Wednesday, April 1, 2015, 5:00 P.M.

CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Gee called the meeting to order at 5:02 PM.



Present: Mayor Paul Gee, Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar, Trustee Jim Clark and Trustee Alex Ronnenberg

Absent: Trustee Rick Clerk and Attorney Peter Skivington

Also present: Village Clerk Lee Mikewicz and Treasurer/Deputy Clerk Juliann Green



Mayoral Appointments:

a.  Deputy Mayor – Leslie Wagar

b.  Village Clerk/Tax Collector – Lee A. Mikewicz

c.  Treasurer/Deputy Village Clerk – Juliann M. Green

d.  Superintendent of Public Works – Steven Farrell

e.  Council of Governments Representative – Paul Gee

f.  Representative to the Monroe County Planning Council – Leslie Wagar

g.  Petty Cash Custodian – Lee A. Mikewicz

MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Trustee Ronnenberg to approve the above Mayoral appointments for the year 2015-2016.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

Meeting Dates Designation:

MOTION: made by Deputy Mayor Wagar and seconded by Trustee Ronnenberg to designate the second Tuesday of each month as regular meeting dates; Fire Commission meetings to start at6:00p.m. and the VILLAGE BOARD MEETING TO START AT 6:30 P.M.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

Organizational Meeting Date Designation:

MOTION: made by Trustee Ronnenberg and seconded by Trustee J. Clark to establish Friday, April 1, 2016, 5:00 P.M. as the organizational meeting date for the 2016-2017 schedule.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

Forestry Board Officers:

John Holtz – Chairman Expires April 2016

Rick VenVertloh – Vice-Chairman Expires April 2016

Michael Souers – Secretary – Expires April 2016

MOTION: made by Deputy Mayor Wagar and seconded by Trustee J. Clark to approve the terms of office for the Forestry Board Officers as detailed above.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

Forestry Board Terms:

Ken Hubregsen – 3 years – Expires April 2018

MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Trustee Ronnenberg to approve the term of office for Forestry Board member Ken Hubregsen as detailed above.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

Bank Designation:

MOTION: made by Trustee Ronnenberg and seconded by Deputy Mayor Wagar to designate J.P. Morgan Chase as depository for General, Sewer, Capital, Debt Service and Trust and Agency Funds and related checking accounts.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

Official Newspaper:

MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Trustee Ronnenberg to designate “The Sentinel” as the official newspaper for the year 2015-2016.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

Investment Policy:

MOTION: made by Deputy Mayor Wagar seconded by Trustee Ronnenberg to set up the following investment policy for the Village of Scottsville:

Village funds not immediately needed for Village operations may be invested in the following types of investments:

1.  Insured Savings Accounts

2.  Certificates of Deposit

3.  United States Government Treasury Bills

4.  Government Money Market Accounts

Investments may be made only in Commercial Banks and the United States Government and must be collateralized to the extent that amounts exceed Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Insurance.

The following is the approved list of depositor’s of the Village of Scottsville to which funds may be invested:


JP Morgan Chase

United States Government

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

Other Village Policies

·  General Fund Balance

·  Cash Receipts

·  Online Banking

·  Credit Card Use

·  Workplace Violence Prevention

·  Procurement

·  Code of Ethics

MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Trustee Ronnenberg to re-affirm all the Village policies listed above.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

Liaison Representatives:

Mayor Paul Gee:

Fire Department


Main Street Committee

Chamber of Commerce

Public Relations

Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar:


Code Enforcement

Facebook Administrator


Trustee Alex Ronnenberg:

Community Organizations

Activities Committee

Trustee Rick Clark:

Department of Public Works

Trustee James Clark:

Forestry Board


Village Clerk

MOTION: made by Deputy Mayor Wagar and seconded by Trustee J. Clark to designate the Board liaison representatives as listed.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

Audit the Books & Records:

MOTION: made by Trustee Ronnenberg and seconded by Deputy Mayor Wagar that the Board of Trustees cause to be audited the books and records of any officer who collects or disburses funds.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

Municipal Officials & Employees attend school etc.:

MOTION made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Deputy Mayor Wagar authorizing municipal officials and employees to attend school, conferences, seminars etc. that are conducted for thebenefit of the local government - reimbursement will not be paid without prior approval by the Village Board of Trustees.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

Advance Approval of Claims:

RESOLUTION: made by Trustee Ronnenberg and seconded by Trustee J. Clark

WHEREAS the Board of Trustees has determined to authorize payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight and express charges, and

WHEREAS all such claims shall be presented at the next regular meeting for audit, and

WHEREAS the claimant and officer incurring or approving the same shall be jointly and severally liable for any amount disallowed by the Board of Trustees,


Section 1. That the board of trustees authorizes payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage freight and express charges and all such claims shall be presented at the next regular meeting for audit and the claimant and officer incurring or approving the same shall be jointly and severally liable for any amount disallowed by the board of trustees.

Section 2. That this resolution shall take effect immediately.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

Mileage Allowance:

RESOLUTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Trustee Ronnenberg

WHEREAS the Board of Trustees has determined to pay a fixed rate for mileage as reimbursement to officers and employees of the village that use their personal automobiles while performing their official duties on behalf of the Village of Scottsville;


Section 1. That the Board of Trustees shall approve reimbursement to such officers and employees at the rate of $.575 per mile.

Section 2. That this resolution shall take effect immediately.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE


·  Johnson Park application – Kathy Bohn/Linda Menke – 23 North Street, Caledonia – Saturday, April 11, 2015 – Birthday Party (with beer)

MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Trustee Ronnenberg to approve the Johnson Park application detailed above.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

·  Set public hearing for Tentative Budget adoption on April 14, 2015 at 7:30 PM.

MOTION: made by Trustee Ronnenberg and seconded by Deputy Mayor Wagar to set a public hearing on April 14, 2015 for the purpose of adopting the Tentative Budget.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE



MOTION: made by Deputy Mayor Wagar and seconded by Trustee Ronnenberg to enter into executive session at 5:21 PM to discuss a particular personnel matter .

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

MOTION: made by Deputy Mayor Wagar and seconded by Trustee J. Clark to adjourn executive session and return to regular session at 5:25 PM.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

TREASURER - Juliann Green

Ms. Green explained to the Board that she received two tax penalty billings recently and would like to get them paid. The first bill of $3,916.06 is from the oldest of three penalty quarters from last year (2nd quarter) on the Federal Tax. The other bill of $4,332.31 is from New York State Tax and represents three quarters from last year (1st, 2nd and 3rd quarters) that are in question.

MOTION: made by Deputy Mayor Wagar and seconded by Trustee Ronnenberg to authorize payment of $3,916.06 to the Federal IRS for withholding tax penalties and interest from the second quarter of 2014.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

MOTION: made by Trustee Ronnenberg and seconded by Deputy Mayor Wagar to authorize payment of $4,332.31 to New York State IRS for withholding tax penalties and interest from the first, second and third quarters of 2014.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE


MOTION: made by Deputy Mayor Wagar and seconded by Trustee J. Clark to adjourn the meeting at 5:31 PM.

VOTE: Carried 4-0

Trustee Jim Clark AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar AYE

Trustee Rick Clark ABSENT Trustee Alex Ronnenberg AYE

Mayor Paul Gee AYE

Respectfully submitted by,

Lee Mikewicz

Village Clerk