The Southern Nash High School Alumni Association

Mission Statement: Southern Nash High School is a traditional high school which opened its doors in 1968. The school motto “Strength through Unity“is still prevalent today nearly 50 years later. SNHS has a long history of academic, athletic, and cultural excellence that this body is dedicated to uphold, support and protect.

It is the mission of this organization to celebrate the past accomplishments and triumphs of SNHS, to assist in the maintaining of these high standards with the support of time, finances, and in kind support, in order tomaintain a solid foundation for future generations of Firebirds.

Article I. – The official name of the organization shall be The Southern Nash High School Alumni Association.

Article II. – The purpose of the SNHSAA is to advance the cause of education and to establish a mutually beneficial relationship between current SNHS students, Alumni and friends while promoting the heritage, tradition, and identity of SNHS. The SNHSAA will also begin providing scholarships to graduating students in the year 2015-2016.

Article III. - Membership in the organization is open to any Southern Nash High School Alumni or any individual of a school that has closed(Spring Hope, Bailey, Middlesex, Coopers, Spaulding) upon which now feeds into Southern Nash High School.

Article IV. – Members are asked to provide a monetary donation to the Association upon application for membership. Forty percent of all membership dues will be directed to the school. Members will be able to declare the remaining percentage be directed to specific programs within the school: Band, Athletics, ROTC, Agricultural, Chorus, Specific Sports, Specific Academic Departments, and Media Center.

Article V. – Membership shall be granted to eligible members who donate a minimum amount of $50. These members will be considered members in good standing for a period of one year, August 1st to July 31. All donations will be tax deductible.

  • Initial dues will provide membership until July 31, 2016
  • Membership will be available in the following levels or can be upgraded to these levels:
  • Beginning Birds - $10 - Newsletter, Recognition, Alumni Decal

(For Alumni who have been out of school 4 years or less)

  • Firebird Member - $50 – Newsletter, Recognition, Alumni Decal
  • Big Red Firebird - $250 - Newsletter, Recognition, Alumni Decal, Admission to Homecoming Football Game
  • Bronze Firebird - $500 - Newsletter, Recognition, Alumni Decal, Admission to Homecoming Football Game, Two All Access Passes to School events
  • Gold Firebird - $1000 - Newsletter, Recognition, Alumni Decal, Admission to Homecoming Football Game, Admission to Alumni night during Basketball Season, , Four All Access Passes to School events
  • Platinum Firebird - $2500 - Newsletter, Recognition, Alumni Decal, Admission to Homecoming Football Game, Six All Access Passes to School events, Admission to Alumni night during Basketball Season,
  • Current / Former / Retired Staff – Membership is $25 annually

Article VI. – The SNHSAA will provide its members with a fall and spring newsletter of the current school year events, successes, and accomplishments.

Article VII – The SNHSAA will assist alumni groups in arranging class reunions.

Article VIII. –The SNHSAA will be a subcommittee of the SNHS PTO. The governance of the SNHSAA will be comprised of the PTO president, Band Booster President, Athletic Booster President, FFA advisor, Principal, and three at large Alumni members, which will be voted on by the PTO membership.