Directors present:
Angus McDowall (AMcD), Jim McLaughlin (JMcL), Alan Wilson (AW), Ken Kennedy (KK), Steve Mortimore (SM), Kenny Mackay (KM)Ishbel Maclennan (IM)
John Murdo Matheson
Others also present:

6 others
Fiona Stokes (admin)

Calum Macdonald (CIB Services) (CM)

1. Welcome

  • AMcD opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. He explained there would be a slight re-ordering of the agenda to move the minutes of the last AGM to a later point.

2. Chairman’s Report

  • AMcD provided a report on activity from May 2016 to August 2017 (included as an addendum to these minutes)

3. Financial Report

  • CM went through the summary accounts for 2017. It showed total resources expended for 2017 of £131,549 restricted funds and £33,750 unrestricted funds. Net income showed a deficit of £11,633.
  • A member asked why there was not a summary handout for the 2016 accounts. CM explained the figures for 2016 were included on the 2017 summary sheets that were handed out.
  • A member asked whether the income figures included rent. CM explained, yes, it included all

the Pairc Trustincome.

  • A member asked whether the value of total funds was the land value rather than actual money held by PT. CM confirmed that total funds includes fixed assets, ie. The estate land. The member asked whether the income deficit this year means the value of the land has gone down. CM said this was not the case.
  • A member asked whether the accounts suggested it was advisable that PT should grow their business slowly at this time. CM advised it would depend on what external funding was available to the Trust.AMcD agreed with the member and stated that the trust would only be working within its means.
  • A member asked how the trust hopes to move ahead with projects when it does not have a lot of its own finance. AMcD explained there were negotiations currently taking place to secure the trust with its own annual income stream from existing estate assets,which would finance the yearly office operating and staffing costs. The revenue from some of the negotiations is expected to start within the next 18 months, or so. AMcD explained that one of the assets that is expected to bring an annual revenue payment is the lease of a loch and the sale of fresh water to a fish farm, and when the lease was agreed and signed the community would be informed. Affected Common Grazing’s have been informed about the negotiations.
  • A member asked why there is a number of differences between the 2016 accounts published on the Companies House website and those posted on the PT website the week before. CM was not aware of any differences, CM asked the member to explain, the member reiterated that there aredifferences.PT suggested an earlier draft had been posted on their website by mistake and would look into the issue as a matter of urgency, and also keeping the community informed.

4. Minutes from 2016 AGM (held on 19th May 2016)

  • AMcD asked those present at the AGM last year if the minutes were an accurate record. Minutes were proposed as accurate by Steve Mortimore and seconded by Ken Kennedy.

5. Matters Arising

  • None.

6. Update on recent developments

  • Steve Mortimore summarised the work of the trust over the last year.

Following community consultationin July 2016, 4 core working groups have been created; Housing; Crofting & Estate Management; Tourism; Renewables/Energy. Directors and members of the community are on three of the working groups. The exception being the Crofting Working Group, this group is made up of two of the Trusts directors and staff administration support. This small working group is following the advice given to Pairc Trust by at least three other community owned estates.

Members were advised to keep in touch via social media channels and to speak to the Trust to ensure it is reflecting the views of the community correctly. The office is staffed Mon – Fri 9am-4pm, with half an hour for lunch at 12.30.

Moving forward, the trust’smain focus has nowchanged from purchasing the estate, to managing the estate for the community, within the trust’s means, and investigating development opportunities on the estate for the benefit of all who live, work, and croft in the area.

SM reminded those present that the Pairc Trust / Calbost Harrier’s Road Race is taking place on 26th August, from midday at Ravenspoint.

  • SM advised the meeting that Jim McLaughlin would not be standing as a director again and expressed thanks and well wishes for the future.

7. Nominations for Directors

  • AMcD advised those present that in accordance with PT’s Memorandum and Articles, a third of the directors were to stand down and informed that the following directors were standing down:-
  1. Angus McDowall
  2. Jim McLaughlin
  • AMcD advised that Jim McLaughlin would not be re-standing as a director.
  • AMcD has been nominated to serve again in the following year.

8. Any Other Business

  • A member asked how many directors PT now has. AMcD advised that the trust has six directors and one co-opted director from Cho-Chomunn, but there was room for ten directors and two co-opted from other organisations, AMcD encouraged members to consider offering to become co-opted directors to assist with the work of the trust for the benefit of our community.
  • No elections were required this year as the maximum directorship had not been reached.
  • AMcD also personally thanked Jim McLaughlin for his years of service, his commitment to the trust, his sage advice, his general support to the trust, and to AMcD as the chairman.

Jim will be greatly missed by the Pairc Trust board.

AMcD thanked all for attending, wished everybody a good night and closed the meeting at 9pm.