Hello CYNs,

This is a handout adapted from free resources I have legal permission to share from wellness coaching colleagues. I’ve adapted the image copy to reflect our nursing point of viewNOTE this is exclusively for CYNs.

The 2 pages below can be customized with your own pictures, other tips or substitute your own favs,. You may choose to create something new, like 3 Easy Seated Yoga Postures, My 3 Fav Stress Relief tips, etc. Remember to add your website at the bottom 

When you have a version you like, SAVE AS A PDF and it will look beautiful and professional. Here’s the how to:

Edit all the files you will be giving your clients.

Click here to learn more about editing a Text Box in Word:

IMPORTANT: Save all the files you will be passing on to your clients as PDFs so that they are no longer editable.

Click here to learn how to save your files as a PDF:

- BM17

You can use this as an Opt-in on your website to generate signups, hand it out at events you teach at, and give to your patients etc.

To relieving SAPS in your nurse entrepreneur bizz!

Love, Annette Tersigni

P.S. I’ve saved a copy of the next 2 pages as a PDF so you can see what it looks like BUT you must do the editing in the word docx.

Stress can definitely take its toll on our bodies in many ways - physically, emotionally and mentally.

I find that when I feel like I don’t have the time to slow down, is actually when I need it the most!

It’s important to take some downtime and take care of YOU. You not only deserve it, but when you’re feeling rested and recharged, you can accomplish more and support others better. It’s not selfish because you’ll actually have more of you to give.

Here is a list to get you started - 22 simple tips to take care of YOU. Pick one that you can start with today – and then remember to do something that brings you joy or makes you feel more centered or relaxed every day (even if that means for just 5 minutes).

Your name, credentials and website

  1. Get enough sleep
  2. Take the time to prioritize your day each morning (what are the top 2 -3 things you want to get done today?).
  3. Remember to schedule tasks/appointments, events as evenly as possible throughout the week.
  4. Reduce time on the computer and TV
  5. Take deep breaths during the day
  6. Eat slower
  7. Connect with family and friends
  8. Take a vacations (or ‘staycation’)
  9. Don’t be afraid to ask for help
  10. Make time for yourself – enjoy a hobby or activity
  11. Read a book or watch a movie
  12. Exercise
  13. Speak to yourself more kindly
  14. Listen to music
  15. Open your windows and blinds during the day
  16. Focus on your goals
  17. Enjoy a hot bath
  18. Meditate, pray and/or do yoga
  19. Get a massage or facial
  20. Go on a walk
  21. Focus on the positive
  22. Keep a gratitude journal

“Find what makes your heart sing and create your own music”

~ Mac Anderson

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