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To ensure all staff are fully aware of their role when a service user is discharged from the service.
- Prior to a service user leaving the service other than through their own choice, a full assessment of their needs should be carried out. Guidance on this can be found in the policy and procedure manual, A14 Assessment of service user needs.
- Residential Care (OA)/DMH Supported Living
- Should the outcome of the review indicate that the service is no longer able to meet the needs of the service user, the social worker and or family would arrange alternative suitable accommodation.
- Should nursing care be required then the social worker will arrange for a nursing determination to be completed. The service will support the service user until alternativenursing care has been made as far as possible.
- Day Care
Should the outcome of the review indicate termination of the service, the social worker will provide an 03T and agree a termination date.
- Suspension of Service (Day Care, OA, DMH Day services only)
If the concerns/issues raise major health and safety implications or affect the dependency levels and staffing ratios within the centre, the supervisor may suspend the service after discussions with Adult Social Care and the district co-ordinators / managers / operations manager.
5.Domiciliary Services / Reablement Services
Should the outcome of the review indicate termination of the service, the social worker will provide an 03T and agree the time of the last home care visit and termination date. On receipt of the 03T the domiciliary / reablementoffice staff will terminate the care plan file on Office Base.
6.Suspension of Service (Domiciliary / reablement only)
If the service user either enters respite Care, is admitted to hospital, has a relative staying who wishes to assist or is taken on holiday, the service must be suspended. The supervisor will inform Adult Social Care and an 03T will be completed. The office staff will suspend the care plan file on Office base. If a resume date is known this will be entered on the 03T and Office base.
7.Service user requesting to terminate the service (all units)
- The Manager/supervisor will discuss with the service user/ family/ carer/ advocate why they wish to terminate the service.
- If any of the issues cannot be resolved the social worker must be informed. If the service user no longer has a current social worker, customer services at Adult Social Care must be contacted to log the request for a new referral and arrange a review meeting.
- The social worker should meet with the service user or call a review.
- All discussions and meetings must be documented.
8.For the actual discharge from a service use Appendix 1 checklist as appropriate.
Date / 28/05/10 / 05/02/14 / Issue date23/04/07 P&P
Amendment / 1 / 2
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