Data about out of school suspensions is not positive. Some students want to be home rather than to be in school. DE Met Charter, Wilmington Delaware has developed this in-school suspension form.


920 French Street

Wilmington, DE 19803

Name of Student ______Date ______

This form will serve as your instructions for each day you are required to serve in school suspension. You are required to comply with these regulations.

·  You are to keep this form with you at all times while you are serving ISS.

·  You are not to leave the ISS room unless you have an escort. You must sit where the teacher tells you to sit.

·  If you are not cooperative in ISS, you will be asked to contact a parent or guardian and immediately begin serving OSS for your previous infraction.

·  When you receive assignments from each teacher, record them in the appropriate space on the back of this form.

·  You are required to complete all assignments and return them to the teacher by the end of the day. The teacher will initial the appropriate spaces on the form, to verify that the work is done.

·  You may have additional ISS work, related to the offense for which you were suspended. This work is also required by the end of the day.

·  If you do not complete all work assigned for all of your classes, and the ISS assignment, you will be required to serve another ISS.

·  You are not permitted to talk or write notes with any other students while you are suspended.

·  You cannot have a cell phone with you or out at any time during the day.

·  You cannot have any food or drink in the ISS room.

·  You will eat lunch with the 10th graders in a special section on the cafeteria.

I understand and will comply with the rules of ISS.

Signature of Student


Signature of ISS Supervisor


Per. / Assignment / Initials
(work is complete)

© Taylor & Francis 2014