SWAS Partner Sports Program

One Year Sport Agreement

This agreement outlines the purpose and structure, operational framework, mutual objectives, KPIs and minimum financial commitment of the program partners for the SWAS Partner Program Sport for the period:

1July 2015 to 30June 2016

1.Program Partners

All program related correspondence will be directed to program partner representatives nominated below:


Postal Address


Name / Bernice Butlion
Title / Chief Executive Officer
Phone / (08) 97951783
Mobile / 0428 954 504
Email /
Postal Address / PO Box 696 Bunbury WA 6231


Postal Address

2.Program Purpose

The program purpose is to provide quality support services to improve targeted athlete development.
  • The State Sport Association (SSA) and/or the Regional Sporting Organisation (RSO) will provide the Coaching component.
  • SWAS will consider contribution funding towards a coaching component on an annual sports program basis

3.Program Objectives

The following objectives are jointly agreed to by SSO, RSO and SWAS for the SWAS Sport Program:
  • Prepare identified junior athletes for regional, state and national success.
  • Increase the level of success of those athletes at state, national and international competition and events.

4.National Context & Pathway

National Athlete Pathway (Please provide a copy from your national sporting association)
AIS Program (if applicable)

5.Program Description

SWAS Partner Sports Programs(select if applicable)
Full SWAS Athletes
Associate SWAS Athletes
Athlete Selection Criteria(provide copy)

6.Key Performance Events/Targets: State and Regional

SWAS athletes will contribute to achieving Regional, State & National performance targets as set out in the sport’s strategic plan including representation at the following events (please indicate targets)
2015/2016 / Regional
2015/2016 / State
2015/2016 / National

7.Operations and Management

Program partners are committed to establishing and maintaining an environment that promotes continuous improvement – expertise, innovation, planning, management and evaluation are critical to achieve this end.

Joint Management Committee


SWAS (South West Academy of Sport) - Bernice Butlion
SSO (State Sporting Organisation)
RSO (Regional State Sporting Oraganisation)


  • Approve the Annual Sport Operational Plan including performance targets, activities, services and indicative budget each year
  • Formally monitor and review the performance of the program annually.
  • Ratify selection criteria, and processes for SWAS squad memberships.
  • Fulfill, monitor and evaluate agreed actions and strategies from previous management meetings to ensure the ongoing success of the program.
  • Appraise program staff according to agreed procedures
  • Jointly and efficiently manage any program related issues
  • Report progress & review outcomes to respective Boards
  • All members are responsible for the costs incurred to and from meetings

Program Management

Issues Management

The Partner Sport Program Coordinator (as appointed by the RSO) and program partners are jointly responsible for advising each other of any critical issues as they arise and establishing an effective management plan that is inclusive of all program partners and in line with appropriate program partner policies

Budget management

  • SWAS will manage the JMC approved budget.
  • The Partner Sport Program Coordinator (as appointed by RSO) is responsible for managing expenditure within the JMC agree annual budget.

Day to day management & administration

  • The day to day management of the program will be the responsibility of the SWAS Sport Program Coordinator.
  • Administrative support will be provided by SWAS.
  • The SWAS Sport Program Coordinator will report directly to the SWAS CEO.
  • In relation to technical skills advice for the Partner Sport Program Coordinator will seek direction from the SSO nominated coaching specialist.

8.Funding (Please Indicate where applicable)

Annual Contributions (incl GST)
1st July – 30th June / 2014-2015 / 2015-2016
SWAS Coaching
SWAS Services
Conditions of partnership funding
  • Appropriation from respective organisations including State Government and sponsors etc., where applicable.
  • Continuation of all program partners financial and in kind contributions.
  • The program satisfactorily meeting the key performance, ethical, behavioral and policy requirements of the SWAS Strategic Plan and agreed Annual Sport Operational Plan each year.NB: partners will provide at least three months written notice of any changes to agreed funding contributions


Any staff working with the SWAS program must have appropriate accreditation/insurance.
NB: If a program position becomes vacant, program partners will be included in a professional and agreed recruitment and appointment process

Performance Management

Codes of Conduct - Any staff associated with the SWAS program will abide by program partner codes of conduct and legislative requirements e.g.: Working with Children Check Guidelines
Appraisal – The employer agrees to coordinate joint appraisal of coach/s in line with SWAS performance management guidelines or alternative agreed to by the JMC.
National/State Team Duties – SWAS requires reasonable advanced notification for staff requests for State/National Team Duties.
  • The relevant hosting association is responsible for ensuring that appropriate insurance coverage is provided for SWAS staff seconded for national/state duties, including but not limited to:
  • Public Liability Insurance
  • Professional Indemnity Insurance
  • Workers compensation as required by law in the State or Territory in which the coach islocated on National Coaching duties.


The Partner Sports Program Coordinator in consultation with the relevant service providers will plan and develop an agreed list of activities and services in accordance with program’s objectives. This will form the annual operational sports plan. Service delivery and effectiveness will be reviewed annually and adjusted where necessary and practical.

11.Underpinning Program

The SSO in conjunction with the RSO will conduct an effective underpinning program that primarily aims to:
  • Identify the base for elite athletes
  • Nurture potential elite athletes and coaches that act as a direct feeder to the SWAS program
  • Assist the technical (skill) development of identified athletes
  • Ensure designated coaches with appropriate qualifications/experience are delivering a training environment consisting predominantly of skills acquisition to identified athletes that can meet SWAS selection criteria within the near future.

Underpinning Program Management

  • SSO and RSO are responsible for the coordination and delivery of underpinning programs Budget management

Underpinning Program Funding

  • SSO and RSO are responsible for the funding for underpinning programs


Program partners will acknowledge and recognise each others roles and contributions to the achievement of program outcomes.
  • Vehicles that will facilitate this recognition include athletes; media, websites, promotional material etc. will be used to acknowledge program partner contributions.
  • Opportunities for collaboration between the parties to seek support for the Sport Program will be discussed at regular meetings of the JMC


All staff involved in the program are required to adhere to:
SWAS core policies, guidelines and procedures. These can be found at
  • Modifications to these policies may be developed at any time, parties to this agreement are obliged to advise one another when such changes occur and ensure that consistency between policy expectations placed upon athletes occurs.

Execution Page

We agree that this plan outlines the objectives and performance measures for the SWAS ______

Sport Program and the responsibilities ofall parties during the July 2015...... to June 2016...... period.

an authorised representative for
South West Academy of Sport
in the presence of:
Signature of witness
Name of witness (block letters) / )
) / ……………………………………………………………………
By executing this agreement the signatory warrants that the signatory is duly authorised to execute this agreement on behalf of the South West Academy of Sport
an authorised representative for
Regional State Sports Organisation
in the presence of:
Signature of witness
Name of witness (block letters) / )
) / ……………………………………………………………………
By executing this agreement the signatory warrants that the signatory is duly authorised to execute this agreement on behalf of theRegional State Sports Organisation
an authorised representative for
State Sporting Organisation
in the presence of:
Signature of witness
Name of witness (block letters) / )
) / ……………………………………………………………………
By executing this agreement the signatory warrants that the signatory is duly authorised to execute this agreement on behalf of State Sporting Organisation
• National Athlete Pathway • SWAS Athlete Selection Criteria • Proposed Budget/Cash Flow
• Copy of Signed Original Athlete Agreements • 12 MonthOperational Plan
• Any further detailed clarification of contributions from Partner Sport and SWAS