Date:October 30, 2018

To:City Schools Principals

From:Jerome Oberlton, Chief Technology OfficerITD Technical Support Services

Subject:Power Outage to Digital Harbor High School

ITD will take the power down to the Data Center at the Digital Harbor High School #416 on Saturday morning,July 30,2011.Work will begin at 6:00 a.m. All switches that affect the WAN (Wide Area Network) will be impacted. This includes access to the Internet as well as core services like SMS/TSS/ERP. We expect service to be restored by 6:00 p.m., Saturday. Local activity on the PC desktop/laptop at the school(s) will still be available. All schools in the 416 HUB – as well as DHH itself will be affected.

Below is a list of schools that will be impacted by the outage on July 30th.

DHH 416 Inventory

405 / Patterson High
240 / Graceland-O'Donnell Heights Elem/Middle
181 / 422 / Southside Academy High
323 / The Crossroads School Elem/Middle
415 / Baltimore School For The Arts High
241 / Fallstaff Elem/Middle
25 / Dr. Rayner Browne Elem/Middle
73 / Sarah M. Roach Elementary
4 / Steuart Hill Academic Academy Middle
423 / Baltimore Freedom Academy Middle/High
133 / Paul Laurence Dunbar Middle
27 / Commodore John Rodgers Elem/Middle
47 / Hampstead Hill Academy Elem/Middle
237 / Highlandtown Elem/Middle
80 / West Baltimore Middle
261 / Lockerman Bundy Elementary
150 / Bentalou Elementary
12 / Lakeland Elementary/Middle
220 / Morrell Park Elementary/Middle
98 / Samuel F. B. Morse Elementary
246 / Beechfield Elem/Middle
228 / John Ruhrah Elem/Middle
229 / Holabird Elem/Middle
160 / Dr. Carter Godwin Woodson Elem/Middle
81 / North Bend Elementary/Middle
203 / Maree G. Farring Elem/Middle
207 / Curtis Bay Elem/Middle
84 / Thomas Johnson Elem/Middle
225 / Westport Academy Elem/Middle
34 / Charles Carroll Barrister Elementary
45 / Federal Hill Prep Middle
76 / Francis Scott Key Elementary/Middle
22 / George Washington Elementary
314 / Sharp-Leadenhall Elementary
10 / 328 / James McHenry ES / Southwest Baltimore Charter ES
162 / Diggs Johnson ES
666 / Truancy
416 / Digital Harbor High School
163 / Patapsco Elementary/Middle
260 / Frederick Elementary
550 / College Bound
215 / Highlandtown Elem/Middle
13 / TenchTilghman Elem/Middle
159 / Cherry Hill Elementary/Middle
321 / Midtown Academy Elem/Middle
322 / New Song Academy Elem/Middle
329 / Inner Harbor East Academy Elem
327 / Patterson Park Public Charter Elem/Middle
255 / 367 / Baltimore Community HS
124A / Bay Brook ES
164 / Arundel ES
239 / Masonville
855 / Success Academy
Annapolis / Annapolis
23 / General Wolfe Elementary
338 / Friendship Academy of Science Middle/High
124B / Bay Brook Elementary
102 / Thomas Hayes Elementary


If you have any questions or comments regarding this City Schools technology alert, please contact the ITD Service Desk at 443-396-8182. You also can reach the ITD Service Desk by sending an email to .