·  Our director, Cheryl Anderson is supported by a staff of Cabrillo music student teaching assistants.

·  Together, Cheryl and the teaching assistants select music to distribute and teach to singers in preparation for concerts, festivals and special musical events.


·  Sprouts: The very youngest signers are introduced to basics of pitch, rhythm and fun. They are part of Dolce / meet Tuesday 4-5:30pm

·  Dolce: Beginning level singers / meet Tuesday 4-5:30pm

·  Vivace: Beginning-intermediate singers / meet Tuesday 4-5:30pm

·  Allegria: Intermediate level singers / meet Wednesday 4-5:30pm

·  Con Brio: Advanced level singers / meet Wednesday 4-5:30pm

·  Boys Chorus & Girls Chorus: Must be enrolled in another session / meet Tuesday 4-5:30pm


·  Each semester your singer is required to submit a new Registration and Emergency Information form. (available on the website or at registration/audition the week prior to first rehearsal).

·  The information you give us will be used only for chorus communication. We create a roster which includes name, address, and phone for all chorus families, which we distribute to all chorus families for purposes of carpooling, phone tree, communication between volunteers, etc. We do send announcements out via email, but will not share your email address with anyone outside the chorus.

·  If you do not wish your contact info to be on the roster, please note on your registration form.

·  I you do not wish your child’s photo used for publicity, please note on your registration form.


·  All singers are accepted.

·  Each semester, new signers and returning singers wishing to move into a new group will audition with the teaching assistants to determine placement.

·  Auditions take place on the Tuesday and Wednesday proceeding regular rehearsals from 3:00PM to 5:30PM.


·  Chorus sessions loosely follow a two-semester schedule; fall session runs from the end of August until mid-December, and spring session runs from mid-January until late May or early June.

·  Rehearsals take place in the VAPA 5000 building room #5148 on the Cabrillo College campus on Tuesdays (Dolce & Vivace) or Wednesdays (Allegria & Con Brio) from 4:00PM to 5:30PM. Breakout sections of the chorus will also rehearse in other rooms of this building.

·  Parking on the campus is by permit only. Day permits are available via a machine in the far end of the student lot located outside the VAPA building. Street parking on Soquel Drive is free.

·  If your child will miss a rehearsal or performance, please let us know by contacting the Chorus Line: 831-479-5021


·  Each session concludes with an all-chorus concert, usually on a weekend afternoon. Additional performances might include caroling, collaborating with adult choral groups and orchestras, fundraising events, and traveling to choral festivals or other events.

·  Sometimes opportunities come up at the last minute, so it’s a good idea to check in with your singer for hand outs or your email for details.


·  Formal Concert Attire Girls: Long black dress, black tights, black character shoes (non-shiny finish), pearl earrings and pearl necklace (dress and jewelry to be purchased from chorus – see Tuition/Costumes)

·  Formal Concert Attire Boys: Black dress slacks, black socks, black dress shoes (non-shiny finish), tuxedo shirt and black bowtie (to be purchased individually by parents)

·  Casual Attire All: Black slacks, black socks, black shoes, and CYC polo shirt tucked in ( to be purchased from chorus – see Tuition/Costumes)

·  Each concert announcement will include dress requirements


·  Tuition per semester = $200 ($10 discount for registration received before first day of registration/auditions)

·  CYC polo shirts = $20

·  Girls formal dresses/jewelry = $70

·  Shoe Library Membership = $30 ($20 if you join with the donation of a pair of character shoes –see Shoe Library)

·  Tuition Assistance = Available for those who find full tuition a hardship, but the board asks that all families make some amount of payment towards tuition. Assistance request form available on the website.

·  Refund = If a singer drops out of the chorus within one month after the session/rehearsals begin, 75% of tuition will be refunded. Beyond that time, refunds will be considered on an individual basis.


·  Membership in the shoe library is optional.

·  The $30 membership fee covers the cost of the first pair of shoes.

·  Shoes may be traded in for larger shoes before any performance without cost.

·  Membership is cancelled when a child leaves the chorus program or is unable to return a clean/usable pair of shoes.

·  Payment of a replacement fee of $30 reinstates library membership.


·  At the end of year concert in June, chorus logo pins are awarded to each singer who has completed the entire year (fall and spring). The main pin is a circle with the chorus logo, and singers also receive one small note pin for each subsequent year they sing with the chorus.

·  These are usually worn on the polo shirt.

·  All singers receive a certificate at the year concert.


·  The chorus is governed by a board of directors, composed of parents and other volunteers. The board meets monthly at Cabrillo College, usually on the third Thursday evening of the month (subject to change, so check with a board member or the website calendar).


·  Although Cheryl is director of Choral Activities at Cabrillo College and our rehearsals take place on the Cabrillo campus, the chorus is not supported financially by the college. We are supported by tuition and donations, which pay our teacher salaries, accompanists, tuition assistance for families that cannot afford full tuition, and other expenses.

·  Tax deductible donations may be made to Cabrillo Youth Chorus (Tax ID: 77-0385111)


·  We all make an effort to keep parents informed through hand-outs, email, and occasional phone calls.

·  You may direct questions to Candy Tanner, Administrative Aide ( / 831-479-5021) or Karen Clark, Registration (), and they will either answer your questions or direct you to the appropriate contact.


·  WE LOVE OUR VOLUNTEERS! All events, tours, choral festivals, concerts, fundraisers, etc. offer opportunities to connect with the community of chorus families and the greater music community.

·  We request each family to contribute approximately 4 hours of volunteer commitment per semester.

·  Volunteer opportunities include: Phone Tree, Board of Directors, Concert Reception, Mailings, Concert Usher, Fundraising, Travel Planning, Concert Flowers, Costumes, Photography, Registration and Help as Needed.


Chorus Line: 831-479-5021


Board of Directors:

Cheryl Anderson, Director

Candy Tanner, Admin. Aide

Chris Perri, President

Dinah Phillips, Treasurer

Karen Clark, Registration

Kathy Mathew

Denise Lee

Chris Imai

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