The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Orchard Park Fire District was held on October 9, 2012 at 8:00 PM in the Board Room of the Orchard Park Fire Hall. The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Galloway.

Roll Call:

Chairman: Dist. Chief: Dan Neaverth Jr.

Commissioner: Robert Simpson Treasurer: Deborah Rogers

Commissioner: Jerry Davern Attorney: Michael Chelus

Commissioner: Gregory Galloway Secretary: Roberta Buczkowski

Commissioner: Jack Putnam EMS: Tony Balester


Fire Company Officers Present:

Orchard Park Chief: Chris Couell

Windom Chief: Nick Lobur

Hillcrest Chief: Ernie Matthews

Others Present:

Guy Carey, Windom Howard Hoffman Jr., Windom

David Eiskant, Windom Jerry Knavel, Windom

Joe Jensen, Orchard Park David Stromecki, Brown & Stromecki Insurance

Tim Benstead, OPFD EMS Inc. Richard Mrugalski, Orchard Park\

David K. Jensen, Orchard Park Jason Knavel, Windom

Robert Benning, Orchard Park

Approval of Minutes of the Meeting:

Motion made by Commissioner Davern, seconded by Commissioner Putnam that the minutes of the September meeting be approved. Motion carried.

Opening of Bids for Sealing and Striping of Windom and Hillcrest:

JD Seal Tech Hillcrest $2500.00 (Pavilion $600.00)

Windom $2100.00

Autumn Paving Hillcrest $3325.00 (including the Pavilion)

Windom $3075.33 (10% discount for both)

Quality Seal Hillcrest $3425.00

Windom $2800.00

Motion made by Commissioner Putnam, seconded by Commissioner Simpson to reject all bids and to bid anew in the spring due to discrepancies with the specs. Motion carried.

Communications and Action on Same:

1.  Email message from Chairman Eiskant that he will not be in attendance at tonight’s meeting. Message filed.

2.  Town of Orchard Park Planning Department, Agenda for October 10, 2012 meeting. Filed

3.  Letter from Orchard Park Fire Department re: use of hall by the Garden Club on December 3, 2012. Motion made by Commissioner Davern, seconded by Commissioner Putnam regarding same. Motion carried.

4.  Letter from Orchard Park Fire Company re: new memberships. See new memberships and removals.

5.  Letter from David Roessler re: address change to Blasdell. Motion made by Commissioner Simpson, seconded by Commissioner Davern to keep Firefighter Roessler in the Windom Fire Company. Motion carried.

6.  Letter from Hillcrest Fire Company re: use of Hillcrest hall November 10 & 22, 2012. Motion made by Commissioner Davern, seconded by Commissioner Putnam regarding same. Motion carried.

7.  Certificate of Insurance for Jensen Lawn Care. Given to David Stromecki.

8.  Thank you letter from Holland Fire District #1 for the donation of the scba valves. Filed.

9.  Out of service for Jerry Knavel

10.  VFIS newsletter. Basket.

11.  Letter from Windom Fire Company signing off on Kenneth Dudkowski to join Orchard Park Fire Company. Filed.

Treasurer’s Report:

The following transfers are needed:

$868.00 from Public drills, parades to Office supplies

$16730.00 from Repairs to Buildings to Building Maintenance repairs

$630.00 from Workers Comp Claims to Medical Bills

The monthly cash flow report is attached to the file copy.

Motion made by Commissioner Davern, seconded by Commissioner Putnam to accept the Treasurer’s report with the above mentioned transfers. Motion carried.

District Dan Neaverth Jr.:

1.  Monthly reports read and attached to file copy.

2.  With regards to the required hose replacement will combine the 4” and 1 ¾” hose together on one order and will save around $500.00 in shipping costs. There will be a delay with the 4” hose.

3.  With regards to the ISO, thanks to each fire company for the timely submissions and digging out the reports that were needed. The corrections needed are as follows:

A.  The times are needed on the drill sheets.

B.  It has been strongly suggested that when drills are entered into the computer not to enter drills that are under 2 hours in length.

C.  When there are lengthy drills such as live burns these need to be highlighted. These are the type of drills that they look for. And special thanks to Dave Stromecki and Dave Roessler. The report should be out in a couple of months.

4.  There is some confusion with regards to the policy changes and will be asking the Board to re-institute and correct that issue with regards to EMT Certification. Did have a lengthy discussion with Commissioner Galloway as to when something is taken out of a policy or put in the change should be highlighted to avoid confusion.

5.  Just to stop rumors before they get too big; Drivers DO NOT have to be EMTS. Never a consideration.

6.  The work session will be October 23, 2012 at 6:30pm at Central.

7.  Chiefs have been notified with regards to the turn out gear.

Orchard Park Chief, Chris Couell

1.  The Flashover Training in Hamburg has been scheduled for October 26-27 and 27-28. Board approved at last month’s meeting for twenty (20) to go from the district.

2.  The RIT training will be tomorrow. Trucks leaving Central at 18:20 for Newton Abbott then to the Ford Stamping Plant.

3.  Monday will be the District Drill: Mass Casualty at Central.

4.  Halloween standby trucks will be out and about in the neighborhoods. No action by Board is needed.

5.  For training: Motion made by Commissioner Putnam, seconded b Commissioner Davern to confirm expenditures for FDIC. Motion carried.

6.  Would like some clarification on memberships with regards to a person wishing to join one company but living in the coverage area of another. Always before this was a sign off by the Chief of the coverage area where the person lives. This time the application was sent to the coverage company not just the chief. Per Commissioner Galloway, the board to work on.

Windom Chief, Nick Lobur:

1.  Last month it was brought up with regards to the decals on the doors of Windom Hall being removed and re-done. Commissioner Eiskant stated he would handle. In the meantime the company, Touch of Glass, has gone out of business. The District has never received a bill from Touch of Glass. Motion by Commissioner Putnam, seconded by Commissioner Davern to procure two (2) quotes for either new decals or etching of doors at Windom. Motion carried.

2.  Will be out on Halloween for standby and to have trucks out in the neighborhood.

3.  On October 13th Sears (at McKinley Mall) will be holding a National Day of Safety from 10 to 4 and would like Windom truck to come. This is under Fire Prevention.

Hillcrest Chief, Ernie Matthews:

1.  Halloween open house and will have trucks out in the neighborhood.

2.  Will be doing standby on October 27th for the Orchard Park Recreation Department Halloween parade from South Davis Elementary School to Green Lake.

District EMS Officer, Tony Balester

1.  Vital Signs in two (2) weeks. There is eleven (11) so far and would like to rent a large van.

2.  Have ITLS Class next month. Has been posted at the Halls.

3.  Would like to have the MACC Center added to the list as with the nursing homes.


***Orchard Park***

Motion made by Commissioner Putnam, seconded by Commissioner Davern to accept Steven Majstorovic to the District Rolls. Motion carried.

Motion made by Commissioner Putnam, seconded by Commissioner Davern to accept Sandra LaMacchia to the District Rolls. Motion carried.

Motion made by Commissioner Putnam, seconded by Commissioner Davern to accept Kenneth Dudkowski to the District Rolls. Motion carried.

1District Rolls. Motion carried.

Motion made by Commissioner Putnam, seconded by Commissioner Simpson to accept Jason Allbritton to the District Rolls. Motion carried.




Motion made by Commissioner Putnam, seconded by Commissioner Simpson to accept Tamar Zwich to the District Rolls. Motion carried.


Commissioner Simpson:

1.  In receipt of a certified letter with regards to what my intentions were as far as my term as Commissioner. Was a little taken aback as everyone knew that I was working nights for the past fifteen (15) weeks. In April a letter was sent regarding my not being able to attend meetings for a fifteen weeks and in July another letter was sent in. Last month was sick and could not attend. Was elected for a five (5) year term and fully intend to complete my term. Called Doug Wolf and explained the situation to him. I just don’t understand why no one could pick up a phone and call.

2.  Was in Windom Hall last week in the refreshment area and saw the requirements f or elections and also have problems with the way the document is written. It states that a lieutenant does not have to be an interior firefighter. As a past chief, the chain of command states that a lieutenant could be an incident commander. Would not want a lieutenant who is not an interior qualified firefighter directing a fire scene. This is something that needs to be rectified.

3.  Have been made aware that the Orchard Park Town Board has made Fire Inspector David Jensen part-time as of the first of the year. Would like a letter written to the Town Board stating if they continue to play with public safety they are asking for nothing but trouble. Motion made by Commissioner Davern, seconded by Commissioner Putnam to write a letter to the Orchard Park Town Board with regards to the making the Town Fire Inspector’s job part-time. And a response is requested.

4.  Feels very strongly that the Orchard Park Town Board is consistently trying to shed something onto the Fire District. When looking at the document that was signed for the dispatch it is nowhere near what was negotiated by District Chief Neaverth and me (Commissioner Simpson). Firefighter David Jensen stated he feels that the Board of Fire Commissioners should look at the budget for the Town of Orchard Park.

5.  Also is very upset that the equipment for the dispatch has now become property of the Town of Orchard Park and not the district. That and the fact that the agreement between the Town and the District grandfathered the two dispatchers so that they do not have to take the required EMT courses. Per Tony Balester the dispatchers are taking the course right now. Feels that these two issues should not have been signed off on by the District. Still a question on whether the two dispatchers are being grandfathered in or not. Commissioner Davern questioned on whom to send letter to. Should be sent to the Supervisor, Building Inspector Andrew Geist, Town Board and the Orchard Park Bee per firefighter Jensen. Per OP 10 not a week goes by that he doesn’t converse with the Fire Inspector on an issue.

Commissioner Davern:

1.  Motion made by Commissioner Davern, seconded by Commissioner Putnam for the District to purchase five (5) flags for each of the District Buildings. Motion carried.

Commissioner Putnam:

1.  Motion made by Commissioner Putnam, seconded by Commissioner Davern to add requirement for Chief, Assistant Chief and District Chief to have Current EMT or higher certification. Motion carried.

2.  Per OP10-Language should revert back to what was written last year which included officers; Lieutenants, Captains, Assistant Chiefs, Chiefs and District Chief. Motion made by Commissioner Simpson, seconded by Commissioner Davern regarding same. Motion carried.

3.  Motion made by Commissioner Simpson, seconded by Commissioner Putnam that all firematic officers except an ambulance lieutenant has to be an interior qualified firefighter. Motion carried.

4.  Motion made by Commissioner Putnam, seconded by Commissioner Davern to run a full page ad in the Orchard Park Bee for Fire Prevention. Motion carried.

5.  The dispatch server is in place the software is ready. Saia to install the microwave and to purchase the work station hardware. The supplier for the Orchard Park Police fire dispatch is unable to supply the hardware as bid. Have another supplier is willing to supply the hardware for a total of $3998.00 which is $200.00 less. Motion made by Commissioner Putnam, seconded by Commissioner Davern to accept the bid from Park Business Machines. Motion carried.

6.  There is a bill out there creating a tax credit of $1000.00. Should send in letters of support to your local Congressman through The Association of Fire Districts State of NY.

7.  Motion made by Commissioner Putnam, seconded by Commissioner Davern to add Mercy Ambulatory Care Center at 3669 Southwestern Blvd. to the list of addresses at which EMS calls are deducted from the total calls of each company at the end of the year. Motion carried.

Commissioner Galloway:

1.  Firefighter Carey stated that since he and firefighter Ed Jensen are no longer able to be advisors to the Explorers so two people are needed to fill these spots.

Attorney Chelus:

1.  The 2013 budget has been posted per the requirements of the town law.

2.  The budget meeting will be October 16, 2012 at 7pm and the final budget will be filed November 7th.

Motion made by Commissioner Davern, seconded by Commissioner Simpson to go to Executive Session. Executive session began at 9:09pm.

Motion made by Commissioner Simpson to return to regular meeting. Regular meeting resumed at 9:30pm

Motion made by Commissioner Simpson, seconded by Commissioner Davern to uphold the suspension of Windom Firefighter until January 1, 2013. Motion carried.


Question regarding the bylaws and any changes. The policy changes will be give to the companies as soon as possible.

Per Chief Couell the Explorer Group is one of the best things the Fire District has going, so should leave no stone unturned with regards to getting replacement advisors.


Can a letter be sent to the companies regarding the changes.




Motion made by Commissioner Simpson, seconded by Commissioner Davern that the bills be paid as presented for a total of $43,232.88. Motion carried.


There being no further business to come before this Board, motion made by Commissioner Putnam, seconded by Commissioner Simpson that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned 9:36 PM

Respectfully submitted, Roberta Buczkowski, Secretary