Exam 4 Objectives and Muscle List
Chapters 8, 9, and 10
1. Know the function of joints. List all the types of joints in the body by their structural classification and for each category, state all examples (ie. for fibrous joints, there are: sutures, syndesmoses and gomphoses). State all of the types of synovial joints, describe them, and recognize and/or provide examples of each.
2. Diagram and describe a synovial joint, including the six features of synovial joints. In general, understand the following terms: joint/synovial cavity, articular cartilage, articular (joint) capsule, synovial membrane, synovial fluid, supporting ligaments, articulating bones/bony surfaces.
3. List and describe the possible accessory structures present at synovial joints. What is bursitis?
4. Know the basic structure and function of the shoulder, hip, elbow, and knee joints. Basic means: participating bones, and bony features, general stability/strength of joint (and what provides this strength), type of joint, and what movements are allowed. For the knee, know the major classes of ligaments at the femoral/tibial joint.
5. Identify and describe the various types of movements possible at the joints including flexion, extension, hyperextension, dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, abduction, adduction, rotation, circumduction, inversion, eversion, protraction, retraction, supination, pronation, elevation, depression, and opposition. Give an example of a joint that illustrates each type of motion.
6. Compare and contrast osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. What is gout? Lyme disease?
7. Know the functions and characteristics of: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle.
8. Describe each of the following structural elements of muscle (and developing muscle): epimysium, perimysium, endomysium, satellite cell, myoblast, fascicle, tendon, aponeurosis.
9. Know the microscopic structure and function of the muscle including the sacrolemma, sacroplasm, sarcoplasmic reticulum, transverse (T)-tubules, nuclei, myofibril, myofilament, actin, myosin, tropomyosin, troponin, titin, cross-bridge, sarcomere, Z line, M line, A band, I band, H zone, zone of overlap. Understand the sliding filament theory.
10. Understand and describe how skeletal muscle activity is controlled at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) including the type of neurotransmitter used and the steps involved in transmitting an electrical signal from nerve to muscle. Be familiar with: synapse, synaptic vesicle, acetylcholine, acetylcholine receptors (Na+ channels), acetylcholinesterase, and the NMJ. What is meant by Excitation-Contraction coupling?
11. Understand and describe the process of muscle contraction (the contraction cycle) including the role of Ca2+, the role of ATP, the steps leading to contraction and the steps leading to relaxation. Know all of the proteins involved.
12. Know the two factors that affect the tension produced by a muscle fiber and define the terms: twitch, tetanus, motor unit, recruitment, isotonic contraction (concentric and eccentric), and isometric contraction.
13. Understand the latent period, contraction phase and relaxation phase of a single muscle twitch.
14. Understand: wave summation, tetanus, recruitment.
15. Describe the mechanism by which skeletal muscle fibers obtain the energy to power contractions. Be able to compare the metabolism occurring in a resting muscle to a muscle with moderate activity to a muscle at peak activity.
16. Understand the characteristics of and differences between slow oxidative, fast oxidative and fast glycolytic fibers.
17. What is Duchenne muscular dystrophy?
Objectives 18 and 19 (and the muscle list) will be covered on the Muscle Practical, and will not be part of Lecture Exam 4.
18. Describe the action of (and give an example of a muscle that illustrates) each of the following terms: flexor and extensor, abductor and adductor, levator and depressor, supinator and pronator, & synergist and antagonist.
19. Identify on a model or diagram each of the muscles listed on the muscles list and know the general function of each (e.g. biceps brachii muscle flexes the forearm). If a muscle has two or three major actions listed, know them (ie. All three of the hamstring muscles do two major actions- extend thigh and flex knee).
Know the location and action of all muscles listed. Additionally, know the origin and insertion of the muscles listed in bold letters.
Head and Face / NeckOccipitofrontalis (epicranius)
-frontal belly
-occipital belly
corrugator supercilii / digastric
sternocleidomastoid (both heads)
splenius capitis (posterior neck)
orbiculuaris oculi / platysma
orbiculuaris oris
depressor labii inferioris
levator labii superioris
zygomaticus major
Abdominal Region / Thorax and Ribs
external oblique / pectoralis major
internal oblique / serratus anterior
transversus abdominus / external intercostals
rectus abdominus / internal intercostals
Back and Shoulder
erector spinae
rhomboid major
splenius capitis (repeated)
levator scapulae
latissimus dorsi
teres major
Upper Arm / Lower Arm
biceps brachii (short & long heads) / flexor carpi radialis
brachialis / flexor carpi ulnaris
triceps brachii / flexor digitorum superficialis
brachioradialis / flexor pollicis longus
extensor carpi radialis brevis
extensor carpi ulnaris
extensor digitorum
extensor pollicis longus
Hip and Thigh
psoas major
gluteus maximus
gluteus medius
adductor longus
Upper Leg / Lower Leg
sartorius / tibialis anterior
quadriceps femoris / fibularis (peroneus) longus
-rectus femoralis / gastrocnemius
-vastus lateralis / soleus
-vastus medialis / flexor digitorum longus
-vastus intermedius / extensor digitorum longus
gracilis / flexor hallucis longus
adductor longus (repeated) / extensor hallucis longus
-biceps femoris
Let’s summarize/simplify a few of the more complex origin/insertions.
Pectoralis major- look at the helpful Fig. 10.14 (a). Origins= sternal end of clavicle, sternum and ribs 1-6. Insertion= greater tubercle of humerus and inertubercular sulcus (of humerus)
Latissiumus dorsi- again, look at Fig 10.14(c). Origins= spines of lower thoracic and all lumbar vertebrae AND iliac crest. Insertion= intertubercular suclus of humerus
Deltoid- Origins= acromion and spine of scapula, lateral third of clavicle. Insertion= deltoid tuberosity of humerus (but you knew that)
Triceps brachii- Origins= glenoid cavity of scapula and posterior shaft of humerus. Insertion= olecranon process of ulna
Gastrocneumius- origins= medial and lateral condyles of femur. Insertion= calcaneous