Bugs, Habitat, and Nutrient

Survey Equipment Checklist

Revision – 23MAR2011

Forms (per site)

q Site list/directions

q Site field sheet

q SLD submittal sheets

q Habitat & Bio reference binder

q Physical Habitat Field Forms (6 per site)

q Bugs & Periphyton collection sheets

q Sonde deployment instructions

q Sonde deployment field sheets

q Sonde upload instructions (if retrieving)

Periphyton (Bold are for field filtering only)

q Tray or basin

q Toothbrush (bent)

q Scalpel or knife

q Delimiter

q Wash bottle (for stream water)

q Funnel

q Sample containers

q Comm. Comp. = 50 mL containers (blue top)

q Disposable pipettes OR pipette & tips

q 10% Formalin (2 mL/sample)

q Dry ice & latch cooler (for overnight trips)

q Graduated cylinder

q Pipette and tips (for sample aliquot)

q Glass fiber filters

q Aluminum foil and small Ziplocs

q Homogenizer (hand-held blender)

q Vacuum pump

q Filter flask

q Filter funnel and clamp

q Forceps


q Backpack/Vest with pockets

q Measuring tape (with meters)

q 2 Survey Rods (with meters)

q Survey flags (5/site… reusable)


q 2 Metric Rulers (with mm)

q Densiometer

q Clinometer/Hand Level

q Range finder

q Flow meter

q Wading rod

q Bank pins

q Hammer

Sondes (Grab Data & Deployment)

q Sondes w/ appropriate probe guards

q Chains, locks, & key

q Sonde protection tubes (extra nuts & bolts)

q Data logger (handset), cable, & logbook(s)

q Sonde maintenance kit

q D.O. probe repair kit

q D.O. calibration values table

q Standards/buffers/calibration cups

q Wash bottle (for DI water)

q Q-tips, kemwipes, & paper towels

q 10% HCL solution for cleaning pH probe

q Flagging tape

q WD-40 for locks

q T-posts & driver

Benthic Macroinvertebrates

q Forceps

q Bug labels (with alcohol proof pen and/or pencil)

q Kicknet (18 inch with dolphin nose; 500 μm net size)

q Bucket

q Sieve

q Sample containers

q Ethanol

Chemistry & Grab Data

q Cubitainers (Collect Nuts & TDS/TSS with periphyton sample)

q Water carboy (DI water)

q RID Stickers

q H2SO4, pipette, & tips

q Calibrated sonde for grab field data


q Coolers

q Vehicle Kit

q Shovel

q Extra batteries (AAA, AA, C)

q Cell phone/Contacts list

q Camera

q GPS unit

q Field notebook

q Clipboard/pencils

q Timepiece

q Toolbox

q First aid kit

q Flashlight

q Dry ice (for overnight trips)

Revision – 23MAR2011