The Christopher Earle Ausman Memorial Scholarship of $ 150 is to be awarded each year to two graduates of Asotin High School, one boy and one girl. The awards will be presented at graduation exercises, but the actual cash awards will not be made until the students have begun the second semester (immediately following the first semester) at the college or university of their choice. Selected by a panel, the recipients will be the students who are, in the panel’s opinion, outstanding in scholarship, leadership, character and service. Alternates will be selected in the event that the primary recipients do not attend college in the fall following high school graduation. Financial need and grade point average are not necessarily a consideration for this scholarship.

Two letters of recommendation or support from Asotin High School students in grades 10-12 and one letter of recommendation from a school staff member (teacher, custodian, secretary, cook, etc.) must be submitted to Mr. Stevens by those recommending or supporting this application.

Please complete and submit this application to Mr. Stevens or Mrs. Brott by April 10th, 2015.

This application must be typed.


1.  Full name

2.  Address

3.  At what college or university do you plan to attend?

Have you applied? Have you been accepted?

4.  What is your career plan at this time (if any)?

5.  List all special recognition you have received.

6.  How do you feel family, school, community and church have touched or affected

your life to this point?

7.  List all activities in which you have participated (music, sports, clubs, etc.).

Include school related and non-school related (family, community, church) activities. Specify offices held, if any.

8.  In not less than 50, nor more than 200, words describe what the term “friend” means to you.