Base of 24% with potential of 40%
Structure Commission - Additional 4%(must complete all requirements to qualify for the 4%)
1. Well planned program year calendar based on Ideal year of Scoutingdue by 9/15/2014
2. Budget Due by 9/15/2014
3. Unit Popcorn Kick - Off photo
4. School night for Scouting/Open House by 10/1/2014
Finance Commission - Additional 4%(must complete all requirements to quality for the 4%)
1. Set and report to Council your Unit goal
2. Set and report to Council your per Boy goal
3. Your unit has shared your budgets with Scout parents
4. Pay on-time (by December 5th with one check)
Leadership Commission - Additional 4%(must completed all requirements to qualify for the 4%)
1. Unit leader is trained for his/her position and is in charge of the Popcorn Kick Off for unit
2. Unit participates in District and Council events (provide Council list for your unit file)
Popcorn Commission - Additional 4%
Unit achieves $600 per Scout average based on 10/31/2014 District Total Report
Just like the units have to set a budget and goal, Sagamore Council also has to set up a budget and the Council goal for 2014 is $740,000.
If WE, Sagamore Council and all of your units; accomplish our goal we will have a water "Blob" structure added to Camp Buffalo for units to use and a basketball court added to the Cary Camp facilities by the pool area. By adding both of these items to our Camp facilities our Scouts would be able to feel a sense of ownership and investment in the additions, not to mention the fun they will all have using them!
I know it's really early in the year to be talking popcorn but this year Sagamore Council is getting back to the basics and popcorn is the fundraiser that could sustain your units entire year of Scouting! Let's all get on-board and start planning your unit's 2015 Scouting Year now!
It's time to begin planning your 2015 calendar year and budgeting your units finances to fund your scheduled activities! This year, all popcorn commissions will based around the Council's strategic plan and the Council Support incentive program so that Sagamore Council and all of your units can be as successful as we all would like to be!
If we all work towards the same common goals we will all achieve! Let's "together" make Scouting a program to be proud of!
District ______Unit # ______Popcorn Kernel ______
Street Address ______
City/State/Zip ______
Daytime (______)______Evening (______)______
E-mail ______REQUIRED
Thirty day sale period ______FOS Presentation Date ______School Nigh Date ______
(Scout Leader, your E-mail account must be set up to accept mass mailings/e-mail broadcasts throughout the sale)
Unit & Per Scout Goal for BONUS!!!
Unit Goal $______Individual Boy Goal $______