Not required for Immigrant Alien visitors

Instructions on 2nd page or on reverse – read before completing form. Please type or print legibly.
Thru: Export Control Office
To: Security Services
Visitor’s Name
(Last, First, Middle) / Nationality(ies) /
Passport #
Date of Issue
Date of Exp.
/ Place of Birth / Date of Birth / TCP
Company/ Organization Name and Address:
Date(s) of Visit
From: / To: / Type of Badge requested:
Escort No Escort Picture
Building(s) / Area(s) to be visited: / Coordinated With: / Topic(s) to be discussed: / Release Authorization Number (if appropriate):
Requestor’s Name: / Organization: / Extension:
I have read and understand the procedural information associated with the form, I acknowledge that I will be responsible for all activities of the visitor while on the facility and I affirm that the visit complies with procedures and is in the best interest of the L-3 Communications Integrated Systems.
Requestor’s Signature (electronic copy authorized, file copy must be signed): ______
Export Approval:
/ Date Approved:
Release of Technical Information Authorized: / TAA # / Export License
Security Services
Approved / Denied / Name of Security Services Representative Approving /

Date Approved

Type of Badge Authorized
Escort / No Escort Picture
Notes (Laptop information, etc.):
No individual is to be allowed access to the L-3 Communications Integrated Systems without presenting some form of photographic identification to verify their identity.
A Foreign National is a person not a citizen, national, nor immigrant alien to the United States.
An Immigrant Alien is any person lawfully admitted into the United States under an immigrant visa for permanent residence. An Immigrant Alien in possession of an Alien Registration Card (Form I-151 or Form I-5551) is registered like any other visitor. An individual claiming to be an Immigrant Alien but not possessing an Alien Registration Card shall be processed as a Foreign National as long as they possess a valid passport.
This form is also to be used if the visitor is a United States citizen but is representing a foreign government or a foreign owned/controlled company.
Up to five visitors can be listed on one form (if more than five visitors, attach a sheet of paper listing names as long as they represent the same organization).
It is the responsibility of each employee to ensure that no information is disclosed (oral, visual, or documentary) pertaining to any classified contract or project. In order to ensure compliance, the shaded portion must be completed on every Foreign National Visit Request.
·  Buildings and areas to be visited must be listed.
·  Coordination with the affiliated building or area management must be accomplished and listed.
·  Topics to be discussed must be listed.
·  Release Authorization(s) must be obtained and listed.
Employees are not to release any information pertaining to our customers without having the appropriately executed Release Authorization for the information.
To initiate a Foreign National Visit:
·  Complete and sign the form.
·  Send through the Export Control Office for review and approval.
·  Turn-in completed form to Security Services.
Security Services will notify you if there are any restrictions for the visit.
If the visit is approved as requiring an ESCORT, the foreign national visitor must enter and exit through a manned post (either the Main gate or lobby) and must be under continuous escort at all times.
If the visit is approved as not requiring an ESCORT (NO ESCORT), upon arrival the visitor will be immediately directed to the Visitor Control Center where they will be issued a Foreign Visitor Picture Badge. Exceptions must be coordinated with and approved by Security Services prior to the visitor’s arrival. Even though the visitor is in a “NO ESCORT” status, it is the responsibility of the hosting organization to ensure that the visitor(s) have access ONLY to the areas pertinent to their stated visit and approved by this form.

Disclosure of technical information to a foreign entity is considered an export disclosure.
Disclosure is defined as:
1.  Any transfer including oral or visual disclosure, in the United States, of any defense article to any empbassy, agency or subdivision of a foreign government.
2.  Transferring of technical data to a foreign person whether in the US or abroad, or
3.  Performing a defense service on behalf or to benefit a foreign person whether in US or abroad
Possible Penalties include:
General Violation – Fine of not more than five times the value of the export or $50,000 whichever is greater
Willful Violation – Fine of not more than five times the value of the export or $100,000 whichever is greater
Individual shall be fined not more than $500,000 for each violation
Seizure or forfeiture of goods
Loss of export priveleges
Employment termination
Loss of patent rights

8-92810-1 (Aug 2009) (Ref. SI8049.01