Enrollment Error Messages

Error Message Number / Type / Error Received / Explanation /
1 / Error / You are Not Eligible to Enroll for this Term. / The term eligibility flag is set to 'NO'; the student is not eligible to enroll for the specified term. Verify the term requested.
4 / Error / Already in Drop Status / The requested drop transaction was not processed. The class is already in drop status for the term specified. Verify the term and class number, and resubmit the request.
5 / Error / You are Already Enrolled in This Class, Class Not Added. / The enrollment request was not processed, an enrollment record already exists for the class and term specified. Verify class number and term, and resubmit the request.
6 / Error / This Class is Full, Class Not Added. / The requested enrollment add was not processed. The enrollment limit for the class has been reached.
7 / Error / Class %1 is Full, Class Not Added. / The requested enrollment add was not processed. The enrollment limit for the specified class has been reached.
13 / Error / Unable To Drop Class, You Cannot Drop Below Your Unit/Credit Minimum. / The requested drop was not processed. A dean's minimum credit level for this term has been established by the International Student Services Office, the Athletic Department, the Army-ROTC or the Graduate School Academic Deans Office.
14 / Error / This Class is a Corequisite to Another Class You Are Enrolled In, Class Not Dropped. / The requested drop transaction was not processed. Enrollment exists in a corequisite class(es). Class(es) must be dropped together.
17 / Error / Time Scheduling Conflict for class %1 and %2, not enrolled. / A scheduling conflict exists with a currently enrolled class. Select another class
18 / Error / Requisites not met for Class, not enrolled. / Requirements have not been met to enroll in the specified class. Consult prerequisites and footnotes before contacting the department offering the class.
19 / Error / Corequisites Not Met For Class, Not Enrolled. / Co-requirements necessary to enroll in the class have not be met. The enrollment request was unsuccessful.
30 / Error / Maximum Term Unit/Credit Load Exceeded, Class Not Added. / Add transaction not processed. The maximum term unit load would be exceeded.
32 / Error / Enrollment Not Allowed For Class: Outside Your Career of Study. / The Add transaction was not processed. Enrollment in this class is not allowed for this academic career.
33 & 34 / Error / You are Already Enrolled in this Course, Swap Not Processed. / The swap transaction was not processed.
35 / Error / Swap Not Processed, 'To' Class is Full / The swap transaction was not processed. The 'To' class of the swap transaction is full.
38 / Error / Class Requires Permission to Enroll, Class Not Added / Consent is needed to enroll in the class. The add transaction was not processed.
39 / Message / Permission Number Entered Is Not Valid. / The permission number used is invalid. The transaction was processed without the permission number and therefore your enrollment may not have been successful.
41 / Error / Cannot Enroll in Class, Not an Enrollment Section. / The class specified on the add transaction is not an enrollment section. The transaction was not processed.
45 / Message / Enrollment Drop Date is Past Drop With Penalty Date. / The enrollment drop date is past the pre-established drop with penalty date. Drop was processed as within drop with penalty date.
46 / Error / This Class is Full, Class Not Added. / The auto enroll function was not processed. A lecture, lab or discussion component of this enrollment package is full.
47 / Error / Auto Enroll Not Processed, Class is an Enrollment Section. / The auto enroll function was not processed. The class for auto enrollment is an enrollment section, and must be enrolled in through the add transaction.
48 / Error / Auto Enroll Not Processed, Section Not Associated with the Enrollment Section. / The class specified for the auto enrollment function is not associated with the enrollment section of the add transaction. Auto enrollment was not performed.
49 / Error / Invalid Grade Basis for Class. / The specified grade basis is not valid for the class to enroll. Add transaction not processed.
50 / Error / Class Number %1 has been Canceled - Class Not Added / The add transaction was not processed. The class to be added is not in 'ACTIVE' status for enrollment.
51 / Error / Related Class %1 Add Not Processed, Class is Full. / The related class add process was not completed. The 'related to' class is full.
69 & 70 / Error / The Deadline has Passed to Add Courses for this Session. / The transaction was not processed.
71 / Error / The Deadline has Passed to Drop Classes. / The transaction was not processed.
72 & 73 / Error / The Deadline has Passed to Drop Courses for this Session. / The transaction was not processed.
74 / Error / The Deadline has Passed to Update Units/Credits. / The transaction was not processed.
79 / Error / No Valid Appointment Found And Open Enrollment Period Has Not Begun. / The open enrollment period has not begun and no valid enrollment appointment was found. The enrollment request was not processed.
84 / Error / Unit Limit Exceeded For Appointment Period. / The class add transaction was not processed. Adding the class would exceed the unit limit allowed for the appointment period.
86 / Error / You Have a Hold on Your Record, Swap Not Processed. / There is a hold on this record preventing the swap transaction from being processed. The hold must be removed before the swap is processed.
87 / Error / You have a Hold on Your Record, Class Not Added. / There is a hold on this record, preventing the add from being processed. The hold must be removed to process the add transaction.
88 / Error / A Required Related Class (component %1) must also be Selected. / There is an additional component required for enrollment that is missing.
91 / Error / Maximum Session Unit Load Exceeded - Units/ Credits Not Changed. / The maximum session unit load would be exceeded with the addition of this class. The add transaction was not processed.
92 / Error / Maximum Term Unit Load Exceeded - Units/ Credits Not Changed. / The maximum term unit load would be exceeded with the addition of this class. The add transaction was not processed.
93 / Error / Maximum Session Course Load Exceeded. / The maximum session course load would be exceeded with the addition of this class. The add transaction was not processed.
95 / Error / Enroll Add Period Has Ended, Unable to Process Transaction. / The enrollment add and enrollment add with permission deadlines have passed. The add transaction was not processed.
98 / Error / Maximum Session Audit Units Exceeded. / The maximum session audit unit load would be exceeded with the addition of this class. The add transaction was not processed.
100 / Error / Maximum Term NoGPA Units Exceeded. / The maximum term NoGPA unit load would be exceeded with the addition of this class. The add transaction was not processed.
101 / Error / Maximum Term Audit Units Exceeded. / The maximum term audit unit load would be exceeded with the addition of this class. The add transaction was not processed.
105 / Error / Class not found, no transactions processed. / The class number passed, for the term was not found on the Class Table. No transaction requests were processed.
112 / Error / Enroll Override Record not found for Enroll Access ID / The enrollment override record was not found for the enroll access ID. No transaction requests were processed. (May occur when department cancels section with enrollment.)
118 / Error / This Course has Already been Completed; Therefore, it Cannot be Dropped. / The drop transaction was not processed. The class has been graded, and cannot be dropped after a grade has been posted.
122 / Error / Grading Basis is Blank, Specify Valid Grading Basis. / No valid grading basis was specified. The add transaction was not processed.
123 / Error / Maximum Term Unit Load Exceeded, Units/Credits Not Changed. / Units not changed. The maximum term unit limit would be exceeded.
124 / Error / Maximum Session Unit Load Exceeded, Units/Credits Not Changed. / Units not changed. The maximum session unit load would be exceeded.
125 / Error / Maximum Appointment Unit Load Exceeded, Units Not Changed. / Units not changed. The maximum appointment unit load would be exceeded.
127 / Error / Maximum Term No GPA Load Exceeded, Units Not Changed. / Units not changed. The maximum term No GPA load would be exceeded.
132 / Error / Invalid Input Value for Units Taken, Must be Between %1 and %2 Units. / The value entered for units taken is invalid. It is not within the valid range of allowable units for the class. The transaction was not processed.
133 / Message / Permission to enroll in this class is required. / The class falls outside of the career of study.
135 / Error / Requirement Designation Option not specified. / The requirement designation option was not specified, and is required. The transaction was not processed.
136 / Error / Grade Basis Cannot Change, without Grade Change. / The grading basis cannot change without changing the posted grade. The Transaction not processed.
137 / Error / You are Withdrawn from this Term - Enrollment Not Allowed. / The transaction was not processed.
139 / Error / Enrollment status is Cancelled for Term - No Enrollment Activity Allowed. / Transaction not processed.
140 / Error / Indicate if Requirement Designation is being chosen. / The requirement designation option is blank. Specify option and resubmit request.
141 / Message / Honors has been set to "YES" by the enrollment process. / This class is an honors only designation class.
143 / Message / Class %1 is Full, You have been Resectioned to Class %2. / The selected class for enrollment is full, and you have been re-sectioned to a different class number that meets at the same time and day pattern.
145 / Error / Duplicate Add Transaction, transaction not processed. / The add transaction is identical to a prior transaction within this enrollment request. The transaction was ignored.
146 / Error / You are Already Enrolled in this Class, Class Not Added. / Multiple enrollment for this course is not allowed. The transaction was not processed.
147 / Message / Course previously taken and may be subject to institutional repeat policy. / The repeatable limit as established on the Course Catalog has been exceeded. It should be verified that this class will apply toward the course of study.
150 / Message / Enrollment in Related Class 2 was not processed, it has the same Component as Related 1. / Enrollment was processed for only one class.
157 / Error / You Have a Hold on Your Record, Class Not Dropped. / There is a hold on this record. To process the drop, the hold must be removed.
158 / Error / Swap Not Processed, Grade Present on 'From' Class. / Swap not processed, a grade was present on the From Class (class to be dropped). Transaction not processed.
159 / Message / Non-associated related class component %1; Enrollment did not take place. / The related class section was not defined as part of the class association for the class components.
160 / Error / Requested change will put units below minimum Term Load. Not Processed. / Transaction not processed.
162 / Error / This Class is Full, Class Not Added. / The requested enrollment add was not processed. The enrollment limit for the combined section class has been reached.
163 / Error / Class %1 is Full, Class Not Added. / The requested enrollment add was not processed. The enrollment limit for the combined section class has been reached.
165 / Warning / Auto Enroll section(s) used, related class(es) not used. / When specifying both auto enroll section(s) and related class section(s), only the auto enroll section(s) are used for enrollment. The related class(es) were ignored.
170 / Error / You are Already Enrolled in this Course, Swap Not Processed. / The enrollment engine is unable to swap when both the Class Nbr and the Swap To fields contain the same 5 digit Enrollment Class Numbers. Use a Course Change Form to complete this type of class section change.
175 / Error / Course previously taken. Enrollment not allowed. / The repeatable limit as established on the Course Catalog has been exceeded. Enrollment beyond this limit is not allowed without permission.
195 / Error / First Date to Enroll has not been reached – not enrolled / The first date for enrollment has not been reached for the session or from the dynamic class data. Enrollment is not allowed.
196 / Message / Last Date to Enroll has expired. / The session or class last date to enroll has expired.
206 / Error / Invalid access to the Requirement Designation Change Transaction / User does not have access to change the Requirement Designation transaction. The transaction was not processed.
209 / Error / Optional Component class %1 is full. Re-submit without this component / The requested enrollment add was not processed. The enrollment limit for the specified class has been reached. To enroll in the class without the optional component, delete the optional component class number and resubmit.
214 / Error / Permission is required to enroll in this class. / This class is scheduled in a session that now requires permission to enroll in classes.