Great Basin College – Winnemucca Center
Department of Recreation & Physical Education
Spring 2018
Course Title: Yoga
Course No: PEX 169 1003, 29353
Instructor: Rae Edwards Class time: Thursday – 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Phone: 304-0924Rae’s Studio – 337 Hanson Street
E-mail: Office Hours: By Appointment
Course Description:Participation in the various class offerings will increase the student’s overall flexibility, enhance physical strength and stamina, increase heart and lung function, and nurture the health and well-being of beginning and experienced yoga practitioners. Correct structural alignment will be emphasized as well as linking movement with breath; effort with relaxation; and the mind, body and spirit. May be repeated three times.
Text:No text is required however three excellent resources for this class are:
Strongly recommended:Little Book of Yoga, by Nora Isaacs, ISBN: 978-1-4521-2920-4
Yoga Mind, Body & Spirit, by Donna Farhi, ISBN: 0-8050-5970-9
30 Essential Yoga Poses, by Judith Lasater, Ph.D. P.T, ISBN: 1030485042
Learner Outcomes
Become familiar with basic yoga poses, history and chakra system / At least 75% class attendance and participation; activities, and handoutsDemonstrate basic knowledge of Sun salutations and relaxation techniques / At least 75% class attendance and participation; exercises and lecture by instructor
Improve flexibility and endurance / Based on individual self-assessment
Improve body awareness / Individual assessment
Increase muscular strength and flexibility / Individual assessment of strength and flexibility
Method of Instruction: Students learn from short lectures and demonstration by instructor with students following instructions and movements. Each student will receive personal coaching and be presented with modifications to the practice as individual ability dictates.
Equipment:Yoga requires minimal equipment and all necessary supplies will be provided. Students may bring their own equipment.
Grading System, Measurement, and Policies:Yoga is a non-competitive and highly subjective endeavor. Attendance will be taken as it is the primary tool for grading the student. Class begins 2/1/18and ends 5/10/18. Class will not meet on 3/29/18– Spring Break. 75% attendance is required to pass the class. There are fourteenclass meetings, in order to pass, you must attend at least elevenclasses.Students are expected to keep a journal and all handouts for easy reference.
This class is based on the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory system.An “S” (satisfactory) indicates that a student has passed the course and earned the credit(s).“U” (unsatisfactory) indicates that a student has not passed the course; no credit is earned.Grade Point Average (GPA) is not affected by S/U courses.Students can withdraw from the course by the semester deadline (4/5/18); Withdraw (W) is reported on the transcript.No credit is earned for a (W).Students should be aware that earning a “U” or “W” in a PEX course could affect financial aid if you fall below the required number of earned credits for the semester.
Auditing this course:If you want to participate in this class but do not want to receive credit, you may enroll as an auditor.When you audit, you are not obligated to attend or participate in class activities.You do not get a reduced fee as an auditor.
Miscellaneous:Clothing: wear comfortable loose fitting, layered clothing. Refrain from apparel that will restrict breathing.Please bring a bottle of water and eat lightly before class.Students will fill out a medical history form at the beginning of the first class attended.
Disability statements: GBC supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriated accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA Office (Julie Byrnes) in Elko at 775-753-2271 or Lisa Campbell on the Winnemucca Center at 775-623-4824 as soon as possible to request timely and appropriate accommodations.
CAMPUS SECURITY:GBC is committed to the safety of our students and has a duty to promote awareness and prevention programs for violence on campus under the Jeanne Clery Act as well as the Campus SaVE (Sexual Violence Elimination Act) and VAWA (Violence Against Women Act), which are amendments to Clery. Acts of violence include, but are not limited to, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Acts of violence can occur on the physical campus or centers of GBC in addition to field placement sites, clinical practice settings, and other places where college or class activities occur.As well, the online environment at GBC is considered a GBC site.If you experience any incidence where your safety has been threatened or violated, or if you feel threatened or harassed, immediately report this to me, any center director, faculty, or staff member, or directly to the Director of Environmental Health, Safety & Security(775.753.2115) or the Vice President for Student Services(775.753.2282).