Page 15 of 15

/ - SAP - BAS Technical description
POLS - Documentation

Revision history

Version / Date / Changes / Name
17.11.06 / Initial draft / Ajeet Phadnis
30.11.06 / Reviewed and adjusted / Roar Nielsen
0.9 / 30.11.06 / Formatting and restructuring – for review / Thor-Chr. L’orange
0.95 / 13.12.06 / Updated after walk through together with Jan Thorsen and Lars Oftedal / Thor-Chr. L’orange
1.0 / 10.01.07 / Version 1.0 / Thor-Chr. L’orange

Review and approval

Company / Navn / Dato
UiO / Lars Oftedal
SSØ / Stein Hagen


Company / Name / Action / Info
SSØ / Stein Hagen / Review


Ref.no. / Document name / Description
1 / POLS - SAP-BAS – Overordnet funksjonell beskrivelse og kjøremønster.doc / Word document
2 / POLS - SAP-BAS - xml_schemas.doc / Word document
(generated by “xml-spy”)
3 / POLS Business Blueprint Document / Word Document

Table of content

1. Introduction 4

2. Integration Specifications 5

2.1 SAP InfoTypes & Fields 5

2.2 SAP – to – BAS information groups / data patterns 5

2.3 BAS – to – SAP information groups / data patterns 5

3. Integration Application Architecture & Implementation 6

3.1 Data Conversion Process 6

3.2 Description of SAP to BAS programs 7

3.2.1 Purpose of the BAS to SAP interface 7

3.2.2 Extracting data from SAP/R3 – programming in ABAP/4 7

3.2.3 Generating XML file - Java Objects 8

3.3 Description of BAS to SAP programs 8

3.3.1 Purpose of the BAS to SAP interface 8

3.3.2 Reading XML file - Java Objects 9

3.3.3 Importing data from into SAP/R3 – programming in ABAP/4 9

3.3.4 Setup of info type 0105, Communication in SAP/R3 9

4. Infrastructure & Development 10

4.1 Production Infrastructure 10

4.2 Development Environments 11

4.3 Deployment Environments: 11

4.4 Scheduling 12

5. Testing & Acceptance 13

5.1 Testing of SAP – TO - BAS 13

5.2 Testing of BAS – TO – SAP 13

5.3 Acceptance 13

Appendix 1: SAP InfoTypes & Fields specifications 14

POLS - Documentation

This document contains a technical description of the interfaces between POLS (SAP) and BAS, meant for systems developers.

An over all functional description with program scheduling is found in reference document 1). Detailed descriptions of the XML schemas are found in reference 2). Functional details of the relevant data groups exchanged are found in the Business Blueprint document (ref 3)).

1.  Introduction

There is a two way online communication between POLS (SAP HR) modules and the BAS systems:

·  SAP – to - BAS[1]

·  BAS - to - SAP

The interfaces are based on generic file & jdbc adapters provided by SAP J2EE engine intrinsically.

The SAP inbound & outbound interfaces are a combination of BAPIs & JDOs.

In all these cases the interface messaging format is xml files. These xml files are generated and converted to receiver meta data by xml schema and xslt engines.

The file adapters at SAP end will fetch these xml files for inbound processing or send them to outbound interceptors.

SAP NetWeaver stack is used as integration tool set. External ERP integrations do not go directly to WAS Enterprise as recommended by SAP NetWeaver ESA architecture.

2.  Integration Specifications

The transport communication messages are in xml formatted data patterns abstracted through xml schemas.

2.1  SAP InfoTypes & Fields

The specifications of list of SAP InfoType - fields are as detailed in Appendix 01.

2.2  SAP – to – BAS information groups / data patterns

The information is grouped in the following XML nodes:

·  Person

·  Address

·  Person Communication

·  Main Position

·  Auxiliary Positions

·  Roles

·  Stedkode

·  Stednavn

·  Stedadresse

·  StedKomm

·  StedBruk

Refer to full documentation in ref (2) POLS SAP – BAS UiO_Xml_Schemas.doc.

2.3  BAS – to – SAP information groups / data patterns

The information is grouped in the following XML nodes:

·  PersonKomm

Refer to full documentation in ref (2) POLS SAP – BAS UiO_Xml_Schemas.doc.

3.  Integration Application Architecture & Implementation

The architecture is as shown in fig:

Fig: POLS – interface integration architectural view.

3.1  Data Conversion Process

1.  The conversion of data retrieved from SAP through BAPI in its raw form.

2.  Java beans invoke BAPIs at a pre scheduled time. (Ref. Document 1 – Grensesnitt SAP – BAS – SAP - Overordnet beskrivelse og kjøremønster)

3.  Java beans parse and validate the raw data from sap and submit it to an xml dom engine, which in turn generates the xml data file.

4.  The Java application components are deployed on Portal J2EE engine.

3.2  Description of SAP to BAS programs

The following figure visualizes the program structure:

3.2.1  Purpose of the BAS to SAP interface

The purpose of this interface is to move employee information (addresses, telephone numbers etc) from SAP to BAS.

3.2.2  Extracting data from SAP/R3 – programming in ABAP/4

Object / Name / Remarks
ABAP/4 program / YHR_SAP2BAS_FILE_CREATE / Note 1

Note 1

YHR_SAP2BAS_FILE_CREATE is the program that extracts data form SAP R/3. It works as follows:

1.  The program first formats the results table ZZXMLTAB

2.  Builds lines of 250 characters in a temporary table.

3.  Puts these lines into ZZXMLTAB from the internal table

Both ”Persondata” and ”Stedkodedata” are handled in this process.

The job has no selection picture as everything is expected to be transferred each night.

Therefore it and has to be run as a background program.

It is scheduled to run each night, and takes approx 1:05 hour.

Note 2

YHR_SAP2BAS_FILE_CREATE_PERS is used for testrun purposes. It contains a selection screen, where “ansattnummer” and “stedcode” can be used to reduce data volume/number of records for on-line testing.

3.2.3  Generating XML file - Java Objects

Java Class / Responsibility / Remarks
UiO_PopulateBASVals2SAP.java / Read bas xml instance
UiO_PopulateSAPVals2Xml.java / Read SAP Data and create xml instance
UiO_PropertyBundle.java / Read application configuration tags
UiO_SAPIntegrationController.java / Application Controller
UiO_SAPJCOPoolMgr.java / SAP Connection Pool Proxy
UiOPropertyBundle.properties / Application configuration props file
UiO_FTPFiles2Opalcon.java / ftp object used by both SAP –TO-BAS & BAS-TO-SAP interfaces
UiO_SendMailOnFail.java / Sends mail on application failure

Entire project uio_proj is located at: 120oslsap22\FTP\uio_proj

The sap-to-bas xml file is located at: 120oslsap22\FTP\uio_data

The xml schema, structure & configuration files are located at : 120oslsap22\FTP\uio_config.

Java doc is located at: 120oslsap22\FTP\uio_proj\doc

3.3  Description of BAS to SAP programs

The following figure visualizes the program structure:

3.3.1  Purpose of the BAS to SAP interface

E-mail addresses, which are created and updated in BAS, are sent to SAP.

3.3.2  Reading XML file - Java Objects

Java Class / Responsibility / Remarks
UiO_PopulateBASVals2SAP.java / Read bas xml instance
UiO_FTPFiles2Opalcon.java / ftp object used by both SAP –TO-BAS & BAS-TO-SAP interfaces
UiO_SendMailOnFail.java / Sends mail on application failuer

3.3.3  Importing data from into SAP/R3 – programming in ABAP/4

Object / Name / Remarks

Note 3

YHR_UIO_BAS2SAP is a BAPI (“Remote enabled modul) that is called to store and update data in SAP/R3. It works as follows:

1.  Check if ”fødselsnummer” match ”ansattnummer”

a.  If not: A record is put in the error log/table

2.  Read data into SAP/R3 and check

1.  Already existing => ignored.

2.  New => Create.

If not “start” and “slutt”-date exists in the input:

·  startdato is set to today -1 day

·  sluttdatao is set to 31/12-9999).

All letters are converted to capital letters

Telephone numbers: blanks (mellomrom) and hyphen (bindestrek) are removed.

3.3.4  Setup of info type 0105, Communication in SAP/R3

All data elements handled are set up to enable multiple instances. I.e. the interface does not delete old instances, but add on new instances.

The IMG describe in detail how infotype 0105 is set up.

4.  Infrastructure & Development

4.1  Production Infrastructure

The infrastructure availability for integration is as follows:

1.  One dedicated production EP Server machine.

2.  The machine has access to :

a.  SAP R3 enterprise

b.  SAP Portals

c.  Opal-con

Fig: POLS – Integration infrastructure

·  Portal URL: http://120oslsap22.common.alpharoot.net:50000/irj/portal

·  UiO Portal machine: 120oslsap22.common.alpharoot.net

4.2  Development Environments

SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio, SAP's new Eclipse-based development environment for Java Enterprise applications, Web Dynpro applications and Web services.

Developing J2EE Applications

The SAP J2EE Engine implements the Enterprise JavaBeans architecture - a technology for developing, assembling, deploying, and managing distributed component-based applications in an Enterprise environment. It also provides Enterprise applications with a uniform persistence layer for accessing data from a database.

·  Start SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio

·  Open uio_proj in NWDS

·  Modify, enhance the required object

·  Rebuild project

Test – see section 5 Testing

4.3  Deployment Environments:

After rebuilding and testing the project, deployment is done as follows:

·  Use export to generate and to deploy PAR-file.

·  Use upload facility to deploy application.

To deploy applications - use upload in the portal java development.


Currently SSØ has opened their firewall for ->

·  Machine (name) : Development machine

·  fixed IP:

·  default gateway : 129.240.*.*

·  subnet mask :

4.4  Scheduling

1.  Logon to relevant EP Server

Open Task Scheduler window

2.  Open Task Scheduler window

3.  Open task run_uio_proj ->schedule

4.  Change time as desired

EP Server task scheduler invokes run_uio_proj.cmd :

5.  File Location : 120oslsap22\FTP

5.  Testing & Acceptance

The test scenario and test case is as follows:

5.1  Testing of SAP – TO - BAS

Normal Flow Of events:

1.  Logon to relevant R3 client

2.  Run application - YHR_SAP2BAS_FILE_CREATE.

3.  Logon the portal server machine and navigate to ->java development->Component Explorer->uio_interface_start

4.  Verify that a xml file is generated on the server with time stamp (Takes 1:05 hours)

5.  Verify that the file is sent to opal_con server over ftp protocol.

6.  Verify that xml files are located on opal_con server at: \\\opal_con\SSØ-KRSAND\Universitetene\621\UO01\Filer\sap2bas

7.  Verify that xml structure & config files are located at: 120oslsap22\FTP\uio_config\ on EP Server.

Exceptional Flow Of Events:

8.  Verify that a error message is e-mailed to

9.  Verify for ABAP stack errors in R3 – client table : ZZ_XMLAPPSLOG

10. Verify for JAVA stack errors in portal log file at : <ep_home>\<ep_instance>\j2ee\cluster\server0\log\default_trace.trc

5.2  Testing of BAS – TO – SAP

Normal Flow Of events:

1.  Log on to EP Server as Java Developer/Administrator

2.  Go the Java Development->component explorer->UiO_Interface_Start

3.  Start application fetches bas2sap_data.xml file from \\\opal_con\SSØ-KRSAND\Universitetene\621\UO01\Filer\bas2sap

over ftp.

4.  Application copies xml file at : 120oslsap22\FTP\bas2sap on EP Server

5.  Verify that a xml file is located on portal server at : 120oslsap22\FTP\bas2sap.

6.  The file is named: bas2sap_data.xml

7.  Verify that the file is moved to :


Exceptional Flow Of Events:

8.  Verify that a error message is e-mailed to

9.  Verify for ABAP stack errors in R3 – client table : ZZ_XMLAPPSLOG

10. Verify for JAVA stack errors in portal log file at : <ep_home>\<ep_instance>\j2ee\cluster\server0\log\default_trace.trc

5.3  Acceptance

Before deploying changes done on the SAP side to production, do the following:

1.  Transfer test data file to a test folder on opal_con (on Cerebrum/UiO or Sebra/UiB)

2.  Ask Customer to verify and Accept change, before deploying to production

Appendix 1: SAP InfoTypes & Fields specifications

SAP HR / SAP / Felt i SAP / XML-navn
IT 2 / Fornavn / VORNA / PERSON-
Etternavn / NACHN
Mellomnavn / MIDNM
Ansattnummer / PERNR
Personlig tittel / YY_TITEL
Fødselsnr. / PERID / person-fodselsnummer
Fødselsdato / GBDAT
Kjønn / GESCH
Nasjonalitet / NATIO
Komm.språk / SPRSL
IT 6 / Adressetype / T591-STEXT fra (0006-ANSSA) / ADRESSE-
c/o / NAME2
Gateadresse / STRAS
Adressetillegg / LOCAT
Postnummer / PSTLZ
Poststed / ORT01
Landkode / LAND1
Reservasjon / COM01 / RESERVASJON
IT 105 / Alle deltyper / T591-STEXT fra (0105-USRTY) / PERSKOMM
IT 0001 / - B25 / HRP1000-SHORT fra P0001-PLANS / HOVEDSTILLING
- stillingsgruppe-betegnelse / HRP1000-STEXT fra P0001-STELL
- adm / forsk / HRP1000-SHORT fra HRP1001-SOBID, OTYPE ’01’, fra P0001-STELL som HRP1001-OBJID relasjon A007
- stillingsprosent / HRP1001-PROZT fra PERNR relasjon B008
- MG / T501T-PTEXT fra P0001-PERSG, språk O
- professor II / HRP1000-SHORT fra HRP1001-SOBID, OTYPE ’02’, fra P0001-STELL som HRP1001-OBJID relasjon A007
- dato fra - til / BEGDA - ENDDA
- org.enhet / HRP1000-SHORT fra P0001-ORGEH
IT 0509 / - flere tilsettingsforhold / BISTILLING
- hovedstilling vs “bistilling” / HRP1000-SHORT fra P0509-PLANS
- stillingsgruppebetegnelse
- adm / forsk / HRP1000-SHORT fra HRP1001-SOBID, OTYPE ’01’, fra P0001-STELL som HRP1001-OBJID relasjon A007
- professor II / HRP1000-SHORT fra HRP1001-SOBID, OTYPE ’02’, fra P0001-STELL som HRP1001-OBJID relasjon A007
- stillingsprosent / P0509-EMPCT
- MG / T501T-PTEXT fra P0509-PERSG, språk O
- org.enhet / HRP1000-SHORT fra HRP1001-SOBID fra P0509-PLANS som hrp1001-OBJID relasjon A003
HRP1001 / - Personroller / HRP1001-RELAT/T777U-SUTXT / ROLLER
- Stedkode / HRP1001-SOBID
- Dato fra - til / BEGDA - ENDDA
Stedobjekt / Stedkode / HRP1000-STEXT på alle OTYPE=05 / STEDKODE
- Dato fra – til / BEGDA - ENDDA
- overordnet sted / HRP1000-SHORT utledet fra HRP1001-SOBID fra HRP1000-OBJID, relasjon A002
IT9176 / - SAP navn - språk / ZSPTXT / STEDNAVN
- akronym / ZAKRON
- kortnavn / ZNAM20
- kortnavn (40) / ZNAMES
- Langnavn (120) / ZNAMEL
IT9158 / - stedadresse / HRP9158- CNAME
IT9153 / - stedkommunikasjon / HRP9153- CNAME
IT9159 / - stedkategori / HRP9159- ZLEVEL

Date: 30.11.06 Version: 0.9 Page 15 of 15

[1] BAS machines are Cerebrum at UiO and Sebra at UiB