Adviser template:
Client agreement

This document is intended as an example guide only, to assist you and is not provided as a recommendation. NOW: Pensions Limited is not responsible for
any changes made to this document.


Between [Adviser company]

And [Employer]

Prepared by

[Adviser name]

[Company name and address]

[Contact details]


Thisagreementhasbeenestablishedby[Adviser company] to provideservicesto [Employer company] to assist in setting up a suitable workplace pension scheme that complies with regulation.

The advisory services provided, the pension scheme and auto enrolment compliance systems recommended are designed to ensure that all employer regulatory responsibilities are satisfied at outset and on an ongoing basis in a way which is as cost effective as possible to [Employer company].

Description of initialservices

  • An initialface-to-facemeeting to understand the nature of your business, your workforce, payroll and HR systems in order to make the most appropriate recommendations.
  • Provide you with a report following the initial meeting outlining our recommendations for pension scheme and auto enrolment compliance solutions. The report will include:
  • An overview of your main auto enrolment responsibilities
  • An analysis of your existing workplace pension schemes (if you have any) and their suitability for auto enrolment
  • Our auto enrolment pension scheme provider recommendation with selection rationale
  • A suggestion as to the most appropriate definition of pensionable earnings and contribution rates reflecting the nature of your work force and the objectives for your workplace pension scheme
  • Recommendations as to whether to use postponement and if so the most effective approach at staging date, for new joiners and future eligible jobholders
  • How we believe you should put in place systems and processes in order to carry out your auto enrolment activities, responsibilitiesand record keeping requirements
  • A high level project plan – timescales and who should be involved
  • Assist you with your initial project plan
  • Make the necessary application to the selected pension provider on your behalf
  • Liaise with your payroll and pension scheme providers (and other third parties where required) to ensure the necessary data flows to set up the auto enrolment scheme and compliance systems
  • Assist with the scheme implementation where necessary
  • Help you prepare an employee communications plan prior to your staging date
  • Provide an initial employee briefing to cover auto enrolment in general and the pension scheme specifically. Any individual employee advice requests that may follow will be subject to a separate client agreement with the individual employee
  • Register the scheme with The Pensions Regulator

[Exampleone]chargesforinitialservices based upon the number of employees

0–20 employees / 21–50 employees / 51–150+ employees
£1,500 / £2,000 / £2,500

[Exampletwo] Charges for initial services based upon time to staging date

12–18 months / 6–12 months / 3–6 months / Less than 3 months / Post staging date
£1,000 / £1,500 / £2,000 / £2,500 / £5,000

Ongoing and potential ad hoc services

  • Analyse and advise upon changes to auto enrolment legislation
  • Analyse and advise upon changes to taxation rules with specific regard to how they may affect auto enrolment governance
  • Annual review of your scheme to include:
  • Employer and employee total contributions
  • Analysis of opt out and opt in rates to ensure they meet The Pensions Regulator requirements
  • Review of default fund performance and pension scheme trustee report
  • Review of auto enrolment compliance and administration systems
  • Annual employee workplace clinic to cover:
  • Advice on pension transfers and subsequent facilitation if required
  • Advice to those members getting close to retirement
  • Other areas of individual advice as requested
  • General questions about auto enrolment and your pension scheme


0–20 employees / 21–50 employees / 51–150+ employees
[£125] per month / [£150] per month / [£175] per month

**Pleasebeawarethattheminimumtermforouron-goingservicesisx months.


We reserve the right to charge an additional fee where the level of service required falls outside the normal scope of this agreement. We would give you advance notice of such a charge.

  • It is your responsibility to provide us with all requested and necessary data in order for us to provide the services outlined within this agreement. Inaccurate data or data delivered late may affect the timely completion of the initial or ongoing services. We cannot be held responsible for delays to the implementation of your scheme caused by such circumstances.
  • Where employees seek individual advice as a result of the initial briefing session, the annual workplace clinics or any other interaction with us we will enter into a separate agreement for advice with the individual employee; individual employee advice does not form part of this employer agreement.

Any variation to the above terms will be notified to you and agreed in writing before any changes
or charges are made.

[Insert VAT paragraphs as applicable to your advisory business]

Termination of this agreement

Termination can be made to the agreement by either party giving 30 days’ notice to the other party. On cancellation of these term any pro-rate fees due for on-going services will become payable.


I/Weagreetotheaboveservicesandcharges andauthorise[adviser company]toactonourbehalfinthesematters.






