Curriculum vitae
Sulejman Dzavit
fornace zarattini 31, 48122 Ravenna (Italy)
s.gasperoni @
Skype stefaniagasperoni
Direction of the construction site have planned the work of the employees and the economic use of the means of
production, taking into account the availability and the specific conditions under which they are called to
operate. I rebooted and ordinated the activities of the workers of the yard, I attributed responsibility,
I have instructed the workers and I had the control of the evolution and the quality of work performed, I supervised
on the application of safety measures in the workplace and to protect the environment
Technical Drawing Elements of materials technology in building elements of electrical engineering
Organization of construction sites machining processes in building construction process of a work
Building Types and characteristics of building materials Techniques dosage conglomerates (sand, cement,
additives ...) Planning techniques of business management techniques of construction sites Techniques
Assertive Communication Schema type construction scaffolding Statement on reorganization and
year of construction sites Legislation on construction safety Construction Employment protection
health and safety of workers in all sectors of business or private technical pubbliciDisegno
Elements of electrical engineering
Elements of building technology
Legislation on the construction and operation of construction sites
Legislation on the safety of construction
Legislation on the protection of the health and safety of workers in all sectors of public and private activities
Organization of construction sites
Processes in construction
Process of building a construction
Techniques of assertive communication
Assay techniques conglomerates (sand, cement, additives, ...)
Technical management of construction sites
Planning techniques attivitàTipologie and characteristics of building materials
Apply criteria for assessing the consumption of materials
Apply procedures for coordination of the work
Apply procedures for checking the conformity work in construction
Apply safety procedures in the yards
Apply procedures for verifying application accident prevention
Apply procedures for checking the quality of execution of the construction works
Apply procedures for checking work progress in construction
Apply assay techniques conglomerates (sand, cement, additives ..)
Apply negotiation techniques
Apply techniques for planning activities
Use personal protective equipment (PPE)
Use public works machinery
Use analysis tools safety and quality environment
Use tools to check the conformity of the work in ediliziaUtilizzare reporting tools
I have performed work for the construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of masonry, concrete works
concrete, plaster, paneling, with the construction of the necessary works provvisionali.Ho checked the
carrying out their work in accordance with the instructions received and the quality standards, following the
safety legislation.
I possess a strong manual skills and good health and a good physical endurance. The ability to
teamwork and a sense of organization are also available for frequent travel,
I love working outdoors and have an excellent resistance to temperature changes.
carpenter construction
are able to construct and use wood shuttering or in other materials for the manufacture of
perform the assembly and finishing of building elements in reinforced concrete.
▪ - checking and the selection of material and equipment necessary for processing
▪ - organizes its job according to the orders received and instruments to be
▪ - manufactures and installs walkways and other temporary works
▪ - performs the tracking of the elements to achieve
▪ - carrying out work such as construction of formwork in wood or other materials, cutting, bending and
installation of reinforcing steel, precast assembly, packaging, jet,
compaction, disarmament and finishing of concrete
▪ - performs recovery of the formwork for the possible reuse
▪ - Performs routine maintenance of equipment and tools used
are able to:
▪ - interpret the designs and technical drawings provided by the designer recognizing the symbolism
▪ - program and verify the performance of his work according to the design drawings
▪ - acknowledge the technical characteristics of the materials used and uses them appropriately in
relation to the technical specifications and the type of processing to be carried out
▪ - check for the existence of non-compliance of the material and installation
▪ - know the main characteristics of the machines and equipment used
▪ - used machines and equipment needed to carry out the work
▪ - run and control the tracking of what must realize
▪ - making the formwork in accordance with the design drawings
▪ - control the quality of concrete by means of simple tests yard
▪ - plan and carry out the concreting, the mode and timing of decommissioning work
▪ - adopt the behaviors and devices necessary for their own and others' safety on the construction site
▪ are able to perform the assembly and disassembly of the constituent elements of the scaffolding
crane operator with license
are able to perform coating work of horizontal and vertical surfaces with ceramic materials
or similar.
▪ I make the control and selection of material and equipment necessary for processing
▪ - organize your workplace in accordance with the instructions received and instruments to be
▪ - make quota control and levels for laying
▪ - makes coverings and design
▪ - making the installation is to glue it to the mortar
▪ - perform routine maintenance of machines and tools used
are able to perform coating work of horizontal surfaces with wooden elements of different
type oltreche synthetic materials
▪ - effettuol control and the selection of material and equipment necessary for processing
▪ - organize your workplace in accordance with the instructions received and tools
▪ - I make the quota control and levels for laying
▪ - I perform the inspection of the substrate
▪ - run the pavement design to be implemented and any decorations or corniciriquadratura
▪ - I make the finishing of wood surfaces consisting in grinding and subsequent
paint or wax treatment
▪ - I perform routine maintenance of machines and tools used
are able to execute from external paving with natural stone elements or, where appropriate,
artificial products outdoors.
are able to perform the packaging, the jet and the vibration of the concrete
as well as transportation to the construction site of the conglomerate packaged in the middle.
▪ are able to use and maneuver correctly earthmoving machinery within the
construction and excavation.
are able to perform the laying of roof coverings of different materials and related spare
Special as well as the underlying material for waterproofing and insulation.
are able to perform the installation of waterproofing membranes horizontal and vertical material
oltreche of several special pieces of connection and fitting.
are able to perform work for the application of plasters and plaster on the interior surfaces of buildings and
moldings and other decorative elements.
▪ are able to perform painting work in gender and finishing using various techniques well of
realization and application decoration elements.
are able to perform in an autonomous and competent the load, the transport in the pipeline and the
discharge of the mix packaged in the central, use and operate correctly
the concrete mixer and pumping equipment on construction sites.
▪ are able to use and maneuver on construction sites, in an autonomous and competent, excavators
of various types (wheeled or tracked), operating on land and surfaces of various kinds and
livening related materials.
▪ are able to use and maneuver on road construction sites, in an autonomous and competent,
graders of various sizes and characteristics, operating on land and surfaces of all kinds.

▪ are able to apply properly and independently, asphalt mixtures of various
compositions in the context of road works
Attended vocational school building in macedonia
Native language
Other languages

Computer Skills
I know all the windos environments, explore, safari, major operating systems os, the most well-known programs
email, mail, express, mail address. I also use mac applications is that of A