Santander Staff and Postgraduate Research Student Mobility Funding Application Form 2017/18
Swansea University is proud to be a member of the prestigious international Santander Universities network, which brings together over 1,200 universities across the world, including Spain, Portugal, Latin America and the UK.
This strategic partnership between Swansea University and Santander has created a range of opportunities for both staff and students to participate in a variety of activities and to encourage exchange and interaction between members of the University and other member universitites of the Santander network¹. To find out more about Santander Universities please visit
The University is pleased to announce the launch of this year’s awards funded by Santander UK, with the assistance of Groupo Santander, to support collaboration between Swansea University and universities located in the following countries:
Argentina Colombia Peru Russia Uruguay
Brazil Italy Poland Singapore
Belgium France Portugal Spain
Chile Germany Puerto Rico USA
China Mexico Qatar UAE
The application process is open to all Colleges and Schools in the University.
The funds are available for postgraduate research (PGR) students and/or staff to undertake a period of research in universities located in the countries above. Priority will be given to applications with partner universities in Latin America. For more information on the University’s current links with Latin America, please contact Cristina Monteiro-Mudresh, Regional Manager for Latin America, .
The funding is primarily intended to support a PGR student/staff member during the academic year 2017/18 (including the summer period) and will cover travel and susbistence expenses. Any additional costs must be met by the College or other sources of funding. Postgraduate students must have a period of study at Swansea after the visit, and all travel must be completed by July 2018.
In terms of staff awards, applications from Early Career Researchers will have priority. For the purposes of this application, an Early Career Researcher will be defined as an applicant who is within 10 years post-doctoral.
The following mobility funds are available for PGR students/staff to support periods of research overseas.
· Minimum of 20 awards each to a maximum of £1000
o It is intended that the students/staff should use these awards in the countries within the Banco Santander network.
o Awards will be based on actual costs up to £1000.
Application Process and Deadlines
Application forms are available from or email circulation lists.
The application deadline is 27 October, 2017.
Award-holders are responsible for their own travel and visa arrangements.
Award-holders will be required to submit a report to the International Development Office within one month of the completion of their visit. In order for payment to be made, all original receipts must be retained and submitted using the University’s expenses process. All overseas allowances are to follow current HMRC Worldwide subsistence rates for destination.
As a member of Santander Universities, Swansea University is committed to providing opportunities to students and staff which will develop strong links with key institutions worldwide.
Santander Universities began its activity in Spain in 1997 with one main objective: to support higher education.
Deadline: 27 OCTOBER, 2017
Staff members please complete Section #1 and proceed to Section #4.
Student applicants, please complete Sections #2 and #4. You will need to request that your supervisor complete Section #3.
Section #1: Staff information ONLYStaff Name
Job Title
Email address
Research group
Are you an Early Career Researcher (less than 10 years post-doctoral)?
Are you applying as an individual or as part of a group?
How does your visit fit with the College and University’s internationalisation strategic objectives ?
Have you got permission from your DoR/line manager to undertake this travel?
Section #2: Student Information ONLY
Student Name
Student Number
Supervisor Name
Section #3: To be completed by the Supervisor
Supervisor Name
How will this visit benefit the student?
Does the student have your support to undertake this visit
Section #4: Details of proposed visit
Host institution(s): name and country
Approximate dates of proposed visit:
NB Travel must be undertaken within the 2017/18 financial year i.e. before end of July 2018
What is the purpose of your visit?
Brief details of your planned visit:
Who are you planning to engage with?
What type of activities are you hoping to undertake?
What specific outcomes are you anticipating/aiming to deliver or achieve?
Budget breakdown: please give approximate costings
Head of College approval / Name:
¹Santander Universities Network List: