Waynesville Lady Tiger Tennis

Welcome to the Waynesville Tiger Tennis program! I am so excited for yet another season at WHS! My goal as a coach is to not only develop well-rounded tennis players who learn to love this sport, but also focus on character building and TEAM as well. We will be refining our tennis skills while also practicing how to be a good teammate, student, and overall person. You will be asked to juggle multiple responsibilities as a student athlete to help prepare for life experiences, as these characteristics are what colleges and employers seek. Thank you in advanced for your commitment to this tennis family!! I’m so excited to see what this season brings!!


1)  HAVE FUN while enhancing a strong love for tennis as a lifetime sport

2)  Develop the character a TRUE athlete should display along with strong team unity

3)  Teach the skills and technique for each student to see improvement throughout the season


1)  Work as a team

2)  Don’t let your team down


1)  Always be on time for practices and matches.

2)  Everyone on the team will help get equipment before practice and then put equipment away after practice.

3)  You WILL have a positive attitude at ALL times. Be a good reflection of this team.

4)  Practice at the SAME intensity as you play matches.

5)  Represent yourself, your coach, this school, and our program well at all times. You will lose your traveling privilege if you fail to do so.

6)  Support your team during matches.

7)  Just like any other sport, you will be required to stay and support your team until the match is completed.

8)  Be dressed and warming up on the court 30 minutes before each match begins.

Lettering Requirements:

1)  Must compete at the Varsity level in at least 50% of all contests

2)  Must remain in good academic and behavioral standing throughout the duration of the season

3)  May be a senior in good standing who has competed on the Waynesville tennis team for two or more years

Coach Wilson maintains the right to make exceptions at her discretion.

Attendance Policy:

To meet our team goals and maintain a successful program, it is crucial that each student come ready to work hard at each practice and match. In order to ensure that each member works to support their team, the following policies will be withheld this season:

·  If a practice is missed without Coach approval, you will not compete in the next match.

·  If a match is missed without Coach approval, you will not compete in the next two matches.

·  If three events are missed without Coach approval, you will be dismissed from the team.

·  If you are unable to compete due to unexcused absences, you are STILL expected to attend and support your teammates. Failure to do so will be counted as an additional missed match. (Exceptions are made if early dismissal from class)

·  If an unavoidable EMERGENCY arises, practices and matches may be excused if your parent contacts Coach ahead of time by phone or email.

·  Disciplinary dismissals will be counted as an unexcused absence.

·  If attending Academic Assistance, YOU much find Coach before practice to get approval. Please plan AA around match days. Do not miss practice the day before a match.

Challenge Matches:

·  A player may challenge no more than two positions above her.

·  The challenger must personally notify the player above them of her intention.

·  The challenged player has three weekdays to meet the challenge (unless a practice day does not occur within those three days). A failure to meet this challenge results in a forfeiture of her position.

·  ALL challenge match information must be reported to Coach (this includes challenge notification).

·  If a player wins a challenge match, she has three weekdays to challenge above her without being challenged from below.

·  Rank order changes immediately after two challenge wins (One win is best 2 out of 3 GAMES. This must happen twice to change rank order.)

Coach Wilson reserves the right to disregard the results of a single challenge match in deciding positions for match lineups.

Kayla Wilson

(573) 842-2400

For REMIND 101 Team Updates:

Sign & Return the Text Messaging Form, then Text @ladytigert to 81010

I have read and understand the above information regarding team rules and expectations, lettering requirements, attendance, and challenge match policies.

Player’s Name: ______Date of Birth: ______

Parent’s Name(s): ______

Parent Contact Number(s): ______

Parent Email: ______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______