ZADANIE 1 – The Golden Glasses

1 Why were Holmes and Watson glad to stay at home at the night Hopkins visited them?

There was terrible November weather: storm, wind, rain

2. Why didn’t Sherlock Holmes read the newspapers that evening?

Holmes was busy that day.

3. What was the reason for detective Hopkins’ visit?

He needed help with a case / he couldn’t guess the reasons for murdering Mr Smith

4. Who, except Professor Coram, inhabited Yoxley Old Place at the time of homicide?

There were 4 more persons: a gardener Mortimer, a cook Mrs Marker, a servant Susan Tarleton and a secretary Mr Smith

5. Where was Susan Tarleton at the moment of Mr Smith’s murder?

She was working in one of the bedrooms.

6. Who called the police?

A gardener – Mortimer did it.

7. How did Holmes describe the physical appearance of the killer?

He wrote: woman who has plenty of money, wears good clothes, has a thick nose, her eyes are close together

8. Why, in Holmes’ opinion, the glasses belonged to a woman?

The glasses belonged to a woman because they were very pretty.

9. How did Hopkins encourage Sherlock Holmes to come to Yoxley Old Place (provide 2 arguments he used)?

Hopkins said that: Holmes had always been so clever, knew more about that case than Hopkins actually did and, finally, that Holmes had never been to Yoxley Old Place before.

10. In how many ways was it possible to get to the professor’s house from the nearby road?

There was only one way to get to the house from the road – through the garden.

ZADANIE 2 – The Dying Detective

1. Why doesn’t Dr Smith’s servant let Dr Watson get in?

Servant says Dr Smith is working

2. What is the reason for Dr Watson’s visit?

Dr Watson wants Dr Smith to come and help Holmes, who is seriously ill.

3. How long has Holmes been ill?

3 days

4. Why doesn’t Dr Watson want to go back to Holmes’ house with Dr Smith?

He has an appointment

5. What does Dr Smith say about his reputation?

It is irreparably damaged / cannot be repaired

6. What statement of Sherlock Holmes makes Dr Smith laugh?

Holmes said that he wasn’t sure if Dr Smith was involved in murder

7. How did Dr Smith kill his victim?

He put an infected mosquito to his neck.

8. What did Holmes receive by post before his illness began?

A parcel / a box with tobacco

9. Why is Dr Smith eager to turn up the light?

He prefers to see Holmes dying in a light / he wants to see his death clearly

10. What last service does Holmes ask Dr Smith for?

He wants matches and a cigarette.

ZADANIE 3 – The Five Orange Pips

Przeczytaj fragment opowiadania The Five Orange Pips i odpowiedz pełnymi zdaniami na pytania do tekstu.

‘My name,’ He said, ‘is John Openshaw, but this awful business is a family matter. To give you an idea of the facts, I must go to the beginning.

‘My grandfather had two sons – my uncle Elias and my father Joseph. My father had a small factory in Coventry. He made parts for bicycles, and was successful. After some years he sold the business for quite a lot of money.

‘My uncle Elias went to America when he was a young man, and became a planter in Florida. At the time of war between the southern and northern states, he fought in Jackson’s army. When the South was beaten, he returned to Florida and stayed there for three or four years. In about 1969 or 1870, he came back to Europe and bought some land in Sussex, near Horsham. He had made a lot of money in the United States, but he left because black people had been allowed to vote. He did not like that.

‘He was an unusual man, often angry and bad tempered, and he did not seem to like other people. He had a garden and two or three fields around the house. He took his exercise there, though very often he did not leave his room for several weeks. He drank a lot and smoked very heavily, and he did not want any friends, not even his own brother.

‘But he seemed to like me. I first saw him when I was only about twelve. I think that was in the year 1878 – he had been in England for eight or nine years. He asked my father to let me come and live with him, and he was very kind to me in his way. I spoke to other people for him, and at sixteen I was almost completely in charge of the house. I kept all the keys and looked after the money. I could go where I like and do what I wanted.

‘There was only one place where I was not allowed to go. That was a locked room at the top of the house. Because I was like any other boy, I looked through the keyhole, but I was only able to see a collection of old boxes.

‘One day – in March 1883 – a letter with a foreign stamp lay on the table in front of uncle Elias’s plate. He did not often receive letters, because his bills were paid in cash and he had no friends.

‘ “From India!” he said, as he picked it up. “Pondicherry postmark! Where can this be?” He opened the letter and out fell five little seeds – orange pips. I began to laugh at this, but my laugh died at the sight of his face. His lip had fallen, his eyes stared and his face turned pale. He held the letter in a shaking hand. “K.K.K.!” he cried, and then “My God, my God! My past has found me.”

‘ “What is it, uncle?” I cried.

‘ “Death!” he said. Then he got up from the table and left the room, leaving me puzzled and very afraid. (…)

‘Weeks passed and nothing happened to affect our lives.

‘But I could see a change in my uncle. He drank more than before, and spent most of the time in his room, with the door locked from the inside. Sometimes he got drunk and ran around the garden with a gun in his hand, shouting that he was afraid of nobody. Then he rushed back into the house, locking the door behind him.

‘ Well, one night he ran out the house like this, but he never came back. When we went to search for him, we found him face downwards in a small lake at the bottom of the garden. There was no sign of a fight, and the water was only two feet deep.

‘He was dead, and the police believed that he had killed himself. He had behaved strangely for months. But I did not believe this. I knew how much he was afraid of death.’

  1. Name two occupations that Elias Openshaw had before 1870.

Elias was a planter and a soldier.

  1. Did Elias support North or South in the American Civil war?

He supported the South.

  1. Why did Elias decide to return to England?

The didn’t want to live in a country where black people had the right to vote.

  1. What was John Openshaw responsible for in Horsham?

He looked after his uncle’s household.

  1. What was John never let to do in his uncle’s house?

John was not allowed to go into the locked room at the top of the house.

  1. Why was Elias upset by the letter?

Elias thought he might be in danger.

  1. How did Elias Openshaw die?

He was drowned in a small lake/ He drowned in a small lake.

  1. What was the reason of Elias Openshaw’s death according to John?

John thought his uncle had been murdered.

ZADANIE 4 – The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 1 – A Scandal in Bohemia

Read this short version of the chapter. There are 3 things which didn’t really happen. Find them.

One night while Dr Watson was visiting Sherlock Holmes, a strange man came in with a problem. The man turned out to be the King of Scandinavia, and he said that he was getting married soon. The problem was that Irene Adler, a woman he previously had a close relationship with, had a photograph of them together, and the King was worried that she might try to blackmail him. The King wanted Sherlock to see if he could get the photo back from Ms Adler. Sherlock disguised himself as a doctor and went to her house. He tried to get the photograph, but was unable to do so, thought he did witness Irene getting married to another man. When Sherlock, Dr Watson and the King went back to her house to try one more time, they found that Irene had left for a walk, but she had left a letter for Sherlock. Inside the letter was the photograph and a message saying that she knew it was Sherlock in disguise. The King was happy to have the photograph back, and Irene was now happily married, but Sherlock was beaten by a woman’s wit.

  1. The man turned out to be the King of Bohemia.
  2. Sherlock disguised himself as a drunken groom.
  3. They found that Irene had left.

Chapter 2 – A Case of Identity

The following sentences from Chapter 2 have been split apart and mixed up. Put them back together so that they are correct.

I may have something interesting in a minute, for I have a new client,
that I will succeed in discovering this mystery.
a man 15 years younger then herself.
Mr Windiband didn’t want to take part in any of these
As Mr Windibank was away at the time,
Looking at the letters
which would spoil the plan.
And I have every reason to believe
and didn’t want his wife or stepdaughter to attend either.
unless I am very much mistaken.
and what did he want with Miss Sutherland?
Then she married Mr Windibank,
Who was he then,
he noticed that even the signature of Hosmer was type-written.
Unfortunately Miss Sutherland turned out to be an affectionate person and wanted the marriage,
Miss Sutherland’s mother gave her approval,
  • I may have something interesting in a minute, for I have a new client, unless I am very much mistaken.
  • Then she married Mr Windibank, a man 15 years younger then herself.
  • Mr Windiband didn’t want to take part in any of these and didn’t want his wife or stepdaughter to attend either.
  • As Mr Windibank was away at the time, Miss Sutherland’s mother gave her approval.
  • Looking at the letters he noticed that even the signature of Hosmer was type-written.
  • Who was he then, and what did he want with Miss Sutherland?
  • And I have every reason to believe that I will succeed in discovering this mystery.
  • Unfortunately Miss Sutherland turned out to be an affectionate person and wanted the marriage, which would spoil the plan.

Chapter 3 – The BoscombeValley Mystery

Read these sentences about the story. Decide if they are true or false.

True / False
1 / Charles McCarthy was John Turner’s tenant. / x
2 / No one saw Charles McCarthy leaving his house at Hatherley Farm. / x
3 / Jame’s gun was found near the body. / x
4 / Jame had just returned from a week holiday in Bristol. / x
5 / Charles McCarthy wanted Miss Turner and his son James to be married. / x
6 / Mr McCarthy was murdered by a group of gold thieves. / x
7 / James was already married to a barmaid from Bristol. / x
8 / John Turner used to be known as black Jack of Boscombe. / x
9 / Mr turner and his daughter lived rent free on Mr McCarthy’s land. / x
10 / Mr Turner spent the rest of his life in prison. / x

Chapter 4 – The Man with the Twisted Lip

Complete the words in the sentences from the letters given.

  1. Isa Withney had got addictedto the terrible habit of smoking opium.
  2. He had no occupation but every day he used to leave his house in the morning and come back home about five in the afternoon.
  3. He was known as an affectionate husband and a good father.
  4. His wife received a telegram stating that a parcel with the toy bricks had arrived and were waiting to be collected.
  5. It was clear to see that the only person around was the well-known cripple Hugh Boone.
  6. He was always easy to spot as he had bright orange hair, a horrible scar on his upper lip and was always seen selling matches on the street.
  7. Sherlock spent the whole night pacingup and down his room.
  8. He’s washed his hands, but his face is still as black as a chimney-sweep‘s.
  9. Holmes took out big sponge, got it wet and started forcefully rubbing the prisoner’s face with it.
  10. Working for a newspaper, he was once assigned to write an article about beggars and street-sellers.

Chapter 5 – The Blue Carbuncle

Complete these sentences with the correct preposition from the box below.

  1. The second morning after Christmas, I decided to visit my old friend Sherlock Holmes and found him sitting on the sofa with a big, old, torn hat lying on the chair next to him.
  2. He saw a man whose hat had been knocked off his head.
  3. We have held onto your belongings for some time as we expected you to put an advertisement in the paper.
  4. The stranger seemed convinced by these words and accepted Sherlock’s invitation to come to Baker Street.
  5. It turned out that Mrs Oakshort was, in fact, his sister, who fattened birds for the market.
  6. He chose one with a barred tail as it would be easily recognizable and used it as a hiding place for the stone.

Chapter 6 – The Speckled Band

Answer the following questions about Chapter 6 using full sentences.

  1. How was the young lady dressed when she came to Sherlock Holmes?

She was dressed all in black with a veil covering her face.

  1. How long ago did Helen’s sister die?

Her sister died two years ago.

  1. What sounds did Helen hear after her sister screamed?

Helen heard a whistle and the sound of something metal falling.

  1. Why was Helen forced to move into her sister’s room?

She was forced to move into her sister’s room because some repairs were being made to the mansion.

  1. What was the ventilator used for?

The ventilator was used for the snake to go into the middle room.

Chapter 7 – An Engineer’s Thumb

Can you remember who said these comments?

  1. An accident, I presume? Dr Watson
  2. Go from here before it’s too late. the woman
  3. You said it won’t happen again! the woman
  4. Good God! What happened? Dr Watson
  5. Let me pass, I say! the Colonel
  6. I had a very serious accident during the night. Mr Hatherley