The Mission of Lindenwood University

Lindenwood University offers values-centered programs leading to the development of the whole person—an educated, responsible citizen of a global community. Lindenwood University is committed to: providing an integrative, liberal arts curriculum; offering professional and pre-professional degree programs; focusing on the talents, interests, and future of the student; supporting academic freedom and the unrestricted search for truth; affording cultural enrichment to the surrounding community; promoting ethical lifestyles; developing adaptive thinking and problem-solving skills; and furthering lifelong learning. Lindenwood is an independent, public-serving liberal arts university that has an historical relationship with the Presbyterian Church and is firmly rooted in Judeo-Christian values. These values include belief in an ordered, purposeful universe, the dignity of work, the worth and integrity of the individual, the obligations and privileges of citizenship, and the primacy of truth.

School of Education Conceptual Framework

“Teaching and Leading as an Art and a Science”

*Course Syllabus

MoSPE Teacher Leader/SLO #6. Utilizing Effective Communication


EDU 33100/53500 Secondary Methods of Teaching Fall, 2013


Thursdays, August 29 to December 5


4:25 – 5:55 p.m.


Roemer Hall-Room 301


Steve Willott


Roemer 312


by appointment



636-399-4115 (cell)

Instructor Biography


Steven Willott, Adjunct in Secondary Education, joined Lindenwood in 2010. At the same time, he teaches mathematics full time at Francis Howell North High School and as an adjunct in the math department at St. Charles Community College. He earned his BA in Mathematics and MA in Education from Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri. He is a National Board Certified Teacher, the 2007 Francis Howell School District Teacher of the Year, and a 2009 recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching.


This course examines a variety of teaching methods mathematics in middle schools and high schools, including inquiry, cooperative learning, differentiation, and interdisciplinary, etc. as well as specific teaching strategies unique to mathematics instruction. Students will also develop a Unit Plan of Instruction (for the Tuesday portion of the course). This course meets twice a week (this portion of the syllabus applies to the Thursday portion) and is offered during the fall and spring semesters. Prerequisite: EDU 21500 or EDU 52100.


The Secondary Methods course provides students opportunities to gain knowledge and improve skills in several important areas of pedagogy, including long-term planning, lesson plan development, lesson plan implementation, development of a thematic unit plan of instruction, collaboration with other pre-service teachers in problem-solving as well as planning lessons to meet classroom issues of diversity, classroom use of technology, and the various learning styles and needs of students.

Objectives and Assessment

MoSPE Teacher Leader/SLO #1. Content Knowledge and Varied Perspectives

MoSPE Teacher Leader/SLO #3. Implementing the Curriculum

MoSPE Teacher Leader/SLO #4. Critical Thinking

MoSPE Teacher Leader/SLO #7. Use of Student Assessment Data to Analyze and Modify Instruction


COURSE OBJECTIVE #1 / For the Tuesday portion, students will develop a 10-15 day Unit Plan of Instruction based upon the subject matter of their discipline. The Thursday portion will provide support and detail.
/ Standard #1 Content knowledge and perspectives aligned with appropriate instruction.
The teacher understands the central concepts, structures, and tools of inquiry of the discipline(s) and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful and engaging for all students. [SB 291 Section 161.380.2 (3) The teacher is prepared and knowledgeable of the content and effectively maintains students’ on-task behavior.]
Quality Indicator 1: Content knowledge and academic language
Quality Indicator 2: Student engagement in subject matter
Quality Indicator 3: Disciplinary research and inquiry methodologies
Quality Indicator 4: Interdisciplinary instruction
Quality Indicator 5: Diverse social and cultural perspectives
Standard #5 Creating a positive classroom environment.
The teacher candidate uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages active engagement in learning, positive social interaction, and self-motivation. [SB 291 Section 161.380.2 (3) The teacher is prepared and knowledgeable of the content and effectively maintains students’ on-task behavior. (5) The teacher keeps current on instructional knowledge and seeks and explores changes in teaching behaviors that will improve student performance.]
Quality Indicator 3: Classroom, school and community culture
Standard #7 Use of Student Assessment Data to Analyze and Modify Instruction
The teacher understands and uses formative and summative assessment strategies to assess the learner’s progress, uses assessment data to plan ongoing instruction, monitors the performance of each student, and devises instruction to enable students to grow and develop.[SB 291 Section 161.380.2 (2) Various forms of assessment are used to monitor and manage student learning; (5) The teacher keeps current on instructional knowledge and seeks and explores changes in teaching behaviors that will improve student performance.]
Quality Indicator 1: Effective use of assessments
/ #1.Candidates demonstrate knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions for effective work in schools.
1.1Know subject matters, including pedagogical content knowledge and pedagogy
#3 Resources and practices support candidate learning.
/ As appropriate, connect the Missouri Learning Standards define the knowledge and skills students need to succeed in college and other postsecondary training and careers. The standards include Common Core State Standards, as set of academic expectations for English Language Arts and Mathematics.All teachers leaders will be expected to be familiar with these standards.
SOE SLO #10-Research related to Impact to Student Learning (SOE Candidate or P-12 students) / SOE-SLO #10
Reflection on Research and Theory
Education teachers have the knowledge and ability to ensure the success of all learners by
promoting reflective application of research and theory among all members of the school community.
Students become aware of, gather information about, and look for opportunities to implement, research-based practice. Students will examine the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and align lesson plans to the standards.
Assessment-How will students demonstrate achievement of the objective? / How will students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives?
Develop a 10-15 day Unit Plan of Instruction
COURSE OBJECTIVE #2 / Students will write and implement performance objectives that demonstrate a satisfactory knowledge of subject area content.
/ Standard #1 Content knowledge and perspectives aligned with appropriate instruction.
The teacher understands the central concepts, structures, and tools of inquiry of the discipline(s) and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful and engaging for all students. [SB 291 Section 161.380.2 (3) The teacher is prepared and knowledgeable of the content and effectively maintains students’ on-task behavior.]
Quality Indicator 1: Content knowledge and academic language
Standard #3 Implementing the Curriculum
The teacher recognizes the importance of long-range planning and curriculum development. The teacher develops, implements, and evaluates curriculum based upon standards and student needs.[SB 291 Section 161.380.2 (1) Students actively participate and are successful in the learning process; (2) Various forms of assessment are used to monitor and manage student learning; (3) The teacher is prepared and knowledgeable of the content and effectively maintains students’ on-task behavior; (5) The teacher keeps current on instructional knowledge and seeks and explores teaching behaviors that will improve student performance.]
Quality Indicator 1: Implementation of curriculum standards
Quality Indicator 3. Instructional goals and differentiated instructional strategies
/ #1. Candidates demonstrate knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions for effective work in schools.
1.1Know subject matters, including pedagogical content knowledge and pedagogy
#3 Resources and practices support candidate learning.
/ As appropriate, connect the Missouri Learning Standards define the knowledge and skills students need to succeed in college and other postsecondary training and careers. The standards include Common Core State Standards, as set of academic expectations for English Language Arts and Mathematics.All teachers leaders will be expected to be familiar with these standards.
Assessment-How will students demonstrate achievement of the objective? / How will students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives?
Develop lesson plans that include properly conceived and appropriate performance objectives.
COURSE OBJECTIVE #3 / Students will develop and organize appropriate classroom activities to meet lesson plan objectives.
/ Standard #4 Teaching for critical thinking
The teacher uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students’ critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills including instructional resources.[SB 291 Section 161.380.2 (1) Students actively participate and are successful in the learning process.]
Quality Indicator 1: Instructional strategies leading to student engagement in problem-solving and criticalthinking
Quality Indicator 2: Appropriate use of instructional resources to enhance student learning
Quality Indicator 3: Cooperative, small group and independent learning
/ #1. Candidates demonstrate knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions for effective work in schools.
1.1Know subject matters, including pedagogical content knowledge and pedagogy
#3 Resources and practices support candidate learning.
/ As appropriate, connect the Missouri Learning Standards define the knowledge and skills students need to succeed in college and other postsecondary training and careers. The standards include Common Core State Standards, as set of academic expectations for English Language Arts and Mathematics.All teachers leaders will be expected to be familiar with these standards.
Assessment-How will students demonstrate achievement of the objective? / How will students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives?
Students will develop lesson plans that address the special needs of students and provide students opportunities to plan activities and lessons based upon their cultural background and prior educational experiences.
COURSE OBJECTIVE #4 / Students will develop lesson plans based upon the subject matter content of their discipline utilizing appropriate language related to the discipline.
/ Standard #1 Content knowledge and perspectives aligned with appropriate instruction.
The teacher understands the central concepts, structures, and tools of inquiry of the discipline(s) and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful and engaging for all students. [SB 291 Section 161.380.2 (3) The teacher is prepared and knowledgeable of the content and effectively maintains students’ on-task behavior.]
Quality Indicator 1: Content knowledge and academic language
Quality Indicator 2: Student engagement in subject matter
Standard #3 Implementing the Curriculum
The teacher recognizes the importance of long-range planning and curriculum development. The teacher develops, implements, and evaluates curriculum based upon standards and student needs.[SB 291 Section 161.380.2 (1) Students actively participate and are successful in the learning process; (2) Various forms of assessment are used to monitor and manage student learning; (3) The teacher is prepared and knowledgeable of the content and effectively maintains students’ on-task behavior; (5) The teacher keeps current on instructional knowledge and seeks and explores teaching behaviors that will improve student performance.]
Quality Indicator 1: Implementation of curriculum standards
Quality Indicator 2: Lessons for diverse learners
Quality Indicator 3. Instructional goals and differentiated instructional strategies
/ #1. Candidates demonstrate knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions for effective work in schools.
1.1Know subject matters, including pedagogical content knowledge and pedagogy
#3 Resources and practices support candidate learning.
/ As appropriate, connect the Missouri Learning Standards define the knowledge and skills students need to succeed in college and other postsecondary training and careers. The standards include Common Core State Standards, as set of academic expectations for English Language Arts and Mathematics.All teachers leaders will be expected to be familiar with these standards.
NCTM-Principles and Standards for School Mathematics / Effective mathematics teaching requires understanding what students know and need to learn and then challenging and supporting them to learn it well. - See more at:
Assessment-How will students demonstrate achievement of the objective? / How will students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives?
Students will develop and present lessons using a variety of strategies related to their subject area content including, but not limited to, content area research,class discussions, group decision-making, and the use of technology in lessons and/or presentations.
COURSE OBJECTIVE #5 / Students will organize their planning and instruction that addresses children with special needs and students with a variety of learning styles.
. / Standard #1 Content knowledge and perspectives aligned with appropriate instruction.
The teacher understands the central concepts, structures, and tools of inquiry of the discipline(s) and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful and engaging for all students. [SB 291 Section 161.380.2 (3) The teacher is prepared and knowledgeable of the content and effectively maintains students’ on-task behavior.]
Quality Indicator 5: Diverse social and cultural perspectives
Standard #2 Understanding and Encouraging Student Learning, Growth and Development
The teacher understands how students learn, develop and differ in their approaches to learning. The teacher provides learning opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners and support the intellectual, social, and personal development of all students.[SB 291 Section 161.380.2 (1) Students actively participate and are successful in the learning process; (5) The teacher keeps current on instructional knowledge and seeks and explores changes in teaching behaviors that will improve student performance.]
Quality Indicator 4: Differentiated Lesson Design
Quality Indicator 5: Prior experiences, learning styles, multiple intelligences, strengths and needs
Quality Indicator 6: Language, culture, family and knowledge of community
Standard #3 Implementing the Curriculum
The teacher recognizes the importance of long-range planning and curriculum development. The teacher develops, implements, and evaluates curriculum based upon standards and student needs.[SB 291 Section 161.380.2 (1) Students actively participate and are successful in the learning process; (2) Various forms of assessment are used to monitor and manage student learning; (3) The teacher is prepared and knowledgeable of the content and effectively maintains students’ on-task behavior; (5) The teacher keeps current on instructional knowledge and seeks and explores teaching behaviors that will improve student performance.]
Quality Indicator 2: Lessons for diverse learners
Quality Indicator 3. Instructional goals and differentiated instructional strategies
Standard #4 Teaching for critical thinking
The teacher uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students’ critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills including instructional resources.[SB 291 Section 161.380.2 (1) Students actively participate and are successful in the learning process.
Quality Indicator 1: Instructional strategies leading to student engagement in problem-solving and criticalthinking
Quality Indicator 2: Appropriate use of instructional resources to enhance student learning
Quality Indicator 3: Cooperative, small group and independent learning
/ #1. Candidates demonstrate knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions for effective work in schools.
1.1Know subject matters, including pedagogical content knowledge and pedagogy
#3 Resources and practices support candidate learning.
NCTM-Principles and Standards for School Mathematics / Excellence in mathematics education requires equity—high expectations and strong support for all students. - See more at:
/ As appropriate, connect the Missouri Learning Standards define the knowledge and skills students need to succeed in college and other postsecondary training and careers. The standards include Common Core State Standards, as set of academic expectations for English Language Arts and Mathematics.All teachers leaders will be expected to be familiar with these standards.
Assessment-How will students demonstrate achievement of the objective? / How will students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives?
Students will develop lesson plans that address students with special needs as well as students that have a variety of learning styles.
COURSE OBJECTIVE #6 / Students will design lessons that require student participation and involvement and encourage student learning.
/ Standard #1 Content knowledge and perspectives aligned with appropriate instruction.
The teacher understands the central concepts, structures, and tools of inquiry of the discipline(s) and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful and engaging for all students. [SB 291 Section 161.380.2 (3) The teacher is prepared and knowledgeable of the content and effectively maintains students’ on-task behavior.]
Quality Indicator 2: Student engagement in subject matter
Standard #2 Understanding and Encouraging Student Learning, Growth and Development
The teacher understands how students learn, develop and differ in their approaches to learning. The teacher provides learning opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners and support the intellectual, social, and personal development of all students.[SB 291 Section 161.380.2 (1) Students actively participate and are successful in the learning process; (5) The teacher keeps current on instructional knowledge and seeks and explores changes in teaching behaviors that will improve student performance.]
Quality Indicator 4: Differentiated Lesson Design
Quality Indicator 5: Prior experiences, learning styles, multiple intelligences, strengths and needs