Meeting Type: Regular Board Invitees: All Reps, Alternates & Executive Committee Members Facilitated by: Board President
Board Meeting Minutes Metro Parks Conference Room 7:00 PM
Novemer 19, 2013
1.Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by PresidentSueFalls. A roll call of the schools was taken by circulating a sign-up sheet. A quorum was present.
2.Roll call
Executive CommitteePresident / SueFalls / P / Past President / Tom Feeney / A
Vice President / Ken Premo / P / Scheduler / P
Treasurer / Sandi Chadwick / P / Registrar / Sandy Corns / P
Secretary / Jill Rathert / P / Commissioner / John Holmes / P
At Large Member / Andee Boiman / P / Coach Liaison / Mark Layne / P
Blackman/ StewartsCreek / Mark Meshotto
Danny Corns / P
A / Hume Fogg/Page / Mark Horton
Laura Thomas / P
Brentwood / Kraig Haber
JimFalls / A
A / Independence/Summit / Todd Gross
Norm Jenks / P
Centennial / Christy Elrod
Kathy Foster / A
A / MBA / Hugh McSherry
David Deutsch / A
Centennial B / Bret Foster
Brian Merz / A
A / Mt. Juliet/Wilson Ctrl / Rick Walsh
Scott Simpson / A
Ensworth/GCS / Rob Harris
Bruce Crosby / P
A / JPII / Mike Honious
Wayne Smith / P
Father Ryan / Hugh Diver
Patrick Slota / P
A / Ravenwood / Davis Lamb
Rob Biancheri / A
Franklin/Oakland / Heidi Shinbaum / P / Station Camp/Beech / Liz McCormick
Loretta Kimble / P
FRA/Lipscomb / Chris Jones
Steve Schwartz / A
P / Tn Outlaws / Russ Morris
Tom Radcliff / P
Hendersonville / Roger Rettke
Chris Kimler / A
p / White House/MLK / Tom Spychalski
Dwayne Bullard / P
Visitors: Sean Henry of the Nashville Predators, Michael Hackey of MTSN, Renee Brown and Jane Brown of the Tennessee Outlaws.
3.Approval of meeting agenda: Davis Lambmoved that the agenda be approved. Roger Rettke seconded. The agenda was unanimously approved.
4.Approval of last month’s minutes. Sandy Corns moved that the agenda be approved. Steve Schwartz seconded. The agenda was unanimously approved.
5.Regular Reports.
- Secretary’s Report.. None.
- President (SueFalls).
- Guest Danny Butler:
- Mr. Butler will be the ice rink manager at the new ice facility being built by the Nashville Predators. He informed the board that the target date for opening the rink still remains early to mid-August. They are hoping to start booking ice time slots by early January.
- End of Season Schedule –
- Due to the resignation of former scheduler Kelli Olin, Sue and Ken Premo have been revamping the remaining ice schedule for the season. There are still some wrinkled to be ironed out, but most problems have been resolved.
- Board Representatives –
- Liz McCormick and Loretta Kimble, alternate, were named new reps for StationCampHigh School.
- Kathy Foster was named alternate rep for Centennial B.
Jill Rathert made the motion and Sandy Chadwick seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
- Shoot out rule
- The board discussed the ongoing problem with schools failing to follow the proper guidelines for the new shoot-out rule. Therefore, the rule was reviewed.
- Tier Play
- Sue noted that tier play ended January 22 and teams would be re-ranked. Crossover play would begin January 24.
- Nationals
- Four teams have notified the board they will be attending the high school national tournament if they win Gnash playoffs. Those teams are Centennial A, HendersonvilleHigh School, Father Ryan and Brentwood. The tournament will be held in March in Utah.
- Nashville Predators
- There were two handouts from the Predators. One was a list of high schools that did not sell enough Nashville Predators’ game tickets to offset their ice fees and therefore owe the league money. The second was a sheet detailing possibilities for additional fundraising.
- Vice President Report (Ken Premo): None
- Registrar’s Report (Sandy Corns).
- There are still only 9 teams who have handed in all of their required forms.
- Scheduler’s Report : None
- Treasurer’s Report (Sandi Chadwick.
- December 15 payment of $8,000 is coming due next month. There are invoices on the website for teams that need them for accounting purposes.
- Comissioner’s Report (John Holmes): None
- Coach’s Report (Mark Layne).
- Still a few coaches who need to complete modules by the end of the year.
Meeting adjourned on a motion from Sandi Chadwick at 7:20 p.m.
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