Name of Pupil:
Date of Birth: / Chronological Year Group:
NCY educated in:
(if different from above)
Date of initial EHC Plan
Date of this Review Meeting:

If there are any proposed amendments to the Education, Health & Care Plan, please indicate which Sections below (Ö). Please also supply an annotated copy of the Education, Health & Care Plan

Personal Details / Section
A / Section
B / Section
C / Section
D / Section
E / Section
G / Section
H / Preparing for adulthood / Section
I / Section
/ This information is covered by the Data Protection Act
Those Present
Role / Name / Invited / Present / Report requested / Report received
Headteacher / Principal
Class Teacher
SEN Officer
Educational Psychologist
Youth Options Advisor
Speech & Language Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Other than above

Check list – Relevant reports MUST be included

1. / Advice from child/young person and parent/carer (documents attached)
2. / Educational Reports – ie: School, Advisory Teaching Service, Educational Psychologist
3. / Health Reports ie Speech & Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy
4. / Social Care Reports
5. / Pupil Progress Tracker (document attached)
6. / Timetable to outline how/when a pupil is currently supported, both in and out of school.
Section A – The views, interests and aspirations of the Child or Young Person and his/her parents
Please complete Parent/Carer and Child/Young Person’s contribution update sheets attached.
Section B – The Child or Young Persons’ special educational needs (SEN)
Significant changes proposed to the description of the pupils’ special educational needs, ie: this means a new SEN not previously recorded or an old need no longer prevalent.
Section C – The Child or Young Persons’ health needs which relate to their SEN
Significant changes to the child or young persons’ health needs which relate to their SEN as recommeded by an NHS professional. Any amendments ie: additions/deletions must be evidenced and supported in writing by the relevant NHS service.
Section D - The child or Young Person’s social care needs which relate to their SEN
Significant changes to the social care needs which relate to SEN. Any amendments ie: additions/ deletions must be evidenced and supported in writing by the social care service.
Section E – The Outcomes sought for the Child or Young Person.
List all outcomes from existing Plan (Section E).
Have these outcomes been met? (Please provide evidence)
Outcomes sought for following year (ie within 12 months)

If sufficient objectives/targets have been met to achieve successful outcomes, is there a recommendation to cease to maintain the Education Health and Care Plan because the needs can be met within the delegated resources in school? (ie: Element 1, Element 2).

Yes / No

Section F – The Special Educational Provision required to meet outcomes in E
Significant changes proposed to the special educational needs provision described in Section F
Is any of this provision no longer required? Yes / No
Is additional provision required? Yes / No If yes:
Recommended amendments/increases in provision must be evidenced by the appropriate external agency and outlined in detail.
Any recommended increases in support hours must show specific details of where this is needed, why this is being requested and how current support is used.
Section G – Health Provision required for the learning difficulties or disabilities which result in the child or young person having SEN
Significant changes to the child or young persons’ health provision which relate to their SEN as recommended by an NHS professional. Any amendments – additions/deletions must be supported in writing by the relevant NHS Service
Section H1 – Any social care provision. (under Section 2 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Act 1970)
Significant changes to the child or young persons’ social care provision must be supported by relevant social care services and by written report.
Section H2 – Any other social care provision reasonably required by the learning difficulties or disabilities which result in a child or young person having SEN, to meet outcomes.
Significant changes to the child or young persons’ social care provision must be supported by the relevant social care services and by written report.
Risks if outcomes are not met.

From Year 5 onwards, please discuss and complete this section, with a view to independent travel in the future, if appropriate.

Independent Transport
Desired outcomes (What I hope to achieve in the future)
What I will do to try to achieve this
These people will help me
When this will happen


If a change of school/college is being considered, there is no automatic entitlement to Local Authority SEN transport. Please refer to the Home to School Transport Policy for more information.

Preparing for Adulthood – this section is to be used for Year 9 and above only
Desired outcomes (What I hope to achieve in the future) section E
What I will do to try to achieve this
These people will help me
When this will happen
Good Health
Desired outcomes (What I hope to achieve in the future) section E
What I will do to try to achieve this
These people will help me
When this will happen
Independent Living
Desired outcomes (What I hope to achieve in the future) section E
What I will do to try to achieve this
These people will help me
When this will happen
Community Inclusion
Desired outcomes (What I hope to achieve in the future) section E
What I will do to try to achieve this
These people will help me
When this will happen
Preferred College
I would prefer to study at:-
College Course & Qualifications:-
I would like to learn:-
Section I – Placement Details
Taking into consideration the information presented and discussed in the Review, is it the view of the school that the special educational needs can continue to be met.
Yes / No
For end of Phase Transfer only ie:
·  Pre-school settings to Primary
·  Primary (Yr 6) to Secondary
·  Secondary (Yr 11) to Post 16
Please state school preference:
Post 16
Is it the recommendation from the Annual Review that the current placement continue for a further academic year?
Yes / No
If yes, please provide the following information in order for the Case Officer to consider this request:-
Proposed Course:
(Breakdown of Element 2 - £6000 and Element 3 – top up)
If transfer to special provision is being requested you must include up to date advice from the Educational Psychologist.
If a change of school/college is being considered, there is no automatic entitlement to Local Authority SEN transport. Please refer to the Home to School Transport Policy for more information.
Section J – Personal Budgets
Has a request for a personal budget been made? Yes / No
If yes, please provide details below.
Are there any changes recommended to the personal budget as a result of advice received?
Yes / No
If yes, please provide details below.
Please only complete if relevant, any other information/recommendations for consideration by the Local Authority and/or health providers.
Conclusion of this review (please √ most appropriate box)
1. / The Education Health and Care Plan continues to be appropriate and no amendments are recommended?
2. / The school/educational setting remains appropriate but other amendments are recommended?
3. / It is recommended that the Education Health and Care Plan be amended to name a different educational setting because the pupil is due to transfer to the next phase of education?
4. / It is recommended that the Education Health and Care Plan be amended to name a different type of educational provision because the pupils needs have changed significantly?
5. / The outcomes have been achieved so it is recommended that the Local Authority should cease to maintain the Education Health and Care Plan?
6. / It is recommended that the Local Authority carry out a new satutory re-assessment of the pupils’ needs?

The Statutory Annual Review Report, any advice/reports and an annotated Education Health and Care Plan should be completed and returned to the Local Authority within 10 days of the review.

Following receipt of this Annual Review the Local Authority will consider the recommendations if supported by evidence.

If appropriate a new, revised Education Health and Care Plan will be issued.

Do all those attending this Annual Review meeting agree with the recommendations made:
Yes / No
If no, give details (ie who, what, why)
Signature of Headteacher/Principal: / Date:
Signature of SENCO: / Date:
Signature of Parent/Carer: / Date:

Please return to: Learning & Skills, SEN Team, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HP


Name: / DoB:
School: / Chronological year group / NCY educated in:
Academic attainment / development milestones – Early Years Foundation Stage
(Please complete all relevant sections)
Prime areas of learning - Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Aspect of learning / Current level of development / Beginning, embedding, secure / Next steps of learning
Making relationships
Self-confidence and self-awareness
Managing feelings and behaviour
Prime areas of learning - Physical Development
Moving and handling
Health and self-care
Prime areas of learning - Communication and Language
Listening and attention
Specific areas of learning - Literacy
Aspect of learning / Current level of development / Beginning, embedding, secure / Next steps of learning
Specific areas of learning - Mathematics
Shape, space and measure
Specific areas of learning – Understanding the world
People and communities
The world
Specific areas of learning – Expressive arts and design
Exploring and using media and materials
Being imaginative
Academic attainment – Key Stages 1 – 4
“Evidence of the child’s academic attainment and rate of progress” outlining the school’s assessment and tracking procedures. (Include all relevant standardised tests and assessments)
Date from / Result / Date to / Result
B Squared result
Standardised Test Results – please specify
Baseline testing and retesting (before and after specific interventions)
Pupil Tracker
P Levels
Recognised qualifications & grades achieved
Curriculum area / Assessed level at last Annual Review / Current assessed level / Narrative
Spoken English
English / Reading
Spelling, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation
Maths / Number – place value
Number – addition / subtraction
Number – multiplication / division
Number – fractions
Geometry – properties of shapes

This form has been completed in preparation for the following:- (please tick)

Annual Review of Statement
Transfer Review of Statement
Annual Review of Education, Health & Care Plan


Date of Birth:
Please read Section A (Parent/Carer Contribution) of the EHC Plan. Please list below what is no longer relevant and can be removed, and any new information you want including.
If easier, please attach a copy of Section A, highlighting the changes.
Name of person completing form:
(please print)
This has been prepared with the assistance of:
(if applicable)
Signed: (Parent) / Date:


Date of Birth:
Please read Section A (Child/Young Person’s Contribution) of the EHC Plan. Please list below what is no longer relevant and can be removed, and any new information you want including.
If easier, please attach a copy of Section A, highlighting the changes.
Name and role of helper:
(if appropriate)


Date of Birth:
Please read Section D (Social Care Contribution) of the EHC Plan. Please list below what is no longer relevant and can be removed, and any new information you want including.
If easier, please attach a copy of Section A, highlighting the changes
(please print)
Signature: / Date:

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O:\People\T5\SEN\Sen Work\- blank Co-ordinated assessment & EHC plans\15 Statutory Ann Rev Report - EHCP.docx