Melbourne Graduate School of Education
Bachelor of Primary Education
485-356 Health & Physical Education 1
Coordinator: Melanie Nash [email /

Teaching Unit

Assessment Task 1 (Semester 1)

Task Description

Pre-service teachers are to design a physical education–teaching unit aimed at primary (grades 3–6) pupils. They should also provide a short critical reflection of the principles underpinning their unit’s design (2–4 pages double-spaced).

Part A: Unit of Work (35%)

Each pre-service teacher must submit:

  1. A unit of work with clear unit aims and objectives, which focus on a chosen primary grade (3–6)
  2. Six to eight lessons (45–50 mins long)
  3. All relevant teaching tools, handouts, and assessment tasks to make the unit functional
  4. A short bibliography of relevant websites, media resources, and community support agencies (minimum five) useful to the unit of work

It would be useful to enlist the help of a critical friend to read your unit with the question in mind: If I had to teach this unit I would be confident in the resources and lessons provided?

Note the unit of work must:

  1. Integrate content across strands and dimensions of the Victorian Educational Learning Standards (VELS). That is, some understanding of the other learning dimensions in the physical, personal and social learning strandmust be shown.
  2. Integrate content across at least one other strand; this might include a key learning area from the discipline-based learning strand or the interdisciplinary learning strand.
  3. Demonstrate an attempt to engage with the idea of a creative, critical, and inclusive pedagogy (i.e., you need to cater for all ability levels).

Part B: Rational (15%)

Each pre-service teacher must submit a rational (no longer than five pages in length). This rational must provide the reader with a sense of why you have designed the unit in the manner you have and must engage with the key teaching theories/models studied and provide a bibliography or reference list.