Response to Freedom of Information Act Request

Date of request: / 25th October 2016
Request: / Please could you inform me, during the periods of;
1)  2007 to 2008 Financial Year
2)  2008 to 2011 Financial Years
3)  2011 to 2013 Financial Years
Who paid the;
1)  Wages
2)  Finances
3)  Utilities
Of the Devon and Cornwall Police Constabulary?
Response / Police and crime commissioners (previously Police Authorities) hold the 'police fund', from which all policing is financed.
The bulk of funding for the police fund comes from the Home Office in the form of an annual grant (calculated on a proportionate basis by the Home Office to take into account the differences between the 43 forces in England and Wales, which vary significantly in terms of population, geographical size, crime levels and trends), though Commissioners will also set a precept on the Council Tax to raise additional funds.
It is the Commissioner's responsibility to set the police budget for the force area, which includes allocating enough money from the overall policing budget to ensure that he or she can discharge his or her own functions effectively.
In the time periods specified, the Police Authority held the police fund up until November 2012. From November 2012 onwards the Police and Crime Commissioner held the police fund.
In the financial years 2007 to 2012 the Police Authority paid the liabilities of Devon and Cornwall Police in relation to wages, finances and utilities from the total police fund held by the Police Authority.
From November 2012 the Police and Crime Commissioner paid the liabilities of Devon and Cornwall Police in relation to wages, finances and utilities from the total police fund held by the Police and Crime Commissioner.
Information relating to the expenditure of the Police Authority can be found in the statement of accounts for the years in question, which are published on the internet.
Year / Tax Base declared by Councils / Total Precept payable by Councils / Surplus on collection / Amount due from Councils
2007/2008 / £48,275.08 / £6,359,276.29 / £54,000.00 / £6,413,276.29
2008/2009 / £48,569.14 / £6,906,045.66 / £23,000.00 / £6,929,045.66
2009/2010 / £48,299.22 / £7,207,209.61 / - / £7,207,209.61
2010/2011 / £48,548.86 / £7,602,751.48 / £66,000.00 / £7,668,751.48
2011/2012 / £48,820.60 / £7,645,305.96 / £150,000.00 / £7,795,305.96
2012/2013 / £49,021.42 / £7,830,191.42 / £232,000.00 / £8,062,191.42
You subsequently indicated that you would also like information relating to the payment of police precept by Torbay Council for the time periods in your request. Information is provided below. Each year the amounts received are reconciled with the amounts due and this is then audited by the external auditors. There have been no variations for the years in question.