Minutes of the Recreation and Environment Committee Meeting

Held on Monday 21st July 2014

At7:30pm at St John’s Church Hall

R008/14 Election of Chairman – Cllr. T Oliver was elected as Chairman

R009/14Attendance and Apologies for Absence

Those present: Councillors T Oliver (Chairman), R Clay, V Edwards, J England, I Johnston and D Milbank and the Clerk,M Burroughs.

R010/14 Declarations of Interest and Notification of Change to Members’ Interests-There were no declarations of interest or changes notified to Members Interests.

R011/14Chairman’s Announcements – None

R012/14 Minutes of Previous Meeting - The minutes of the Recreation Committee Meeting held on 17th February2014were accepted as a true record and duly signed.

R013/14 Matters arising from the previous meeting(s)


  1. Minor repairs to the play areas have been carried out;
  2. The Play Inspection Company has been appointed to carry out the annual inspections in 2014; the reports are due shortly;
  3. Alternative quotes for the new ropes/nets for the climbing frame at the Common have been sought and details were shared with the full Parish Council. All members were in favour of approving the quote from RSS for £1,285. Other minor repairs totalling £368 have been ordered. An inspection of the fitness equipment is outstanding. (Note this item is low risk and quotes will be obtained together with any further work required from the annual inspections)


  1. Wooden plank bridges – new bridges have been built and another repaired as appropriate;
  2. Signage – the head of the project team has designed the signs. These have been printed and some erected as a temporary measure. Cllr. Johnston will make arrangements to hang the other signs;
  3. Annual Inspection and the area between the peaks – the RoSPA inspector has taken advice on the area between the peaks and accepts that this is the case for Dirt Jumps and that the gaps do not need to be filled. Given the work done he also advised that there was no need for a revisit;
  4. Over-hanging branches and barrier(s) to the area – the neighbour has confirmed that overhanging branches have been attended to, the recent inspection confirms no current risk;
  5. Park Services has quoted for replacement surfaces at the Village Centre and has also put forward an alternative solution to upgrade Singleton Road. This will be considered at a future meeting when funding is available.

R014/14 Play Areas

  1. Horsham District Council (HDC)Inspection - there are some minor repairs which the Clerk will ask the handyman to attend to;
  2. Litter Warden Inspection – the most recent reports have been reviewed by the Clerk. Excessive litter was found at the Dirt Jumps together with other unwanted items which have been referred to the PCSO. Most other reported items involve improvements to safety surfacing (still low risk), painting of equipment and other minor matters which the Clerk will refer to the new Environment Officer;
  3. The Boing Springer at the Common –this was reported as broken at the spring level. The Clerk spoke to the RSS Products Department and was advised that our springer was one of six from a batch of 200 that was faulty but that it had not been possible to pinpoint which of those from the batch that had been fitted were faulty. Reports of faults were sporadic with ours being one of six received. All remaining springer boings were returned to the manufacturer following the reports of faults and a new batch received. Our ‘boing’ has been replaced with a new one. RSS advise that there is no reason to suggest that this should break off again but it was agreed that if it does then it has to be replaced by another type of springer.
  4. Dirt JumpsInspections– the Clerk had circulated the ROSPA report, the inspection was carried out on 25th June 2014. The play space is assessed as high risk given the nature of the activity but overall no maintenance work is required. There is one recommendation and that is that over hanging tree branches be kept back out of the riding zones. The Clerk will review this.

The Play Inspection Company is due to carry out their inspection in July and litter warden inspections will continue.

Cllr. Oliver advised that he had recently visited the jumps and that he found changes being made, perhaps unauthorised changes on the beginners section. It is recognised that the jumps need regular maintenance but that they should not be changed or built up even more. It was agreed to monitor this on the inspections.

Other matters

The Saxon Weald hedge opposite the Shelley Arms needs cutting; it is encroaching on the footpath. The Clerk advised that Saxon Weald will not cut this until the birds have finished nesting.

Wild Flowers – Cllr. Oliver was complimented on the wild flowers in the Charrington Way green space.

R015/14Next Meeting–22nd September 2014

Meeting closed 08:16pm