General Body

Wednesday, October 18th, 2017


  1. Call To Order
  2. The Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Swearing in of new members
  5. Open Floor for Agenda Items


  1. New Business


Condemning President Donald Trump’s decision to exclude transgender personnel from the United States Military as of August 25, 2017 and urging that the College of New Jersey Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program be inclusive of all gender identities.

b.R-F2017 -04

Urging The College of New Jersey’s Dining Services to bring back the complimentary mints provided at select campus dining locations, prior to the 2017-2018 academic year.

Q- Why did they change mints?

A- Wrappers cause litter on campus

Q- What do you plan to do if resolution passes?

A- Formally tell dining services students’ opinions

Q- Polling?

A- 200+ responses on Qualtrics survey put on all class pages

  1. Old Business


moved to voting: vote passes


moved to voting: vote passes

c.Parliamentarian: keeps track of votes and make sure Robert’s Rules are followed

-Nominations for position: Chris Driscoll, Nathaniel, Shrish

d.Deputy Speaker Confirmation Hearing – Brittany Cruz

Q- What experiences best prepared you for position?

A- Senator of Arts and Com

Q- What specific things did you do at senator?

A- Advocate for Wifi in crom, and vending machines for students

Q- What ideas do you have and want to accomplish?

A- More bonding within SG

-moved to voting: approved

  1. Governance Reports/forum updates


-Eick opens at 9AM for Homecoming and Lion’s Den and Fresh Pride Cafe 9AM-5PM

-Nutella will be in Eick

-Will be sending Qualtrics regarding C-Store

Liberal Learning:

-Liberal Learning Domain approvals:

Speech, Language and Pathology: Writing Intensive

Crim 217: Intro to Crim Mapping: Quantitative Reasoning

Q- How to courses get recommended?

A- Faculty can recommend

Student Feedback:

Wants to prevent students from not filling out feedback– suggesting making feedback mid-semester so students can see changes

Q- Once a semester, or middle and end?

A- unsure

Honors Council:

-How to revamp program and make it better


-5-year strategic plans (more user accessible PAWs program, “cloud” space)

-Any IT specific feedback?

-Fix outdated information

-Mandatory password changing

-Wifi in New Res

-Send emails


-Looking for book suggestions

Q- did you pick requirements?

A- No, but thinking about funds

  1. Executive President – Chris Blakeley

-Swearing in of Members

  1. Executive Vice President – Carly Mauro

-Submit feedback for Justin and GA!!!!

  1. Administration and Finance – Patty Kou

-Send feedback about construction

  1. Advancement- Niki Taneja

-Apparel designs

  1. Academic Affairs – Dovid Wasserman-Plaza

-Business: Juan Carlos Belmonte

-Engineering: Richard Brum

  1. Student Services – Cassie Kriegel

-Tshirt swap was success!


  1. Governmental Affairs – Brooke Chlebowski

-Debate watch tonight in BSC 100! Come attend and get a point!

  1. Community Relations – Melissa Sandoval

-CR meetings: Monday’s, 6:30-7:30pm

-Will be meeting with Ewing and Trenton HS SG

-Trenton Punk Rock Flea Market

-Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 28th from 3:30-5:00pm

-Trunk or Treat Student Organization Sign Up

-Here for Home, Always tabling

  1. Diversity and Inclusion– BaldweenCasseus

-Cultural Appropriation Event (Next Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

-D&I training feedback

  1. Speaker – Justin Brach

-Deputy Speaker!

-Cabinet Qualtrics - THANK YOU

-Combined Class Council - NEXT WEDNESDAY

-Class Council Meetings

  1. Student Trustee – Priscilla Nunez
  2. Alternative Student Trustee – Eash Haughton

-Clarification of points

-Board of Trustees meeting Tuesday, 4-5PM

  1. Advisor – Liz Bapasola

-Student Government Scholarship

-Due 11/3

-Resume and Cover Letter sent to

  1. Head Senators

-Education: Test awareness, hired a new certification director, surveys to school of ed (incentivized), included in meeting of Educators

-Engineering: Revamping CS 215, governance committees within the school of engineering, leadership luncheon with engineering groups on campus

  1. Class Councils

a.Class of 2018

–guaging interest for next senior night

b.Class of 2019

–dietitian event in Eick tomorrow

–some tickets left for formal

c.Class of 2020

–funded for moon light cruise – October 27th(Thurs and Fri, selling tickets in Stud)

-survey sent out for apparel

d.Class of 2021

-potential freshman formal

  1. Open Floor
  2. Announcements