FOOTHILL COLLEGE Tri-Chairs: Teresa Ong Robert Cormia
Charlie McKellar
Workforce Workgroup (WWG)
Date: 11/11/14 Time: 2:30-4:00pm Location: President’s Conference Room 1901
Robert Cormia, Dan Dishno, Liane Freeman, Andrea Hanstein, Elaine Kuo, Andrew Lee,
Dexter Lim, Charlie McKellar, Jose Nava, Teresa Ong, Jon Rubin, Nanette Solvason,
Phuong Tran and Donna Wolf
Discussion Items
Topic / Discussion Leader1 / Approval of Minutes (5/13/14 & 10/14/14) / Teresa Ong
2 / Program Review- EMSI Presentation / Elaine Kuo
3 / Core Mission Objectives / Teresa Ong
4 / CTE Enhancement Fund Update / Robert Cormia
5 / Update: Internship Career Fair and Internship Summit / Phuong Tran
6 / Perkins Rubric-draft for PaRC / Charlie McKellar
7 / For the Good of the Order / Teresa Ong
Discussion Detail
1. Nanette Solvason motioned to approve minutes from May 13, 2014. They were approved by general consensus. Teresa motioned to approve minutes from October 14, 2014 and they were also approved by general consensus.
2. Group motioned to table EMSI presentation to next month’s WWG meeting, as Elaine Kuo had to attend final interview deliberations. Elaine said she is available to answer any questions regarding labor market information or help designing employer surveys for new program creations. She mentioned that the state also uses “Wage Tracker” program to list and track employment and unemployment information.
3. Core Mission Objectives: The group reviewed, discussed and revised the objectives. Voting to forward these two objectives to PaRC for approval next week:
I. Continue to verify and improve the use of Perkins and other grant funding at Foothill College.
II. Improve data collection in order to track student success and outcomes in all vocational programs.
Revisions were approved and emailed to WWG members.
4.CTE Enhancement Fund Update: John Mummert previously sent email to all WWG deans and all those who submitted initial applications to update the status of applications. Foothill has $299,004 available for local applications. Final application questions were distributed in an email from John Mummert to all deans and VP’s on October 14th which included the attachment “CTE Update October 7th. Final application information is to be emailed to Donna Wolf by November 14th to be reviewed by the WWG tri-chairs the following week. The strongest applications will move forward. Final application online deadline submission is December 1st.
5. Update Internship Career Fair & Internship Summit: Phuong Tran reported that 50 businesses attended the Career Fair. Although many students pre-registered, there was difficulty estimating an accurate student count since many students attend without pre-registering and may fail to sign in at the registration table. Those who pre-registered or signed in at the event will receive an evaluation form to provide feedback and updated emails with a list of employers that may be in need of hiring interns. Over 250 participants attended the Internship Summit held at Microsoft in Mountain View. They will as well be emailed an evaluation survey to help the program develop future events. On another note, Phuong mentioned that Orchard Supply will be on campus in front of the Smart Shop on Thursday, November 13th from noon-3:00pm. They are hiring for various positions in three different store locations.
6. Perkins Rubric- The revised rubric was discussed. Under “Student Outcomes, Meets Funding Criteria” the group decided to make a newer revision before rubric was to be sent to PaRC. The new language includes “program has data which are conclusive in supporting student outcomes and its achievement targets such as: Employment in area of training, transfer in the area of study and includes meeting targeted goals in previous Perkins requests.” The rubric was approved by the group and will be sent to the next PaRC meeting.
7. For the Good of the Order: Teresa announced that Milo Moryt will present and discuss the Interbound program in the Student Resource Center at 11:30am, Wednesday, November 12th.
1 / Agenda 11/12/14 (emailed)2 / Minutes 5/13/14 and 10/14/14
3 / Draft: Revised WWG Objectives (3)
4 / Draft: Revised Perkins Rubric
Important Dates
11/14/14 / Final CTE Enhancement applications due to Donna12/2nd-3rd/14 / CA Perkins Special Populations Conference- Sacramento
12/09/14 / Next WWG Meeting
Agendas and minutes will be archived online at