of the 7th Round of the China-South Africa Joint Research Program (2013)
Closing date for applications at Stellenbosch University
23 April 2013
Formal diplomatic relations between the Republic of South Africa and the People’s Republic of Chinawere established in January 1998. The following year, namely 1999, marked the signing of the Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of South Africa, under which the Joint Committee (JC), composed of representatives from both sides, was put in place to translate the Agreement into cooperative activities. In 2001, the relations were given impetus through the creation of a Bi-National Commission to champion bilateral relations in seven sectoral committees, including science and technology. The past decade witnessed a very satisfactory pace of development of relations between the two countries in all key areas of their economies.
Who may apply?
Applicants must reside in South Africa and be full-time employed researchers at a recognised higher education or research institution such as a university, university of technology or science council. The Principal Investigator must be in possession of a PhD. Applications must designate the primary Chinese counterpart in collaboration with whom joint research or networking is to be undertaken. ThePrincipal Investigators will bear responsibility for the project, including its technical and administrative coordination as well as scientific and financial reporting.
Which activities may I apply for?
- Workshops as part of a collaborative project
- Research days
- Conference organisation (not attendance) as part of joint research projects
- Symposia organisation
- A maximum of 10% of the budget maybe used for consumables
- International travel, accommodation, subsistence and local travel
Identified priority areas
- Renewable Energy
- Environment and Sustainability Development
- Agriculture
- Paleosciences
- Biotechnology
- New Materials
Funding Modalities
Funding will be available for a maximum of three years, starting in 2013/2014 financial year.
- 3-year collaborative research projects jointly developed and completed by researchers on both sides. Three flights per year with a maximum of two monthsof stay at a time.
- In both countries, all the approved projects will get funding support from the two parties in terms of the cost of exchange of experts, scientists and other specialists unless specified otherwise by the two parties. Besides, each party may provide additional research funds to some/all of the approved projects based on its internal evaluation of the projects. Apart from the financial support from the two parties, institutions and universities in both countries are encouraged to solicit other funding resources.
- Funding will be available for a maximum of three years, starting in 2013, and while the exact nature of expenditure is not fixed, the following may not be funded from this allocation: consultant’s fees, educational expenses (scholarships, etc.), insurance and medical care, large equipment, project management fees, publication costs, salaries, temporary staff fees, etc.
- Three-year collaborative projects: The sending party will be responsible for financing international travel, while the receiving party will be responsible for financing the accommodation and subsistence of their international visitors. Local travel and fees relating to the organisation of joint scientific events (venue, catering, audiovisual equipment etc.) will be the financial responsibility of the investigator representing the country in which the event is held, to be paid from his/her allocation of the joint funding accorded.
How much should I apply for?
- Amaximum of R300 000 per joint project(over 3 years)
Please do take note that you will be funded only for the activities within the scope of the guidelines should you be successful.
How are applications evaluated?
Following the closing date indicated below applications will be submitted to a postal review by recognised local experts in the various fields of research represented by the proposals received. These experts will evaluate each proposal based on the following criteria:
- Scientific and technical merit
- Suitability and feasibility
- Methodology
- International significance
- Budget
- National priority
- Capacity development
(Note that proposals demonstrating strong elements of capacity building, particularly among previously disadvantaged socio-economic population groups, will be favourably regarded).A final decision on projects to be funded will be made in consultation with the Chinese authorities. Note further that funding will only become available once both funding agencies have completed their respective evaluation and operational processes. Note that both scientific and financial reporting on the project is an obligatory condition of funding.It is highly recommended that students should travel abroad in this programme.
The internal closing date at Stellenbosch University is 25 March 2013.
An electronic copy (max 1.44mb file size) of the applicationwith the inserted or scanned signatures of the SA and Chinese investigators, should be sent, for endorsement, to the programme’s Research Authorising Officer at SU:
Riana (MJ) Coetsee
Manager: International Research Funds & Capacity Development
Tel: 021- 808 2580
A PDF copy of the application will be sent to the NRF by this office.
Only applications endorsed by the research office will be accepted by the NRF.
Proposals which have only been received in either South Africa or China, but not both, will not be evaluated or considered for funding.
The Chinesecounterpart should contact the relevant authority in his/her country for the relevant forms and application procedures (see contact below).
Contact person in China:
Mr. Teng Hongsheng
Tel: +86 6859 8204